View Full Version : Anxiety all day

06-30-2014, 02:09 PM
Have anxiety all day dispute meds help

06-30-2014, 05:22 PM
Hi cat2, Can you give us a little more info on whats going on?

06-30-2014, 06:54 PM
I'm on 30 mg remeron and 1. Klonopin. 3 times a day. I am ok in the morning. During the day I'm sad, lonley, and anxious. When I take a shower and get in my pj's I'm much better. This has been going on for 7 months. Lots of things happened before the anxiety from a steroid inhalor, kidney stones, severe winter, crazy neighbor, a break up which really hurt. First time living alone. On disability so,don't have much of a life.

06-30-2014, 07:18 PM
I'm on 30 mg remeron and 1. Klonopin. 3 times a day. I am ok in the morning. During the day I'm sad, lonley, and anxious. When I take a shower and get in my pj's I'm much better. This has been going on for 7 months. Lots of things happened before the anxiety from a steroid inhalor, kidney stones, severe winter, crazy neighbor, a break up which really hurt. First time living alone. On disability so,don't have much of a life.

Dear Cat 2,

I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. However, realise that you aren't alone and a lot of us here have similar problems, or had similar problems and overcome them. I can give you loads of helpful tips that will help you, but before I do I need to mention that I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist, I am talking from my own experience and how I deal with anxiety. My anxiety got so bad at one point I couldn't leave the house, since I suffer from agoraphobia.

First, from what I read you had some emotional and physical issues before your anxiety started. This might be the root of your problem and will have to be dealt with. Medication usually takes some of the edge of, but if the root of the problem is not taken care of it won't never fully "heal" you. I know you feel isolated and powerless right now, but I promise you that you can and you will beat this.

These are a few things I learned and apply to your situation:

1. Find a good support for your anxiety. Since you're on this forum you already did a big step forward.
2. It is important to find someone to help you deal with emotional issues, this does not have to be a psychologist, but they can help you and teach you useful tools such as cognitive behaviour therapy. This changes your thought pattern to a more positive thought pattern. Example of bad thinking: I feel a panic attack coming -> This cannot be happening here -> I am going to faint. -> See, it is getting worse, etc... Example of how to change this to good thinking: I feel a panic attack coming -> I had these feelings before and they pass -> Nothing bad will happen to me and I deserve to feel good right now.
3. A psychologist to talk to about what happened to you will also get some pressure of you.
4. Physical and breathing exercises will definitely help you. A good physical exercise is yoga, since it also helps your breathing.

These things might take some time and effort, because you have to practice. It's like learning how to ride a bike. You cannot learn how to ride a bike by starting without training wheels. The same goes for anxiety. You have to practice and practice until you are good at it. Sometimes it will work like a charm, sometimes it won't, but eventually you'll get so good at it that you can deal with anxiety. Trust me, it worked for me ;) The best remedy for anxiety is a combination of different treatments. That is all I can say.

I hope this helps you a bit and gives you new courage.

07-01-2014, 10:59 PM
Before all that stuff happened my husband drowned, was an alcoholic. Then my daughter relapsted bipolar and in the hospital for 2 months. I had slight anxiety then but it went away. In 2009 i left him, move from MI to FL and had a nervous break down, back to MI lived with my parents who were 80 for 1 1/2 years in severe anxiety, same meds. Had therapy all that time and they said they could not help me. Moved back with him and anxiety was gone in two weeks.

I meditate, go to yoga and curves. Walk my dog. I almost shut down and could not leave the house or drive. Its during the day, stores and people when my anxiety goes up.

07-02-2014, 12:36 AM
Dear Cat,

I am sorry to hear these horrible things have happened to you. I am no psychologist but I think that your anxiety has been building up for some years. You been through so much, it is therefore nearly normal that your body and mind are going to give a physical and mental response to this. Doing yoga and meditation will help you in the long run, even though it doesn't seem so sometimes. Practice and giving your body and mind time to heal will make your anxiety less and less with every week going by. You can still have bad days, like every single one of us, but I just know you are brave enough to conquer them.

Also a little question for you. Do you think you emotionally dealt with all the things that happened to you? Do they still bother you or control your life?

07-02-2014, 04:33 AM
Dear Cat,

I am sorry to hear these horrible things have happened to you. I am no psychologist but I think that your anxiety has been building up for some years. You been through so much, it is therefore nearly normal that your body and mind are going to give a physical and mental response to this. Doing yoga and meditation will help you in the long run, even though it doesn't seem so sometimes. Practice and giving your body and mind time to heal will make your anxiety less and less with every week going by. You can still have bad days, like every single one of us, but I just know you are brave enough to conquer them.

Also a little question for you. Do you think you emotionally dealt with all the things that happened to you? Do they still bother you or control your life?

Reading for kixxi (ending with cat2), now, begin, we are proud of you...(from departed)

We do love you. we are able to feel you. You are like a singer that can move the audience, because her singing is backed by emotion. And she has a passion to sing. Although she is not yet fully aware of the power in her voice. The bones of the human body resonate with tone, for the musical climate motivates the cells to act, this way or that. Let the songs be feel good then, to lift the soul!

Keep up the good works, this soul in particular (the OP) is in a great deal of pain. Only when the spirit is set free, shall the body respond in kind.

Sending in thoughts, love, peace, comfort, grace, validation, honor, empowerment, light, truth, kindness, in thy Fathers name. In Him, all creation is made whole, and the hurting shall stop their crying, and find joy in life.

Thank you!

In regards to this soul, this thread, she is in a habit of trying to validate (fix) others, in hopes of so doing she would validate self. It is a mission, because the spirit is so hurt by lack thereof (invalidate first by a parent), in abuse, it seeks to fix itself outside (attempts at fixing husband/child), and was/is seemingly rejected (peers). So it now feels alone, like it cannot do good. There you find the pain of separation, the pangs of loneliness. Only by self validation first (empowered), can it heal, and open up, so to speak.

Let this one know the tremors, shaking, periodic twitching is an energy block. Repressed expression (zippered mouth). At one point her words were curtailed, and her expression invalidated. And since there is joy in self expression, this one feels no happiness, other than the comfort of shower/pj's which is the child, and represents a cleansing of sorts. (Release)

Love is the answer, period. First of self, then others.

End/edited personal notes in ()

07-02-2014, 01:07 PM
Thank you,
Ive been in alanon 5 years. It helps. Im starting therapy soon. I hope the anxiety gets less.

How do I quiet my mind and rest it?

Ok I can get that pj's calm maybe cuz my dad was an alcoholic and my husband. I want to learn to get back to being me, and happy.

07-02-2014, 03:36 PM
Thank you,
Ive been in alanon 5 years. It helps. Im starting therapy soon. I hope the anxiety gets less.

How do I quiet my mind and rest it?

Ok I can get that pj's calm maybe cuz my dad was an alcoholic and my husband. I want to learn to get back to being me, and happy.

You will dear, many blessings.