View Full Version : Really anxious about sunburn? Help please :(

06-29-2014, 10:46 PM
Hi! I'm at the beach on vacation, and today was my first day out in the sun, and I obtained a really, really bad sunburn all over my body. It's bright red and it's basically covering everywhere but my legs, despite the fact that I covered myself in sunscreen. I'm really worried that I'll get sick or have something horrible happen because of this sunburn, should I be worried? I don't know if it's just my hypochondria making me anxious, but it feels like my throat is tight and it feels like my breathing is a little off. It's super sore and it's making me uncomfortably hot. Can sunburns cause any serious health complications, besides dehydration? Because I drank a lot today so I don't think that's an issue. I've heard plenty of horror stories about heat stroke and sun poisoning, so I'm really afraid that something crazy will happen, like me fainting or something of the sort. I'm having a really hard time trying to get to sleep because I'm afraid that I'll die or have some kind of odd heart reaction to the sun, even though I know that's probably really irrational, I just don't like the fact that I'm going to be asleep and not aware of how my body is reacting. Thanks to anyone who answers!

06-30-2014, 01:19 AM
Hi! I'm at the beach on vacation, and today was my first day out in the sun, and I obtained a really, really bad sunburn all over my body. It's bright red and it's basically covering everywhere but my legs, despite the fact that I covered myself in sunscreen. I'm really worried that I'll get sick or have something horrible happen because of this sunburn, should I be worried? I don't know if it's just my hypochondria making me anxious, but it feels like my throat is tight and it feels like my breathing is a little off. It's super sore and it's making me uncomfortably hot. Can sunburns cause any serious health complications, besides dehydration? Because I drank a lot today so I don't think that's an issue. I've heard plenty of horror stories about heat stroke and sun poisoning, so I'm really afraid that something crazy will happen, like me fainting or something of the sort. I'm having a really hard time trying to get to sleep because I'm afraid that I'll die or have some kind of odd heart reaction to the sun, even though I know that's probably really irrational, I just don't like the fact that I'm going to be asleep and not aware of how my body is reacting. Thanks to anyone who answers!


One sunburn isn't really something to be concerned about. Most people get complications from exposure to the sun for a longer period of time and where the sun has damaged their skin because of this extended exposure. I would suggest to go and see your doctor if you are worried, just to put your mind at rest. I'd also suggest plenty of after sun crème and keeping your fluids up. I know what it's like to have a bit of hypochondria, trust me I am just like you ;) And it's not always a bad thing. One rule I have is, if I am genuinely worried I go to my GP and ask questions. They usually put my mind at rest.

Hope this helps ;)

06-30-2014, 05:22 AM
I would just get some aloe and use it on your skin to minimize the sunburn. If you had heat stroke you would know it....you start to feel physically ill....nausea. ..etc. You will be fine.........

06-30-2014, 02:39 PM
I live in Hawaii, we get so much sun it drives me crazy! I have gotten sunburned multiple times, sometimes I use sunscreen, sometimes I dont LOL!

No major medical issues due to sunburn and that includes many friends and family that go to the beach! Its normal!

As for good remedies,

Aleve for the pain,

Aloe lotion, 1390

I put this in the fridge, and rub it all over the burnt areas.

Secondly Drink a lot of water/gatorade etc. You need to rehydrate your body, you will feel warmer over all as the body has retained the heat and its some what inflamed, so cool compresses along with drinking water.

Other than that..... couple of days..... rest and all should be back to normal!

06-30-2014, 07:19 PM
I agree with everyone that has posted so far, aloe vera is ideal for your skin and will really help you.