View Full Version : Nausea! Please hep :(

06-28-2014, 04:43 PM
My name’s Holly and I have been dealing with anxiety for 11 years now. Basically the only uncomfortable sensation that I experience is nausea, which has developed into a fear of throwing up/vomiting. This fear is obviously a result of me throwing up during certain panic attacks or at least my specific “version” of a panic attack. I've found most people have panic attacks where they cannot breathe, think there going to die, have a heart attack ect. I don't get that, I know I won't die or suffocate, I know anxiety too well, its just the intense nausea that overwhelms me and I cannot control. I have only ever experienced extreme nausea which has in some cases resulted in me throwing up. Over the 11 years it has only gotten to that bad of a state on a small number of occasions, probably under 20. It is usualy just bad gagging and dry heaving, which is as bad as vomitting for me. I might aswell always be vomitting! With me personally, it doesn’t need to get to the stage where I physically throw up in order for anxiety to have an effect on me, and for me to therefore fear it in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I have also experienced sensations such as an accelerated heartbeat, sweating, shaking, and tingling, but I do not fear them like I do with throwing up around people.
When I was first going through anxiety the nausea was especially bad, like two straight weeks of not being able to keep anything down. As a result, I developed a bit of a phobia in relation to food which I still have to this day, but it has now extended to just being around people, which is a lot more concerning. I’m much more anxious around people in comparison to just being alone, because of the social embarrassment that throwing up might cause and therefore fear what people might think of me. I’m becoming more of a recluse/prefer to do things on my own and don’t really enjoy being around people. With me it’s the social embarrassment and the fear of what people might think that is far greater and outweighs the act itself. I don’t fear throwing up specifically, which is why it’s never really an issue when I’m on my own. If I lose my concentration for just a second or am not in the right mindset, then things can get out of control very quickly.
My first anxiety/panic episodes was when I was about 14/15, where when I was eating at a family friends house and my on/off boyfriend at the time turned up to see someone who was in the house at that time. I remember seeing him and having an overwhelming feeling of panic and nausea, I pushed my plate away , started sweating and ran to throw up, like completely out of the blue, i had never felt this or had any issue with food/nausea before this. After that first episode, this happened a few more times with food and him, but I didn't even know what anxiety was back then, so just thought I had food poisoning or something. Cut a long story short, it slowly got worse over the next few years and seemed to developed into mainly involving food/eating. I constantly felt nausea, anxiety, weird about eating, food making me feel sick and then that turnt into social issues, which is what is ruining my life today. I now feel unable to to eat with people, get anxious if I have to, cant always eat, want to run away and eat Alone ect. In the early stages, i got so anxious about food that I stopped eating really, i ate bananas and toast and stopped leaving my house much. Yet I want to eat so badly, I hate losing weight, not eating really gets me down. After the intial first years, I managed to go off to uni still, although it was very tough, but I got through it, managed to hide most of my issues from people and graduated ect. But the eating thing is still major for me, i can only eat around few close people and literally have a small panic attack if I'm ever put in a situation where I have tho eat with anyone else, I just cannot do it, I immediately start gagging and dry heaving. Which also means no cannot eat out at all, restaurants terrify me. Eating is the worst area for me, but is by no means the only area. I now struggle with most social situations, any that involve people really, but specially where I feel I may be trapped in a sense in say a conversation with someone, bump into someone I know and have to conversate, meetings, especially one to one, hospital appointments, travelling, nights/days out, anyany social really. Yet I can go about my day alone, in and out of shops etc as I need to fairly normally, but if I have to go with someone, its causes complete nausea and anxiety. Its so annoying and frustrating, as I am actually a naturally outgoing confident and wild kinda fearless person, until this. Its soo against my real character! It seems any situation where I feel 'trapped' and unable to just leave/hide if I need to, gets me going. It can be as simple as a conversation with someone, to being in a lift/plane ect. But like I said, the sensation is always nausea, where when its bad I'm gagging and dry heaving and in extreme cases I vomit. But the nausea is killing me and making me hide away and I hate it! Its so embarrassing! Although I remember the first times I had this sort of feeling when I was 14/15, I still can't work out why that actually happened or what the trigger really was. I had a pretty bad childhood, was always down and unstable at home, mum, wasn't around like she should have been and my dad was and still is a bad alcoholic, yet I have a great relationship with him x so I guess the trauma of my childhood could have had an impact? Yet I don't really feel that way, it doesn't bother me in an anxious way, I was still always confident and well balanced thru all of that and dont consider that to have caused such strange issues today, but who knows.
I would just realy like to chat to others about this. I have seen a few psychologists in my time but nothing ever seems to work. Does anyone else go through this? With the intense nausea? Anyone got any tips to help? Id like to try some decent anti nausea tablets for the times when i really need it, any suggestions on some?
Would be great to chat to peope :-)
Many Thanks, Holly

07-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Hi Holly,
I've experienced a similar thing - I usually dry-heaved or threw up during panic attacks with me throwing up the first few months of my anxiety showing every morning. I don't have a problem with eating amongst other people but there was a time when I was in the hospital because I was unable to eat at all - there was a psychological block and I just couldn't eat though I wanted to.
I started using prosulpin (the generic is sulpirid) and asentra - first of which helped me calm the nausea. It's a tablet which works mainly on the stomach and stuff but also influences your brain, so it's perfect for anxiety-induced nausea. You should discuss with a psychiatrist, they can prescribe some for you.
It worked for me, nearly immediately. In about half an hour after I took it, I felt better. I use it daily now.
Hope it gets better,

07-10-2014, 07:11 AM
Hi Holly,
I've experienced anxiety and fear of people, I now have a handle on my anxiety . What has worked for me is simple, practice when you are not feeling nausea and anxiety so it is second nature. Breathe in to a count of 4 Breathe out to a count of 4. After a couple days develop an affirmation that works for YOU. Mine is "Breathe in courage breathe out Fear" or "Breathe in Love Breathe out I Am Love" Then when Nausea comes up try and see if it helps. Another thing is imagine placing your nausea into a stream and watch it float away or imagine blowing it into a balloon and watch it float into the sky. I hope you find something that works for you.
Another thing that helps me is to remember that "what other people think of me is none of my business. This one keeps me safe because the only thing that matters is what I think of myself.
It may be a good thing to consider seeing someone professional who could support you while you learn some things to help you. That also helped me. Best wishes, let me know if these helped.
Warm Regards,

07-17-2014, 12:38 PM
Hiya Charlene, thanks to you too for your reply x
Its funny you mentioned the balloon thing as I was trying that the other day, it is quite relaxing actually. But as soon as I stop, I feel ill again, so I'm trying to master it more. The breathing thing is also something I need to work on more too, I'm glad it helps you and thanks so much for the advice. I have seen a few psychologists and nothing helped, but what I am doing is getting all my hormones checked as no think I may have an imbalance due to my pcos. I am also considering seeing a hypnotherapist. U ever done that? What profession help has helped you? And how are you doing at the moment? X

07-29-2014, 06:44 AM

I have a problem with nausea, which on occasion has turned into vomiting, which has now given me a fear of vomiting. Although I don't like the thought of anyone suffering from it, it's a relief to know I'm not alone.

07-29-2014, 08:32 PM
Much like you guys my nausea and vomiting brings about my attacks. I can be doing just fine then suddenly my body goes crazy with many of the symptoms you have described. I have mentioned on other threads I like to talk or chat my way through my episodes in addition to using lavender essential oil which is good for relaxation. Even when it passes it is a good day before my appetite returns. It is a vicious cycle since diet is so important and there are so many good foods that fight stress and depression. It also stinks when people start talking about tasty food and there is nothing you can do but suffer.

07-30-2014, 09:19 AM
My name’s Holly and I have been dealing with anxiety for 11 years now. Basically the only uncomfortable sensation that I experience is nausea, which has developed into a fear of throwing up/vomiting. This fear is obviously a result of me throwing up during certain panic attacks or at least my specific “version” of a panic attack. I've found most people have panic attacks where they cannot breathe, think there going to die, have a heart attack ect. I don't get that, I know I won't die or suffocate, I know anxiety too well, its just the intense nausea that overwhelms me and I cannot control. I have only ever experienced extreme nausea which has in some cases resulted in me throwing up. Over the 11 years it has only gotten to that bad of a state on a small number of occasions, probably under 20. It is usualy just bad gagging and dry heaving, which is as bad as vomitting for me. I might aswell always be vomitting! With me personally, it doesn’t need to get to the stage where I physically throw up in order for anxiety to have an effect on me, and for me to therefore fear it in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I have also experienced sensations such as an accelerated heartbeat, sweating, shaking, and tingling, but I do not fear them like I do with throwing up around people.
When I was first going through anxiety the nausea was especially bad, like two straight weeks of not being able to keep anything down. As a result, I developed a bit of a phobia in relation to food which I still have to this day, but it has now extended to just being around people, which is a lot more concerning. I’m much more anxious around people in comparison to just being alone, because of the social embarrassment that throwing up might cause and therefore fear what people might think of me. I’m becoming more of a recluse/prefer to do things on my own and don’t really enjoy being around people. With me it’s the social embarrassment and the fear of what people might think that is far greater and outweighs the act itself. I don’t fear throwing up specifically, which is why it’s never really an issue when I’m on my own. If I lose my concentration for just a second or am not in the right mindset, then things can get out of control very quickly.
My first anxiety/panic episodes was when I was about 14/15, where when I was eating at a family friends house and my on/off boyfriend at the time turned up to see someone who was in the house at that time. I remember seeing him and having an overwhelming feeling of panic and nausea, I pushed my plate away , started sweating and ran to throw up, like completely out of the blue, i had never felt this or had any issue with food/nausea before this. After that first episode, this happened a few more times with food and him, but I didn't even know what anxiety was back then, so just thought I had food poisoning or something. Cut a long story short, it slowly got worse over the next few years and seemed to developed into mainly involving food/eating. I constantly felt nausea, anxiety, weird about eating, food making me feel sick and then that turnt into social issues, which is what is ruining my life today. I now feel unable to to eat with people, get anxious if I have to, cant always eat, want to run away and eat Alone ect. In the early stages, i got so anxious about food that I stopped eating really, i ate bananas and toast and stopped leaving my house much. Yet I want to eat so badly, I hate losing weight, not eating really gets me down. After the intial first years, I managed to go off to uni still, although it was very tough, but I got through it, managed to hide most of my issues from people and graduated ect. But the eating thing is still major for me, i can only eat around few close people and literally have a small panic attack if I'm ever put in a situation where I have tho eat with anyone else, I just cannot do it, I immediately start gagging and dry heaving. Which also means no cannot eat out at all, restaurants terrify me. Eating is the worst area for me, but is by no means the only area. I now struggle with most social situations, any that involve people really, but specially where I feel I may be trapped in a sense in say a conversation with someone, bump into someone I know and have to conversate, meetings, especially one to one, hospital appointments, travelling, nights/days out, anyany social really. Yet I can go about my day alone, in and out of shops etc as I need to fairly normally, but if I have to go with someone, its causes complete nausea and anxiety. Its so annoying and frustrating, as I am actually a naturally outgoing confident and wild kinda fearless person, until this. Its soo against my real character! It seems any situation where I feel 'trapped' and unable to just leave/hide if I need to, gets me going. It can be as simple as a conversation with someone, to being in a lift/plane ect. But like I said, the sensation is always nausea, where when its bad I'm gagging and dry heaving and in extreme cases I vomit. But the nausea is killing me and making me hide away and I hate it! Its so embarrassing! Although I remember the first times I had this sort of feeling when I was 14/15, I still can't work out why that actually happened or what the trigger really was. I had a pretty bad childhood, was always down and unstable at home, mum, wasn't around like she should have been and my dad was and still is a bad alcoholic, yet I have a great relationship with him x so I guess the trauma of my childhood could have had an impact? Yet I don't really feel that way, it doesn't bother me in an anxious way, I was still always confident and well balanced thru all of that and dont consider that to have caused such strange issues today, but who knows.
I would just realy like to chat to others about this. I have seen a few psychologists in my time but nothing ever seems to work. Does anyone else go through this? With the intense nausea? Anyone got any tips to help? Id like to try some decent anti nausea tablets for the times when i really need it, any suggestions on some?
Would be great to chat to peope :-)
Many Thanks, Holly

Hi Holly,

I get it myself. I had it really bad during this year's holiday to the point where I lost 3 pounds because of not being able to eat. All I can say, what helps for me is, trying to relax and I know this is far from easy. I went two days without eating before I could get myself relaxed enough to eat. I used some sleep hypnosis and meditation to get my body to the point where I could eat again and stop from being so damn nauseous.

12-31-2014, 01:29 AM
I also am having problems like you

04-12-2015, 02:09 PM
ashmilo, I've experienced the same thing as you!! At one point when my anxiety was really bad, I vomited every day for a week. My main symptom when I'm anxious is nausea, and when it gets so severe that I vomit, soon I'm anxious about vomiting; it can be a vicious circle.

Single_Dad mentioned talking his way through his episodes, I've found that has helped me quite a bit. I used to hide my nausea and fear of vomiting from family and close friends, because I was embarrassed and was afraid they wouldn't understand, but they were very supportive. If I'm with one of them and start to feel nauseous, I tell them immediately, and they'll listen as I talk through it, rationalizing that if I get sick, it's okay!! It isn't the end of the world, I will survive and I will get through this. My friend will understand and will take care of me, and the strangers around probably won't care or remember. People get sick all the time in public places, they aren't going to think I'm crazy or there's something wrong with me, they're just going to think I'm not feeling well. Sometimes I'll also get friends to distract me, and talk about anything else. If you can manage to get your mind off of it, it's surprising how quickly the symptoms can dissipate. When I get nauseous in crowded places with a close friend or family member, I try to focus on just them, and imagine the room is empty. I find looking around at all the people and imagining what they'll think if I throw up escalates my symptoms.

As for eating, I struggle with that one too. It's hard to eat when your stomach is doing summersaults. I usually can't finish a meal in front of others if I'm anxious, and I worry that they will judge me if I don't finish all of my food. Let me know if you figure out any strategies for this one, I'd love to hear them!

You're definitely not alone though!!

07-13-2018, 05:25 AM
Sorry for bringing up old thread. But I have extreme dry heaving/ nauseous stomach all the time when I’m nervous or have anxiety. Is there any supplements u can take to relax your stomach or get rid of dry heaving? Mine gets so bad that I can’t talk or swallow as when lips move I want to gag. Taking sip of buckleys helped as it put a weird taste in my mouth and the gagging went away as long as gross buckleys taste in mouth. I know this wrong to do but it only thing that helped and eventually the more I did it ( exposed myself) the more it was easier for me to do. But anything new that I didn’t do before makes me nervous and want to dry heave

07-13-2018, 05:35 AM
How to settle Dry Heaving (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=How+to+settle+dry+heaving&rlz=1C1AVFC_enAU739AU740&oq=How+to+settle+dry+heaving&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4910j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

Welcome to the forum.

07-18-2018, 01:58 PM
Sorry for bringing up old thread. But I have extreme dry heaving/ nauseous stomach all the time when I’m nervous or have anxiety. Is there any supplements u can take to relax your stomach or get rid of dry heaving? Mine gets so bad that I can’t talk or swallow as when lips move I want to gag. Taking sip of buckleys helped as it put a weird taste in my mouth and the gagging went away as long as gross buckleys taste in mouth. I know this wrong to do but it only thing that helped and eventually the more I did it ( exposed myself) the more it was easier for me to do. But anything new that I didn’t do before makes me nervous and want to dry heave

Honestly, the last thing you need is supplements or any type of medication. Trust me, I had exactly the same problem you do and all it did was make things worse. It's going to sound crazy, but the thing that helped me get over this problem is acknowledging that it was there. Before, I was constantly fighting against it to make it stop, but the body responds in the opposite way, making your problems worse because it wants to tell you something is wrong. It's a beautiful system, because your body is trying to help you. I'll give you a step list of the things I do when it happens to me, it may look a little ridiculous, but I promise you that it helps greatly.

1. Go the the place where you feel pain or discomfort and feel it, do not run from it. This can be your stomach or even your throat.
2. Acknowledge the fact that your body is trying to help you and not harm you. It is giving you symptoms because you feel anxiety, so you can protect yourself against the source of the anxiety. So, say 'thank you' to your body for doing such a great job.
3. Say to yourself: "I know this feels uncomfortable right now, but this too shall pass. I'm just experiencing an emotion."
4. Sit up straight, do not cross your arms, and make yourself bigger. Our natural instinct with anxiety is to make ourselves smaller and cross our arms, but this tenses us up even more. You want to do the opposite.
5. Take your time and realise that the symptom does not have to go away. Whatever happens, it's okay.
6. Keep a close eye on your breathing. Try to breath in and out slowly and deeply to give your body the signal it is okay to calm down.

P.S. it helps to write these things down, since they can be hard to remember when you have a panic attack. So, have a small note on your phone or a sticky note with you so you can access it when you need to.

07-18-2018, 07:30 PM
Kixxi long time not to see, Fantastic post, I am reading it and relaxing. You are very good, You should post more often :)

07-18-2018, 07:34 PM
I thought the same but was too scared to say anything. Lol. Excellent Post.

07-19-2018, 11:40 AM
Honestly, the last thing you need is supplements or any type of medication. Trust me, I had exactly the same problem you do and all it did was make things worse. It's going to sound crazy, but the thing that helped me get over this problem is acknowledging that it was there. Before, I was constantly fighting against it to make it stop, but the body responds in the opposite way, making your problems worse because it wants to tell you something is wrong. It's a beautiful system, because your body is trying to help you. I'll give you a step list of the things I do when it happens to me, it may look a little ridiculous, but I promise you that it helps greatly. post! What I have been facing the feeling and doing things.

1. Go the the place where you feel pain or discomfort and feel it, do not run from it. This can be your stomach or even your throat.
2. Acknowledge the fact that your body is trying to help you and not harm you. It is giving you symptoms because you feel anxiety, so you can protect yourself against the source of the anxiety. So, say 'thank you' to your body for doing such a great job.
3. Say to yourself: "I know this feels uncomfortable right now, but this too shall pass. I'm just experiencing an emotion."
4. Sit up straight, do not cross your arms, and make yourself bigger. Our natural instinct with anxiety is to make ourselves smaller and cross our arms, but this tenses us up even more. You want to do the opposite.
5. Take your time and realise that the symptom does not have to go away. Whatever happens, it's okay.
6. Keep a close eye on your breathing. Try to breath in and out slowly and deeply to give your body the signal it is okay to calm down.

P.S. it helps to write these things down, since they can be hard to remember when you have a panic attack. So, have a small note on your phone or a sticky note with you so you can access it when you need to.
Wow awesome post. My last appointment with pcholgist and this statement has made a lot sense. I was using dry heaving once every few days as a way to relax myself and did it on purpose once or twice instead of letting feeling pass. Then one night at work I had massive fear of confined space and started dry heave like crazy. Then it was like any little thing I better dry heave so I feel good. Then it was like my body thinks it needs it to cope and do stuff. Like my doctor said.. it’s just a feeling usually from a negative thought but not a negative situation. The situation isn’t the problem. The situations the same since I was a kid. It’s the fear of dry heaving in that situation. So it’s a negative thought/fear which contributes to a negative feeling for a usual situation. So I can either tell myself awwww looks it’s that feeling I must be thinking about dry heaving ( negative thought) but then tell myself the situation is fine which is a positive thought which gives a positive feeling. Or can just go through it not thinking anything and with exposure it goes down over time. Or like u said, say thank you for feeling which is body way thinking it’s helping but I don’t need help rite now but thanks anyways. First and third ones combined sounds like good bet. Even sometimes I get feeling drinking water and it tries control me and not let me do things but If I say “ jees this just drinking water, this not negative situation and drink away then it helps. Also my diet isn’t good so I added supplements..magnesium, b complex, vitamin d, omega 3 and a multivitamin. I heard mix reviews on vitamin b complex some saying causes anxious but majority says it’s good. Also I didn’t wanna text friends and read work info lately cause I said it makes me anxious but the work info and friends don’t make me anxious.. it’s the negative though I give it which produces negative feeling. If I tell myself the situation ( texting friends/work info) isn’t bad or depressing then though changed and positive feeling and I do it. That time I had go down to dump to drop off lots garbage. Had big feeling gonna dry heave but held it together and told myself it’s not dump it’s my negative though taking place about dump. Hope this makes since

07-19-2018, 11:40 AM
Honestly, the last thing you need is supplements or any type of medication. Trust me, I had exactly the same problem you do and all it did was make things worse. It's going to sound crazy, but the thing that helped me get over this problem is acknowledging that it was there. Before, I was constantly fighting against it to make it stop, but the body responds in the opposite way, making your problems worse because it wants to tell you something is wrong. It's a beautiful system, because your body is trying to help you. I'll give you a step list of the things I do when it happens to me, it may look a little ridiculous, but I promise you that it helps greatly. post! What I have been facing the feeling and doing things.

1. Go the the place where you feel pain or discomfort and feel it, do not run from it. This can be your stomach or even your throat.
2. Acknowledge the fact that your body is trying to help you and not harm you. It is giving you symptoms because you feel anxiety, so you can protect yourself against the source of the anxiety. So, say 'thank you' to your body for doing such a great job.
3. Say to yourself: "I know this feels uncomfortable right now, but this too shall pass. I'm just experiencing an emotion."
4. Sit up straight, do not cross your arms, and make yourself bigger. Our natural instinct with anxiety is to make ourselves smaller and cross our arms, but this tenses us up even more. You want to do the opposite.
5. Take your time and realise that the symptom does not have to go away. Whatever happens, it's okay.
6. Keep a close eye on your breathing. Try to breath in and out slowly and deeply to give your body the signal it is okay to calm down.

P.S. it helps to write these things down, since they can be hard to remember when you have a panic attack. So, have a small note on your phone or a sticky note with you so you can access it when you need to.
Wow awesome post. My last appointment with pcholgist and this statement has made a lot sense. I was using dry heaving once every few days as a way to relax myself and did it on purpose once or twice instead of letting feeling pass. Then one night at work I had massive fear of confined space and started dry heave like crazy. Then it was like any little thing I better dry heave so I feel good. Then it was like my body thinks it needs it to cope and do stuff. Like my doctor said.. it’s just a feeling usually from a negative thought but not a negative situation. The situation isn’t the problem. The situations the same since I was a kid. It’s the fear of dry heaving in that situation. So it’s a negative thought/fear which contributes to a negative feeling for a usual situation. So I can either tell myself awwww looks it’s that feeling I must be thinking about dry heaving ( negative thought) but then tell myself the situation is fine which is a positive thought which gives a positive feeling. Or can just go through it not thinking anything and with exposure it goes down over time. Or like u said, say thank you for feeling which is body way thinking it’s helping but I don’t need help rite now but thanks anyways. First and third ones combined sounds like good bet. Even sometimes I get feeling drinking water and it tries control me and not let me do things but If I say “ jees this just drinking water, this not negative situation and drink away then it helps. Also my diet isn’t good so I added supplements..magnesium, b complex, vitamin d, omega 3 and a multivitamin. I heard mix reviews on vitamin b complex some saying causes anxious but majority says it’s good. Also I didn’t wanna text friends and read work info lately cause I said it makes me anxious but the work info and friends don’t make me anxious.. it’s the negative though I give it which produces negative feeling. If I tell myself the situation ( texting friends/work info) isn’t bad or depressing then though changed and positive feeling and I do it. That time I had go down to dump to drop off lots garbage. Had big feeling gonna dry heave but held it together and told myself it’s not dump it’s my negative though taking place about dump. Hope this makes since

07-19-2018, 12:26 PM
Just went that time and did the “ thanks for trying help me but don’t need help at the moment is this is a positive situation and will let u know if it changes but I’m fine for now “

07-19-2018, 12:27 PM
I think I like that way instead of mine but both together helps

07-19-2018, 01:12 PM
Just the weird nausea feeling lingers around in mouth majority of day and it gets bigger when a moment comes on that could make it worst. Like I can run around house with kid no worries but has stop so don’t dry heave cause feeling in my mouth but I think might be lingering effect or where I did it for some long it stays. It was gone for few weeks but came back

07-20-2018, 04:33 AM
Just went that time and did the “ thanks for trying help me but don’t need help at the moment is this is a positive situation and will let u know if it changes but I’m fine for now “

I understand 100%. I went about 5 years ago and I just wasn't ready. We can want to be better so bad, but you can still be not ready. The reason for that, in my humble opinion, is that our nervous system is so wired after years of anxiety. It's overly sensitive, so we are still in the habit of trying to suppress what our body is telling us. We are not listening to our bodies, and that leads to some nervous-related problems. Nothing is wrong with us, we've just been too brave for too long ;)

Honestly, what worked for me was quite different from standard CBT. CBT made things worse for me, although I did learn a lot of important things. Instead of being in my head all the time and think about my symptom (my worst one was dizziness), I feel where my tension is, acknowledge it, thank my body for trying to protect me, and take the right posture and breathing. It does go away, even though it does not have to at that point. It does take practice, so don't be afraid to practice this in your daily life. For example, if you feel on edge about something, just determine where you feel the stress and apply the same steps ;)

07-20-2018, 04:39 AM
Just the weird nausea feeling lingers around in mouth majority of day and it gets bigger when a moment comes on that could make it worst. Like I can run around house with kid no worries but has stop so don’t dry heave cause feeling in my mouth but I think might be lingering effect or where I did it for some long it stays. It was gone for few weeks but came back

This type of thing is extremely common. When you're body is so wired all the time from anxiety, you will even start looking for the symptom, even if it has disappeared. If you have determined that the nausea feeling centers around your mouth, then you must focus your attention there. Give it some friendly attention. Say thank you for the fact it is trying to protect you. Take a couple of minutes to do the breathing and the posture tips I posted earlier. Remember, your symptom does not have to go away immediately, just acknowledge it is there.

When you do this regularly, your nervous system will be less tense and less wired, making you more resilient and reducing the likeliness of such symptoms appearing. Of course, you do have to keep listening to your body and take a bit of time to relax every now and again. Even if it is only 5 minutes.

07-20-2018, 04:40 AM
Just the weird nausea feeling lingers around in mouth majority of day and it gets bigger when a moment comes on that could make it worst. Like I can run around house with kid no worries but has stop so don’t dry heave cause feeling in my mouth but I think might be lingering effect or where I did it for some long it stays. It was gone for few weeks but came back

This type of thing is extremely common. When you're body is so wired all the time from anxiety, you will even start looking for the symptom, even if it has disappeared. If you have determined that the nausea feeling centers around your mouth, then you must focus your attention there. Give it some friendly attention. Say thank you for the fact it is trying to protect you. Take a couple of minutes to do the breathing and the posture tips I posted earlier. Remember, your symptom does not have to go away immediately, just acknowledge it is there.

When you do this regularly, your nervous system will be less tense and less wired, making you more resilient and reducing the likeliness of such symptoms appearing. Of course, you do have to keep listening to your body and take a bit of time to relax every now and again. Even if it is only 5 minutes.

07-20-2018, 04:42 AM
Kixxi long time not to see, Fantastic post, I am reading it and relaxing. You are very good, You should post more often :)

Thanks Dahila. I will put in an effort to write more posts :) Unfortunately I'm always super busy ;) Working 14-16 hour days now and then add to that the psychology studies lol Still, I'll try logging in a bit more :)

07-20-2018, 04:53 AM
Wow awesome post. My last appointment with pcholgist and this statement has made a lot sense. I was using dry heaving once every few days as a way to relax myself and did it on purpose once or twice instead of letting feeling pass. Then one night at work I had massive fear of confined space and started dry heave like crazy. Then it was like any little thing I better dry heave so I feel good. Then it was like my body thinks it needs it to cope and do stuff. Like my doctor said.. it’s just a feeling usually from a negative thought but not a negative situation. The situation isn’t the problem. The situations the same since I was a kid. It’s the fear of dry heaving in that situation. So it’s a negative thought/fear which contributes to a negative feeling for a usual situation. So I can either tell myself awwww looks it’s that feeling I must be thinking about dry heaving ( negative thought) but then tell myself the situation is fine which is a positive thought which gives a positive feeling. Or can just go through it not thinking anything and with exposure it goes down over time. Or like u said, say thank you for feeling which is body way thinking it’s helping but I don’t need help rite now but thanks anyways. First and third ones combined sounds like good bet. Even sometimes I get feeling drinking water and it tries control me and not let me do things but If I say “ jees this just drinking water, this not negative situation and drink away then it helps. Also my diet isn’t good so I added supplements..magnesium, b complex, vitamin d, omega 3 and a multivitamin. I heard mix reviews on vitamin b complex some saying causes anxious but majority says it’s good. Also I didn’t wanna text friends and read work info lately cause I said it makes me anxious but the work info and friends don’t make me anxious.. it’s the negative though I give it which produces negative feeling. If I tell myself the situation ( texting friends/work info) isn’t bad or depressing then though changed and positive feeling and I do it. That time I had go down to dump to drop off lots garbage. Had big feeling gonna dry heave but held it together and told myself it’s not dump it’s my negative though taking place about dump. Hope this makes since

One of the problems we have as anxiety sufferers is that we overthink things. We must always know why. Why do I get this symptom now? Why does it not go away when I try the things the psychologist tells me to? Why can't I stop? Why can't I be like everyone else? These are just examples of the things I used to think about in my own head. I sometimes still get them. Obviously, it caused me to feel so wired all the time. I could be the same thing for you ;)

Negative thoughts can be extremely persisting (trust me, I had the worst at one point). But even those persisting thoughts are just signs your body is so wired and it needs a break. The thoughts are there to help you, but it often turns out differently. Also, we can tell ourselves certain things to make us feel better, but they will not help unless we believe them. This is why I honestly believe in acknowledging your feelings instead of suppressing them. You do not always need to know why something feels like it does, because the answer is always the same, "My body is too tense right now". Thank your body for helping you, take a confident posture, and slow down your breathing, signalling it is okay for your body to calm down.

Also, CBT can help greatly with finding the logic in symptoms and to counter them. I did have my own issues with CBT, causing me to "be in my head" too much. So, what worked for me was a combination of CBT logic and simple Mindfulness :)

02-25-2020, 03:11 AM
You need medical treatement.