View Full Version : Piece of sh*t

07-01-2014, 03:32 AM
I have broken up with my boyfriend anout 5 or 6 times in the last year. Today was the last, am I a piece of shit, am I a bad person.

First couple of times were his fault, he was into drugs and we argued alot, the next is that he tried to kill himself so I got back with him and then realized I was doing it for him, not for me. The next few times our relationship just wasn't right then I would take him back because I missed him and he begged. I realize now that i can't do that to him but its always my anxiety. I believe if I didn't have anxiety it wouldn't have went that way.

Please be honest..

07-01-2014, 08:50 AM
You have no doubts that he is not good for you? Please do not take pity on him. No one deserves to be someone out of pity

07-01-2014, 09:32 AM
You said it yourself - you've broken up with him five or six times in the last year alone. This relationship is going nowhere, it is unhealthy for both you and him. At first you may wonder whether or not it was the right thing to do, which is a natural feeling, but that doesn't mean that it is telling you the right thing to do. Put some space between the two of you and move on with your life. He will survive without you, and vice versa.

07-01-2014, 10:05 AM
I have broken up with my boyfriend anout 5 or 6 times in the last year. Today was the last, am I a piece shit, am I a bad person.

First couple of times were his fault, he was into drugs and we argued alot, the next is that he tried to kill himself so I got back with him and then realized I was doing it for him, not for me. The next few times our relationship just wasn't right then I would take him back because I missed him and he begged. I realize now that i can't do that to him but its always my anxiety. I believe if I didn't have anxiety it wouldn't have went that way.

Please be honest..

If I were you I'd be more interested in how I talk about myself, period.. The only part of your post worth looking at has been bolded and underlined. Everything else is fluff.

For in thy wording, thy choice of words. However few, there lies the reason for your condition called anxiety. I shall remind you of them "quote :

am I a piece of shit, am I a bad person - end quote"

Therefor do not ask your peers to pass judgment, when you have already convicted self. And this trial was long ago having nothing to do with the boyfriend. But everything to do with thyself and thy unhealthy self image.

07-01-2014, 05:22 PM
If I were you I'd be more interested in how I talk about myself, period.. The only part of your post worth looking at has been bolded and underlined. Everything else is fluff.

For in thy wording, thy choice of words. However few, there lies the reason for your condition called anxiety. I shall remind you of them "quote :

am I a piece of shit, am I a bad person - end quote"

Therefor do not ask your peers to pass judgment, when you have already convicted self. And this trial was long ago having nothing to do with the boyfriend. But everything to do with thyself and thy unhealthy self image.

I have no idea what any of this means

But I believe part of being young is doing what you are doing. Seems like everyone your age, including me when I was there, made mistakes with 1 or 2 people.

Maybe it wouldn't have shown up without your anxiety but I went through relationship jokes long before anxiety came calling so you make the call

Don't beat yourself up. Going through things like this builds your character

No big deal. Just don't hang out with him anymore.

07-01-2014, 07:42 PM
You are not a bad person for breaking up with him. You simply cannot put your needs aside for his. Doing that will only add to the anxiety and stress. I think what you did what was right.

And as for people criticizing you, they need to look at themselves before passing judgment on other people, and you shouldn't worry about what other people say about you. If someone doesn't like what you did, it's on them. You have to do for you and no one else.

07-01-2014, 07:57 PM
I too - rarely understand any of that at all Nixon - ;)

07-02-2014, 12:49 AM
I have broken up with my boyfriend anout 5 or 6 times in the last year. Today was the last, am I a piece of shit, am I a bad person.

First couple of times were his fault, he was into drugs and we argued alot, the next is that he tried to kill himself so I got back with him and then realized I was doing it for him, not for me. The next few times our relationship just wasn't right then I would take him back because I missed him and he begged. I realize now that i can't do that to him but its always my anxiety. I believe if I didn't have anxiety it wouldn't have went that way.

Please be honest..

Hi Kellie,

I am no psychologist but I really believe you are in a relationship that is not good for you. It is destructive. I know it is hard to let someone go, but you have to put yourself first sometimes. This doesn't make you a bad person... Quite the opposite, because think about it... If you are unhappy, your partner will be to. And you girl, you deserve happiness just like anyone else.

I also agree with the post from Im-Suffering. You shouldn't put yourself down like that. A low self-esteem probably makes you think like you need to help this person that is so bad for you. But Kellie, love should be a mutual thing. It should be about making each other happy and not just a one way street. You deserve happiness and from what I can tell you want to do right for everyone. But I can tell you, doing right for yourself is most important.

07-02-2014, 07:46 AM
yeah I am suffering is like listening one who speaks Japanese.;)) No one understand

07-02-2014, 02:18 PM
Do what makes you happy. You don't want to spend your life caring for someone else while you let yourself go. Focus on your health and let him focus on his!

You're a great person... recognize it:)