View Full Version : Meditation tips and suggestions

05-30-2008, 06:03 PM
Hi all,

has anyone got suggestions - books, websites, general knowledge etc that will help me learn meditation? I dont have the money for CBT and I think this would be the best proactive way to treat my anxiety

There are thousands of expensive books out there (and a lot of it is useless self-help crap), so I was hoping some people here may have found joy with a particular source/book, especially if its geared toward stress/anxiety

Would be particulaly good to hear from ex-sufferers who used meditation :roll: ?

thanks in advance!

05-31-2008, 07:29 PM
Hello, i took Celexa before, it helped out a great deal. I was dealing with agoraphobio, extreme anxiety and panic attacks, which lead top depression. After taking it for about 8-10 months i felt better enough to go off of it. about 2 years past, i lost my job and started feeling stressed out and the anxiety creaping up on me again. So i just recently started taking a low dosage of it (10mg) its affected my sleep majorly so far, but hopefuly it should go away soon and i will be fine again:) hope that helps a bit.

05-31-2008, 09:03 PM
AndrewF, the question was about meditation, not medication. Is it possible you misread the post?

Getoutofmyhead, I sent you a PM - hope you received it.

06-02-2008, 09:26 AM
Sorry, i did misread it.

06-03-2008, 09:31 AM
Hi! I have struggled to shut my mind off long enough to meditate but with practice it comes. For me I needed a focus. I had gotten a book called "Healing Mandalas" where one can focus on the picture. But I read in this book some people use candles. There would be an inexpensive focus tool.

Start out with 10 minutes. Don't beat yourself up if you can't focus, perhaps count breaths or follow breathing "in, out, in, out". Also be sure to be grounded by being comfortable and spend a minute or two breathing deeply into your belly. This is something I didn't do. I breathed shallow which makes things worse. Breathe deeply while allowing yourself to feel your body. Focus on your feet, legs, hips, etc.

I found a local retreat center run by the Catholic church that focuses on mysticism. I went for an inexpensive "spiritual guidance" session. I am not a religious person but in that time not one mention of religion or church etc. were mentioned. We focused on meditation and tried to dig down to find when I started feeling anxious.

Look for a teacher. Put your intention out there that you are searching and opportunity will arise. I live in the boondocks and was surprised to find such a place within 1/2 hour's drive.