View Full Version : driving anxiety

06-29-2014, 09:25 AM
So I don't do much highway driving because I had, in the past, got dizzy spells while on the road. I am trying, today, to take a trip driving to a beach about an hour away from my house ....just my two kids and myself. Im determined to do this ride if I have to drive 45 mph on the highway and it takes me double the time. My kids are excited to go and I just don't want to disappoint them....it is for a family members birthday party. I guess I am just looking for positive vibes and if you're religious, some prayers.


06-29-2014, 11:06 AM
I think it sounds great...and fun! You will have a wonderful time. You and your kids can play some music in the car or sing and that will make the time go by fast. Sounds very good to me and good for you for going!

06-29-2014, 06:27 PM
Hope the drive went well.. let us know how you did :)

06-29-2014, 08:34 PM
I made it guys! I was so nervous on the way out there...I just stayed in the slow lane and did 55-60 all the way. No one rode my bumper or made me feel like they were rushing me. When we made it, I was so relieved and really felt a sense of accomplishment. I know its small, but for me, that was alot to take on by myself with my kids in the backseat. We had a GREAT time at the party and on the way home....i actually wasn't that nervous at all!!!!! I am so happy i decided to push through the uncomfortable feeling and just go with it. The kids enjoyed themselves and so did I !!!!

06-30-2014, 02:01 AM
I am so happy for you and may I also say that you are so brave for doing what you did. People with anxiety are the bravest people in the world, because confronting things you are afraid of isn't always that easy. Congratulations on your victory!

06-30-2014, 05:25 AM
Thanks! I was so happy I went. It is definitely baby steps.....but as long as I am moving forward and not backward, Im satisfied.

06-30-2014, 03:29 PM
You made it!!!!! That is huge, I wouldnt say baby steps that was a huge triumph! Congrats, now you know you have the strength to face that fear! You now know you are capable! Keep pushing forward every little step!

06-30-2014, 05:01 PM
After such a good day with the driving yesterday and a decent work day....I all of a sudden started feeling faint ( I think I needed to eat something) and the panic attack started to kick in. That's the up and downs of anxiety. I am in the midst of it right now....but I am telling myself that I am ok. My kids are here and they know what to do if I actually did pass out....which I have never actually done. Ah....I know its just panic....but I still hate this feeling.....of shortness of breath, etc.

06-30-2014, 06:47 PM
For me, not eating definitely causes me to feel anxious. Try not to let yourself go too long without a snack. You are right..anxiety is a series of ups and downs. I can be so calm one day and the next day, I'm an anxious wreck.