View Full Version : Please answer! I'm really, really scared of dying!

06-30-2014, 09:33 PM
These past few days I've been so, so scared of the fact that one day I am going to die and can do nothing to stop it. The other night I didn't sleep well at all because of this thought. I dreamt about death and kept waking up either hyperventilating or making whining sounds because I was so scared. I can't live normally because of this crippling fear. Today I was shopping with my dad and then the fear suddenly hit me again (more than once). I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack and just wanted to go home but my dad still wanted to go to 2 more stores. When the fear "hits me" it's the most horrible feeling in the world- I'll be doing things as usual and I'll start to think about dying and then suddenly I realize that I am going to die someday. Death is coming. It's the only thing I really can't avoid. Where will I be when the time comes? With who? How will I feel? Will I be in horrible pain? How does it feel to end? I'm going to die. I can't believe I'm actually going to die. Me! ME! I'll start having all these panicky thoughts and zaps of adreneline will go through my head and I feel the need to panic. It must be the worst mental feeling ever. I'm so terrified. I really wish I had never been born so i wouldn't have to die. Someone please help me! Please, please, please someone answer very soon!!! I'm starting to feel dizzy from being so scared.
P.S. I read somewhere that anyone who is alive in 20 years will live forever. PLEASE make my day and tell me it's true.

06-30-2014, 09:40 PM
Dear Mairi,

A fear of dying is really common for people who have an anxiety disorder. I had very similar feeling to what you are experiencing now. People who have this problem also fixate on their body a lot, for example, over analysing every symptom in their body. This is what I use to do to. But you can stop this anxiety and this fear. However, you will need to deal with some issues that are underneath it all. Is going out a problem for you at the moment? Are you having constant anxiety or is it triggered by a certain situation? Did something happen to you recently to make you think about death?

I promise you. These thoughts and fears can be stopped and it will get so much better.

06-30-2014, 10:01 PM
I think you may need to see a therapist and possibly take some medication. When I don't take medication, things like worrying about death seem so huge and they overwhelm me. Then, when I get back on the medication, they still are there, only they aren't so huge and they don't overtake me. A good therapist could be very beneficial for you.

06-30-2014, 10:18 PM
Thank you SO much Kixxi and Anne for replying! And I actually do over analyze any symptoms I feel. I'm always afraid i have some disease. Right now I'm only eating a few foods because I'm really afraid of having an allergic reaction to something. As for something that maybe made me think about death, my aunt died a few months ago, but I doubt this is what's causing my fear. I think this is happening because I haven't been taking my St John's Wort. For some reason the pills dried up and they're too tough for me to bite in half, which is the only way I can swallow pills. I finally got the liquid kind today, but when i took it it made my tongue burn and I got scared that I was having an allergic reaction and spat it out and am NOT taking it again. I just really don't want to die!!!

06-30-2014, 11:05 PM
Dear Mairi,

Rest assured that what you are feeling is a very common symptom in anxiety disorders. Sometimes it is not clear what triggers it, but these feelings will disappear with the right treatment. Often it is a combination of medication, therapy, sports and breathing exercises. A combination of different treatments will definitely work for you and I believe that you are brave enough to face this. I do know how you feel and how that fear feels like, but I can assure you that it does disappear. A fear of dying is nothing to be ashamed of and is quite normal. I think everyone has this fear, but it cannot take over your life. It can be managed, controlled and fixed, I'm living proof ;)

07-01-2014, 09:20 AM
These past few days I've been so, so scared of the fact that one day I am going to die and can do nothing to stop it. The other night I didn't sleep well at all because of this thought. I dreamt about death and kept waking up either hyperventilating or making whining sounds because I was so scared. I can't live normally because of this crippling fear. Today I was shopping with my dad and then the fear suddenly hit me again (more than once). I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack and just wanted to go home but my dad still wanted to go to 2 more stores. When the fear "hits me" it's the most horrible feeling in the world- I'll be doing things as usual and I'll start to think about dying and then suddenly I realize that I am going to die someday. Death is coming. It's the only thing I really can't avoid. Where will I be when the time comes? With who? How will I feel? Will I be in horrible pain? How does it feel to end? I'm going to die. I can't believe I'm actually going to die. Me! ME! I'll start having all these panicky thoughts and zaps of adreneline will go through my head and I feel the need to panic. It must be the worst mental feeling ever. I'm so terrified. I really wish I had never been born so i wouldn't have to die. Someone please help me! Please, please, please someone answer very soon!!! I'm starting to feel dizzy from being so scared.
P.S. I read somewhere that anyone who is alive in 20 years will live forever. PLEASE make my day and tell me it's true.

Living forever would be torture. Our creator is not stupid. Plus death doesn't exist because you can't be conscious while unconscious... just the thought of death exists. Death is exactly how it was before u were born. Peaceful and time doesn't exist.