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07-01-2014, 03:50 AM

Lord Father - Nothing more than a Master -

To be filled with joy, love and all things warm
only to then have it ripped from soul
such is to be born, baptized and blessed -
such is to be born and then labeled.

Do as I say, do as I will
Lest thee be cast aside and tortured
know thy place, bend and bow
or I will see your seed sour

Nothing more than a fairy tail
to which we should give no power
Lest we bee fools
and slaves to which is - intended purpose.

07-01-2014, 08:49 AM
OH , It is deep and says everything ;)

07-01-2014, 04:50 PM
I just feel the need to write some words in poetry form for some reason - not that I can do so well - but I would like to start finding self expression like so once again. I care not for the rules of poetry at this point, but seek to simply put words to screen and out of head.

Just like taking photos and sharing like so - the poems only need by your own words, strung in whatever fashion one wishes to unload. Nothing more and nothing less -

I have plenty of books on the subject of how to write (too which I no doubt am in need) - but for now - I think a place to spills the beans as one sees ... ; will suffice. :)

07-02-2014, 07:48 AM
Whatever form you take to express yourself is good, I will read like always and try to understand. I think I do, knowing you....please, continue..

07-04-2014, 05:16 AM
Extinguished Regret:

The years of cycled guilt and shame
outweigh said claims of happiness.
The whole facade of right and wrong
takes from those without regret

For those that see the truth in this
burns a fire that shall not rest
until all that’s left - is laid to waste
No Wrongs, No Rights -No regrets.

Hmmmm - this one kind of just came to me ... I'm not trying to polish as much as just practice with words and feelings. Knowing me as you do may very well give you more insight, than others. I would like to say in that, I really am honored that we have connected like so. You have really helped me more than you know Dahila.

I guess the beginning of the poem reflects the burden of so much that is wrong in the world - so much that you and I have commiserated in. THE YEARS GONE BY - and the Toll that is weighed - I envisage deeply embedded tire tracks set in dried mud and rock under such a load of residual pain - with lots of Blame designed to keep us rutted - bound - to keep us set in our ways ... guilt and shame are both preached via the pulpit and taught secular schooling (I need say no more) ...

The cost we know - destructive is our own perception of imprinted claims and ideals - that we should live in continual happiness (media frenzy 24/7 - driven by economy "expectation/guilt and shame with BS justification for the sick and lame" -> is our modern universal law that dictates ones journey before they are even born) They take a soul in it's infancy and pre-program it before its has a chance to naturally evolve (a poem in itself) ... related to how humans have become nothing more than TAKERS - re Anthony Hopkins in the movie INSTINCT --- I go one further in that we take from ourselves ... how little more respect should we then have for the nest/world - the world in which we so defecate -

Animals know right from wrong in as much as what needs to be known in order to keep order - man has made more rights and wrongs by adding what was never needed. Such morality in the making is the spawn of greed sold as just - Justice that was never needed - but to shackle and enslave - Re the movie - "The Book Of Eli" Power and Control so effectively shown as religion when in the last scene that BOOK was placed alongside many other likewise - BOOKS.

For those of us that see the truth - all too often we are hard baskets in need of label and prescription ... SIGH ... Whilst often more sort for convenience sake - sometimes our fire burns so harshly that indeed we need simmering lest we consume ourselves regardless of intuitive intent. -

The rehashing - the reliving - and re-telling of our stories are like flames that burn brightly, smolder, then reignite - quite a draining process that many do not see to the end. Perhaps needless for some, however for others, it is their only way ... I can't say for others, but I have met some I feel know this pain - to be heard when others will not listen - cried go unheard - constant rejection, and fear of fear itself - no longer living whilst still breathing, every breath drawn a gasp that can not be quenched ... each day like one long drawn out breath with each sun rise no more than a gasp before the long hours of meaningless despair ...

This be the moment in which all has been burned - the last flame past be some time ago in which you not know - one no longer cares for the names of days, the dates of birth or numbers attached to worth ... there is no longer any wrong or right way to be - there is also no regret to which is the last hurdle that lingers - a sadness that in time will clear with the smoke ... when all the BS has lost it's power and all that is left is one self without no master or lord ...

This is a place in which one can just be for the sake of being - for those who have suffered long and hard enough - that true peace comes in the absence of pain - nothing more and nothing less ...

The ringing in ones ears is soothed with tangible sounds that come from the forest - real insects that give harmony to an otherwise unstable nervousness system beaten down by all that previous shallow BS now burnt out ... the only prosperity that's worth knowing now - is no more than the air I breath - the only quest worth knowing with each rise of fall of the sun, is finding space in which to breath ...

That is pretty much all I care about anymore ... finding quality air to breath. Breathing is only just the beginning - yet it can take a life time to learn.


Breath easy. :)

07-04-2014, 08:59 AM
First of all your sig shows.

Oh you have no idea how much you help me, you are inspiration to so many people, your life and your story touches deeply so many. Help goes always two ways.
Your poem cause such turmoil it is full of pain and suffering. Is there ever relieve?
Do not change, even one word in it.. It is perfect for the message it sends
I had seen the movies and yes, The book of Eli was surprisingly good; it send the message the right message:)
Thank you Mr. Ponder, thank you

07-05-2014, 07:15 AM
Deep stuff ............