View Full Version : Anxiety has QUAD-RIPPLED in the last couple of months

06-28-2014, 04:34 PM
Hello i have suffered from anxiety for a long time, however it was always about certain things like abouit my exs or things like that

a few months ago my uncle who was only 51 died
the next week i went to see a flatshare off the net and almost got attacked, mugged

Since then i have been constantly terrified any loud noises im worried if its a break in
im scared everywhere

always scared that people are going to try attack me, or put things in my drinks so i keep them unopened never pre-opened in my drinks

if taxi driver drops me off, im always worried `he knows my adress now hell send some lads round to burgle us`

im just constantly terrified and paranoid about being threatened/ attacked

its absolutly ruining my life it really is

i would love some advice or to hear from somebody going through similar

06-28-2014, 09:01 PM
We all go through similar situations, we all are anxious or depressed. Welcome to the forum. I think you need to see the doc and talk about it, and maybe a therapist:)

06-29-2014, 01:18 AM
We all go through similar situations, we all are anxious or depressed. Welcome to the forum. I think you need to see the doc and talk about it, and maybe a therapist:)

i`m not trying to be nasty i appreciate your reply
but its really shattered my confidence that on both my threads on what is supposed to be the biggest anxiety forum on the internet i have just had 1 reply :(

06-29-2014, 03:37 AM
How were you almost attacked? What happened? I understand the fear of death after an unexpected death and sorry for your loss :(

06-29-2014, 05:13 AM
Hi elibabes, Do not be discouraged about the post. I am somewhat new but it appears that people are not on as much or have "summer activities " so the post are not as frequent.
I will tell you like i told my kids after we got robbed ( it's a tough love thing, ok ) If you live your life constantly in fear, like a lot of us do from time to time then your life will be miserable. When you get older like me and look back at the many hours and years that i have wasted fearing one anxiety or another and not doing the stuff that makes you happy than what kind of life would that be. I also had an uncle that passed in his 50's and i worked with him every day so it was especially tough but to put it into perspective. there are about 7 BILLION people on this planet and people die every day, from infants to the elderly, from disease or war, from violence to accidents, etc.etc. It is part of who we are. I guess what i am trying to say is hopefully the attach was isolated and the death i am sorry to here about i feel your pain. please come back often and do some reading around. Peace to you.

06-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Your anxiety is controlling your life rather than the other way around. Is there any chance you can go to see a therapist and talk about it? There are various ways to control anxiety- from medication to meditation to vigorous exercise to breathing exercises. A lot of information is to be found on this forum. Everyone finds different ways for themselves to cope with anxiety. What you're going through is quite common...events in your life are triggering your anxiety. Best to you.

06-29-2014, 11:37 AM
how do you mean medication, also police sirens send my heart racing too, i mean ive never had a criminal record or ever got in trouble with the police but when i hear a siren im always worried are there burgulars nearby, what if they are hiding in my garden or something - just a horrible heart racing feeling like im going to have a heart attack, the last 4 weeks or so ive had these feeelings so strong like no other - i feel like i may die of this carries on

06-29-2014, 06:13 PM
I think that sometimes we need to realize that things happen that are out of our control and the only thing that we can really do is to educate our self, stay vigilant and let whats going to happen, happen. If that makes sense and yes it is not as easy as it sounds but unless we do this we will be racked with fear and never leave the house. Best of luck to you.

06-30-2014, 05:20 AM
no ofense john c
your answers are awful
they do nothing to calm me down they make me feel worse
and are basically saying meh its a bad world out there deal with it

all you keep talking about it is how bad things are going to happen and nothing to do about it

go away

every time i see your replies i feel even worse

never reply to my threads again

06-30-2014, 08:29 AM
There's a nice way to say things and a not-so-nice way. If you post on a forum, you have to realize that each person is wanting to help you and you can decide what is helpful. John C is trying to be helpful and you can politely let him know that it's making you feel less calm but realize it's meant to be helpful. And, what works for one person may not work for another.

You have some serious problems there because once you start to get paranoid, you're now anxious and paranoid. I really think you've got to get some help with this. See a doctor and tell him/her what's going on and get started there. I think you're uncle's death may have triggered something. It worries me that you are afraid to open your drinks as you think someone will poison you. Please get some help with this. I've read a lot of posts on this forum but this is the first one that someone has reported that they are not only feeling very anxious and terrified,but also feeling that someone is trying to kill them. This is serious and you would feel so much better if you get some professional help to navigate through these feelings.

06-30-2014, 10:02 AM
elibabes my only reply was offensive to you, John who is always extremely gentle with people and helpful is offensive to you to. Get a grip and go to doc, take meds, and when you calm up a bit come back and have and adult conversation with people here, we all relate. Everyone here has anxiety, depression, OCD you name it. I am scared when I hear the sirens to imagining that they are coming from my place, then i speed and everything is ok in a few minutes.
I am saying also that you will waste your life focusing on your fear. Face it, like everyone else. I know you will tell me off too, and this is not way to behave....

06-30-2014, 12:21 PM
elibabes my only reply was offensive to you, John who is always extremely gentle with people and helpful is offensive to you to. Get a grip and go to doc, take meds, and when you calm up a bit come back and have and adult conversation with people here, we all relate. Everyone here has anxiety, depression, OCD you name it. I am scared when I hear the sirens to imagining that they are coming from my place, then i speed and everything is ok in a few minutes.
I am saying also that you will waste your life focusing on your fear. Face it, like everyone else. I know you will tell me off too, and this is not way to behave....

its not that
i value your replies

but all john keeps saying is `meh its a bad world out there whats gonna hapen will happen`

or to that effect

which makes me feel worse

06-30-2014, 12:46 PM
No, no John said because life is tough, I am already grandma and I live with anxiety my whole life. Because of similar fear as yours I started to train (:)) ) dogs and breed them. I found the passion and something which make me much calmer. It is important to do something to overcome fear, otherwise you wasting your life away. I believe in one life , right now , and here. I am saying it from my expierence and I worry or not the bad things happen and also good things happen. :)
Life is not so definite; good and bad is mixed together, and we are obliged to find the best option for us.
Does it help to worry about car accident? Does it make it not happen? NO
Your focusing on driving and calm attitude gives you the save driving.
John advice you the same thing; what you can not change it, accept it.

The world is a bad place but everyone of us can change it a bit, to make it better :))