View Full Version : Great Few Days Then.....BOOM

06-29-2014, 10:13 PM
I've had a great few days in a row. I've been practicing meditation, both guided and listening to binaural beats. This has been about two weeks that I've been doing this. It was super hard at first but its getting easier and I go deeper each time. Today though. Tonight really. Ugh. All of a sudden, I get these new sensations like I've never had before. It feels like someone is stabbing me in random parts of my body with a needle. Arms, legs, back, face, neck....you get the idea. Of course, this is on the anxiety symptom list. So, is this just my anxiety being a total dick finding new ways to f&%k with me? I just saw my doctor. I'm sure he's sick of hearing from me. Please help me.

06-30-2014, 01:29 AM
Dear Niki,

Don't worry about your GP. It is his job to listen to you and anxiety is a disease. You have the right to look for answers and be helped... Having said that, I know how you feel right now. You can have a good few days and then get a panic attack like you never experienced before. The thing with panic attacks is that you need to practice, practice and practice. There is no single solution, but more a combination of solutions. Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,... All these things combined can help you get over your anxiety. I know what you are going through and how frustrating it is. You can feel really brave and proud when something works, but when it hits you again you feel like a failure and feel like it will never end. But I promise you, it DOES get better. I am still fighting my anxiety, and like you I have good days and bad days. But you can recover from it. I have spoken to so many people with similar problems and they got over it. Doing a combination of different treatments have certainly helped me. I actually got out of my house again and got a job. So you see... It does get better. If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to drop me a message.

07-01-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi Niki, I know just how you feel. I have been much, much better these past two months. Then on Saturday, I took a short nap woke up with muscles so weak I couldn't even hold a book. I was terrified - managed to keep my breathing under control, made myself get up and pace the room to prove to myself that my muscles were still working. And, with the help of the meditation I've been doing, plus the CBT, I managed to slow down my racing thoughts and get to a point of calm.

My muscles still feel weak on and off since then, but I am keeping it under control. Without the CBT and meditation, I think I would've ended up in the ER.

Why did I tell you all this? The fact is, anxiety will not go away over night. It can take several months of practising CBT/meditation every day. On the road to recovery, there will be good days and bad. The bad days can seem especially devastating when you've just had good days, but don't despair. Remind yourself that at least you are capable of having good days, and that they will return in longer duration. The best thing to do is not waste time and energy questioning why you feel this today or why you feel that. Just accept that this is how you feel right now.

Good luck with the CBT and meditation!