View Full Version : Feel nausa nearly all of the time.. What can i do?

06-27-2014, 02:45 PM
Like ive been feeling nausea all of the time for the past few days and its been getting worse and more intense and because i have emetophobia its triggering a lot of panic attacks eventhough i know deep down its only anxiety because nothing has happened from it.. So far.. :( im so nervous of it happening... But the nausea is really playing with my mind because im struggling so badly to tell if its just anxiety or ive atually got a bug and it might happen.. What can i do? I dont know how much longer i can put up with this because the panic is getting stronger and ive been trying so hard to get on top of it but its just not happening... This has all got out of hand since i got food poisoning the other week which is probably an emetophobics nightmare LOL! And it really was the worst thing i have ever experienced... Any advice would be nice i how do get rid/Ease the nausea to help calm me down a bit?

06-27-2014, 04:10 PM
I get nauseous when i panic as well, I try to take my mind of it somehow, like go for a walk. Doesn't always work though.

As It's linked to anxiety in your case, breathing well will make it fade away I think.
Hope it gets better

06-27-2014, 04:40 PM
Like ive been feeling nausea all of the time for the past few days and its been getting worse and more intense and because i have emetophobia its triggering a lot of panic attacks eventhough i know deep down its only anxiety because nothing has happened from it.. So far.. :( im so nervous of it happening... But the nausea is really playing with my mind because im struggling so badly to tell if its just anxiety or ive atually got a bug and it might happen.. What can i do? I dont know how much longer i can put up with this because the panic is getting stronger and ive been trying so hard to get on top of it but its just not happening... This has all got out of hand since i got food poisoning the other week which is probably an emetophobics nightmare LOL! And it really was the worst thing i have ever experienced... Any advice would be nice i how do get rid/Ease the nausea to help calm me down a bit?

1)Ginger Ale soda, sip at it a glass now and then. any brand they are all made with ginger.

2)Chew a few antacid tablets (any brand)

3)spoonful of cola syrup as needed, made especially for fast relief

All 3 at your local market, or maybe the cola syrup at the drugstore.

all of these will carpet bomb your nausea and give relief

06-27-2014, 08:12 PM
Guys there is a way, not many people believe it, but smelling something nice like perfume, helps with it. Before I tell me I am wrong just try it. I would not recommend ginger ale, but chewing a piece of ginger yes. Smelling lavender essential oil helps also...

06-27-2014, 10:13 PM
Like ive been feeling nausea all of the time for the past few days and its been getting worse and more intense and because i have emetophobia its triggering a lot of panic attacks eventhough i know deep down its only anxiety because nothing has happened from it.. So far.. :( im so nervous of it happening... But the nausea is really playing with my mind because im struggling so badly to tell if its just anxiety or ive atually got a bug and it might happen.. What can i do? I dont know how much longer i can put up with this because the panic is getting stronger and ive been trying so hard to get on top of it but its just not happening... This has all got out of hand since i got food poisoning the other week which is probably an emetophobics nightmare LOL! And it really was the worst thing i have ever experienced... Any advice would be nice i how do get rid/Ease the nausea to help calm me down a bit?

Squeeze fresh lemon juice in water and drink, it will make u feel better. It kills bad bacteria and strengthens stomach.

06-28-2014, 01:37 AM
Thanks, ill try the perfume one now? Ive never heard of it but ill give it a go! Ill defo go and try the ginger one but owch the lemon sounds a bit hard going but i suppose its worth a shot! But thank you!

06-29-2014, 09:37 AM
I recommend taking antacid pills, too. You may want to see internal medecine Dr. and get prescription if regular drug do not work. Too much acid in your stomach might be the problem. I just went to see Dr. myself and had gastroscopy, turned out I had inflammation in my stomach and esophagus.

06-30-2014, 08:07 AM
Thankyou! And sounds painful? Im just eating a little bit hahh! But ginger things help alot!