View Full Version : Persistent anxious feeling

06-28-2014, 08:23 AM
Alright so I'm still trying to navigate my way back to properly dealing with my anxiety symptoms so bear with me. I was diagnosed 7 years ago, took meds, had therapy blah blah blah and have kind of just managed it myself until the last few months (I didn't do that great of job thus why I caved in to therapy about 3 months ago).

Most of the time when I'm feeling very intense anxiety I just end up having a panic attack but more recently I'm starting to notice that at time I can be in a state of very uncomfortable persistent anxiety for long periods of time without the attack actually happening. By no means am I complaining about not having an attack but at least when I have one the anxiety resolves itself rather quickly. I wouldn't even bother posting about this but my anxiety levels were very high last night before I went to sleep and as I'm sitting here I'm getting that elephant sitting on my chest/feeling like I'm suffocating feeling.

Any tips as to how I can get at least temporary relief from these symptoms? I'm not on meds and haven't been since '06. I have a therapist but she's been on vacation and I don't have an appointment until Thursday.

Thanks in advance!

06-28-2014, 09:40 AM
Alright so I'm still trying to navigate my way back to properly dealing with my anxiety symptoms so bear with me. I was diagnosed 7 years ago, took meds, had therapy blah blah blah and have kind of just managed it myself until the last few months (I didn't do that great of job thus why I caved in to therapy about 3 months ago).

Most of the time when I'm feeling very intense anxiety I just end up having a panic attack but more recently I'm starting to notice that at time I can be in a state of very uncomfortable persistent anxiety for long periods of time without the attack actually happening. By no means am I complaining about not having an attack but at least when I have one the anxiety resolves itself rather quickly. I wouldn't even bother posting about this but my anxiety levels were very high last night before I went to sleep and as I'm sitting here I'm getting that elephant sitting on my chest/feeling like I'm suffocating feeling.

Any tips as to how I can get at least temporary relief from these symptoms? I'm not on meds and haven't been since '06. I have a therapist but she's been on vacation and I don't have an appointment until Thursday.

Thanks in advance!

Ready for reading, to begin, for you :

The elephant is on your back because you are dangling his bag of peanuts, period. Get rid of the food (for thought/triggers/repressed emotions/uncomfortable relations (peers)/daily worries/persistant nagging issue) and the elephant will go away, now :

Consistant worries raise the adrenal level, you now have a higher normal. Flashes will then happen periodically, flashes are the full blown attack. Then subside, but not mind you to normal levels per se, but to the elevated levels considered your norm.

First and foremost, look at your life in the past few weeks/months, for there you will see the reason. What stresses/trauma/issues are currently ongoing? They are plain as the daylight through a window.

You have your own triggers unique to you, what sets you off, and thus the flashes then can be predicted within 24 hours, they are called an adrenal dump, and it is just like it sounds, and it does, just what the name implies, once the dump is finished you have a new higher level norm, so to speak. I am saying you are always raising the bar.

For example as a child on a scale of 1-10 your anxiety may have been a constant 2. where as a teen that may have been 4, now you may be at a consistant 7, always a bit off, jittery, etc so when the dump comes you penetrate 10. All hell breaks loose.

Either way look at your life and you will see the reasons for the consistant feelings, for if you feel something is off, it is.

That is what therapy is for, at your next visit, get down and dirty, you see. Each feeling that you explore, each trigger resolved, each emotion healed will lower your level of normal, so soon you will not feel it all the time, but sometimes/seldom.

Again, the question of the day, "What is going on in my life that is causing me so much stress? If it feels general, as in, "well everything is just peachy" that is a lie, no exceptions.

Now listen, if you were confronted with danger, RIGHT NOW A LION IS CHASING YOU OMG!! you would dump the adrenaline and be able to say, "it was the lion that caused my anxiety !" In the case of no lion, the consistant worry state of a 7 with a jittery tense body will dump because of a small trigger, and since it was no immediate threat, and could have happened yesterday, you say "I am clueless to why Im having this attack".

You may fear loss of love, and yesterday fought with your spouse/significant other, triggering a spike in level and a dump. do you understand? In this case, healing the reason for the fear (loss of love) will eliminate the blind trigger responses. Talk about this at your sessions, and find your beliefs/fears

End of information, end of post.

06-28-2014, 10:33 AM
Thank you.