View Full Version : Remeron increasing dosage from 15mg to 30mg...

06-29-2014, 10:13 AM
Hey everyone..

Dont know if its the right place to post this..but i have been on remeron (Mirtazapine) 15mg for more than 2 months...and yesterday i increased my dosage to 30mg.. Coz 15 mg wasnt working anymore..and i was again feeling bit anxious..Now after taking 30 mg am feeling agitated and scared...Bad thoughts coming to my mind...feeling very strange and scared...is it common with dosage increase..? Will i be okay in a few days.? or should i stick to 15mg..

cant talk to doc at the moment..please help me out..please

06-29-2014, 11:02 AM
Well, the agitated part does sound like it's connected to the increase. I'm sure you'll be okay, it just may be uncomfortable until you can talk to the doctor, but it will pass. You could feel strange and scared just because this is a change going on in your body. I've increased my medication, but it always worked out fine in the end. Just tough for a while. however, i don't know much about Remeron. I always like small increases rather than big increases as it is easier that way.

06-30-2014, 03:33 AM
Thanks Anne for ur reply... I hope it gets better with time..

06-30-2014, 08:23 AM
15 mg to 30 is doubling it, so that's a pretty big jump. For the future, have your doctor increase you in smaller increments, thus less likely for your body to feel the big adjustment. My best to you!