View Full Version : Finally told my family about my anxiety!

06-30-2014, 03:44 PM
Wow that's a weight off my shoulders

Just had a nice discussion about anxiety with my mum after I told her about me having anxiety. My mum can relate so much! A weird response at first but then she realized what I was saying.

It was really hard for me and It's took about a month to find the moment, so glad I have now!

My mum's been in mental hospitals because of it, she has severe bi-polar, depression, panic attacks, anxiety; so as well as telling someone who needs to know, a mum, she can offer a lot of advise I presume.

If any of you are in the same position as I was before this, just think even with my thoughts and stuff going on saying it out of the blue makes YOU feel better!

06-30-2014, 04:45 PM
I am so glad to read you were able to share this burden with your family. that is so good!

06-30-2014, 07:28 PM
Wow that's a weight off my shoulders

Just had a nice discussion about anxiety with my mum after I told her about me having anxiety. My mum can relate so much! A weird response at first but then she realized what I was saying.

It was really hard for me and It's took about a month to find the moment, so glad I have now!

My mum's been in mental hospitals because of it, she has severe bi-polar, depression, panic attacks, anxiety; so as well as telling someone who needs to know, a mum, she can offer a lot of advise I presume.

If any of you are in the same position as I was before this, just think even with my thoughts and stuff going on saying it out of the blue makes YOU feel better!

Hi Joe,

You should be so proud of yourself. It takes a lot of guts to talk about an anxiety disorder. Most people feel shame and dare not do it. But anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and you done so well by sharing it with someone you care about. It will only help your recovery.

07-01-2014, 09:03 PM
Wow that's a weight off my shoulders

Just had a nice discussion about anxiety with my mum after I told her about me having anxiety. My mum can relate so much! A weird response at first but then she realized what I was saying.

It was really hard for me and It's took about a month to find the moment, so glad I have now!

My mum's been in mental hospitals because of it, she has severe bi-polar, depression, panic attacks, anxiety; so as well as telling someone who needs to know, a mum, she can offer a lot of advise I presume.

If any of you are in the same position as I was before this, just think even with my thoughts and stuff going on saying it out of the blue makes YOU feel better!

So glad to hear you did this. I think a lot of the times, anxiety problems are inherited from someone in your family and we might not notice this until later on when we have a revelation for some reason. I myself have noticed a lot of my anxious behavior is similar to how I see my mom acting sometimes. And she says even my grandma did the same. I keep persistently telling her how much I have benefitted from therapy in coming to terms with my problems but she is yet to take the step and start going regularly...