View Full Version : Scared I might get a heart attack early

06-28-2014, 05:19 PM
Hey guys

So, my dad has had not one, but two heart attacks. He's only 47 years old and I'm really scared I might get some sort of attack early. He had one we he was 36 and one when he was 43.

There's some differences between me and my dad:

He smokes - I don't
I exercise - He doesn't
He stresses alot - I stress, but not as much.
He does not eat healthy - I do
He has high cholesterol - I don't

But doesn't genetics play a bigger part in this??

I'm also scared my dad might get another attack since he hasn't changed anything, still eating bad, still smoking, not exercising etc

06-28-2014, 08:48 PM
Alias my mom died on heart attack, siting at the desk writing letter to me, to her favorite child. My dad passed away with lung cancer, my brother have cancer so far he is fighting with it. I have some Actinic keratosis so far so good, after biopsy it is benign. I do not worry. We are more consious what we do , what we eat that our parents. When I recall the way my family was eating , I got goose skin all over my body. So I think you will not get heart attack and you should do what you do. Live long and happy life, with a bit of f****it anxiety ;))

06-29-2014, 06:42 PM
Hey guys

So, my dad has had not one, but two heart attacks. He's only 47 years old and I'm really scared I might get some sort of attack early. He had one we he was 36 and one when he was 43.

There's some differences between me and my dad:

He smokes - I don't
I exercise - He doesn't
He stresses alot - I stress, but not as much.
He does not eat healthy - I do
He has high cholesterol - I don't

But doesn't genetics play a bigger part in this??

I'm also scared my dad might get another attack since he hasn't changed anything, still eating bad, still smoking, not exercising etc

Elias - genetics just make you susceptible.

Each generation seems to try to get a bit more healthy. If you eat well, exercise and keep your yearly checkuos from a doc, you will be fine.

That plays a much bigger role. Diet and exercise.

My only advice in the short term is to have a few Coors Lights and shed a tear because you are so fortunate to be in the land of "all the chicks are hot"

Don't worry about heart problems. Worry about your supply of condoms.

06-29-2014, 07:49 PM
dHeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Nixon like always give sound advice :)))
You made me laugh

06-29-2014, 08:39 PM
You are doing all the right things and my doctor would be very impressed to hear all the good things you're doing...exercising, eating right, not smoking, etc. That is very good news for you. I am learning that we only have limited control over the behavior of others and so we have to accept those limitations, which is hard, but each person makes their own choices.