View Full Version : Feel amazing

06-25-2014, 04:42 PM
A lot of you may remember me from a few months ago as someone who used to be worrying a lot and getting reassurance
I feel amazing!! I'm still not on any meds at all and still refuse to take them!! I'm back working again and iv even managed to gain a stone in weight. Ditching my boyfriend that I thought was my world and my life and wasn't part of the problems was the best thing I done because now I can see he was part of the problem because I couldn't trust him and was constantly a nervous wreck so you guys out there still struggling it will get better so keep on going :) I'm not 100% there but I'm slowly getting my life back and that's what it's all about :)

06-25-2014, 04:43 PM
Great post little one!

06-25-2014, 05:12 PM
A lot of you may remember me from a few months ago as someone who used to be worrying a lot and getting reassurance
I feel amazing!! I'm still not on any meds at all and still refuse to take them!! I'm back working again and iv even managed to gain a stone in weight. Ditching my boyfriend that I thought was my world and my life and wasn't part of the problems was the best thing I done because now I can see he was part of the problem because I couldn't trust him and was constantly a nervous wreck so you guys out there still struggling it will get better so keep on going :) I'm not 100% there but I'm slowly getting my life back and that's what it's all about :)

Well, isn't that a good read this evening

Good to hear. Keep moving forward!

06-25-2014, 08:42 PM
Sure do remember you, and very good post. Thank you for letting us all know you are well. Keep on keepin on.

06-25-2014, 09:40 PM
Very good, sometimes making the decision is the most difficult, from there to now it is much easier. I am happy that you feeling good:))

06-26-2014, 04:38 PM
Sure do remember you, and very good post. Thank you for letting us all know you are well. Keep on keepin on. Peace

I imagine it was a bad thing remembering me some of the stuff I look back on now that I wrote I think I was so silly. Crazy how ur mind works

06-26-2014, 04:39 PM
I'm gunna keep going. Every day I miss him but it will fade in time and the anxiety has drifted away with him so that's the best thing that could have happened.

06-27-2014, 02:35 AM
Awhhh! I think thats given me a bit of hope, thanks and nice one! :) keep on going!

06-27-2014, 02:27 PM
Awhhh! I think thats given me a bit of hope, thanks and nice one! :) keep on going!

You should hope. It's something I didn't do when I was so bad but just remember when u feel like ur at the bottom and the lowest u can go.....the only way u can go now is up. Giving up isn't an option.....your strong....your fighting something very tiring and draining and ur body is still going.

Try and allow the anxiety in a bit and ride it out because the harder u fight against not wanting it the more it comes back.

06-27-2014, 03:06 PM
You should hope. It's something I didn't do when I was so bad but just remember when u feel like ur at the bottom and the lowest u can go.....the only way u can go now is up. Giving up isn't an option.....your strong....your fighting something very tiring and draining and ur body is still going.

Try and allow the anxiety in a bit and ride it out because the harder u fight against not wanting it the more it comes back.

Wow thats a great way of putting it! Thank you very much! :)

06-27-2014, 03:57 PM
Wow thats a great way of putting it! Thank you very much! :)

I had help from someone who would listen to me each week, and would see things from a 'normal' perspective.
I would cry and panic and freak out and think bad things were happening but it wasn't. Keep ur head up :)

06-28-2014, 01:52 AM
Hey littleone123,
I am happy for you and if any help you need you can ask directly...

06-28-2014, 03:41 AM
I had help from someone who would listen to me each week, and would see things from a 'normal' perspective.
I would cry and panic and freak out and think bad things were happening but it wasn't. Keep ur head up :)
Yeah i have someone i see weekly as well :) seeing your post as proven that things do get better! Thanks again:)