View Full Version : Nightmares

06-27-2014, 10:42 PM
Since coming off Remeron (6th day off it) i've been having insomnia. Spent around 3 weeks taperig off in total. Found it hard to go to sleep. Takes an hour or so and it's really troublesome. Never usually takes long to get to sleep normally. But worst of all is the nightmares. Very vivid, very dark - usually demonic. Plays on inner fears I suppose. It's tough as I keep waking up multiple times a night. Often taking longer to get to sleep than I actually spend asleep. With segmented sleep and such intense nightmares waking me up I feel like i've had no proper rest. So I feel utterly shattered each and every day. In these circumstances I could normally fall asleep within 5 minutes and stay asleep for 4-6 hours. But now as soon as I lie down my mind starts getting really active and I keep tossing and turning and waking up constantly.

I know this shouldn't be permanent. I just wouldn't want to get worked up so much this turns into full blown insomnia. Can anyone offer advice? I really need some proper rest.


06-28-2014, 08:41 AM
Man try the meditation, and what is the most important do not eat before sleep , go with half empty stomach, so the nightmares will be kept at bay. I am suffering with insomnia for years for three decades at least. I know what you are talking about. From the moment I started guided meditation in bed I just take 0.5 clonazepam at 9 pm and a half of Zoplicone and I sleep, maybe for the first time in my life. The last few months is a blessing. I know what you are talking about so well....There comes a moment when the bed is your worst enemy