View Full Version : Help/advice on supporting partner with depression

05-29-2008, 09:12 AM
Hi, Im hoping someone can give me some help/tips/anything!?
My partner was diagnosed with depression 2 weeks ago and since then Iv been at a loss with how to deal with him. He gets v.scared and panicky in the mornings and whenever he has to go out. He's been signed off work for about a month now. Im being as caring and supportive as I can be but are there any things I can be saying to him that will help/inspire/motivate him to get better? He says he can't stop stressing about the future and what will happen if he can't go back to work, unfortunately I dont know what to say to this that will help.... any ideas or suggestions would be greatly apreciated.

05-30-2008, 10:57 PM
I understand that you must feel powerless but in fact supporting him and, most of all, listening to him is a huge help. It can be very frustrating for a partner and even become boring to have to listen to the same complaints all the time but really, just being there for him is very helpful in his recovery.

05-31-2008, 09:55 AM

I would second the reply above by firstly agreeing with it and secondly saying that one of the best things you can do is offer sympathy and just always remember that while it must be easy to think 'I would never feel like this' or 'There must be a way he can start to feel better' what your partner is feeling is very different from how you would usually expect a person to feel. You sound really caring and you must always try to stick by him.

Ia m sure that he will get better with you help and I wish you both the very best of luck.


06-01-2008, 08:56 AM
Thank you both very much,thats v.encouraging, I do feel completely helpless, I suppose Im just searching for some miracle cure that I can offer him but I know that doesnt exist! Thanks again.

06-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Hi, Im hoping someone can give me some help/tips/anything!?
My partner was diagnosed with depression 2 weeks ago and since then Iv been at a loss with how to deal with him. He gets v.scared and panicky in the mornings and whenever he has to go out. He's been signed off work for about a month now. Im being as caring and supportive as I can be but are there any things I can be saying to him that will help/inspire/motivate him to get better? He says he can't stop stressing about the future and what will happen if he can't go back to work, unfortunately I dont know what to say to this that will help.... any ideas or suggestions would be greatly apreciated.

Most importantly, is he on medication? Antidepressants? That at least is a start.

06-02-2008, 04:03 AM
He's, briefly, tried anti-depressants but seemed to get really bad side effects, his doctor is now trying to encourage him to give them anohter go but he really doesn't want to. His mum has given him St. Johns Wort to try, which I was highly sceptical about, that didnt seem to work. He's now on 5 HTP which again im sceptical on, this doesnt seem to be making much difference either. I would like him try anti depressants again, do you think he's just got to find the right one for him?

06-02-2008, 05:55 AM
Yes. I think he has to try another type. I am in the same boat. I tried Paxil, low dose was good, but higher dose caused unbelievable eye sensitivity and headaches so I just stopped altogether.

I am going to see my doctor again and try another. I am not out of the wood s yet with this anxiety or depression.
