View Full Version : struggling with exams

06-25-2014, 03:48 PM
its exam week for me, oh joy..today i had a science exam and half way through i had a panic attack. started sobbing, worrying about my marks or failing, and just i was so anxious i couldnt take it and ended up running off to my mum who was waiting in the other room and she calmed me down but i have like 5 more and i cant just run off to her everytime..please how do i stay calm? no i dont have meds, or any physical thhing. i need mental encouragment lol

06-25-2014, 03:53 PM
I'm struggling with my exams too; revising is hard when your distracted by anxiety, and then I turn up to the exam blank.......

My advise would be, put into perspective the context of your exams, are they just mocks? If you fail, can you resit? Have you already got an advantage with coursework?

Also, my presumption is that you're probably intellectually clever, so If you take control of your anxiety with the methods you do on a day to day basis in a exam, you'll have no problems! :)

06-25-2014, 04:01 PM
I'm struggling with my exams too; revising is hard when your distracted by anxiety, and then I turn up to the exam blank.......

My advise would be, put into perspective the context of your exams, are they just mocks? If you fail, can you resit? Have you already got an advantage with coursework?

Also, my presumption is that you're probably intellectually clever, so If you take control of your anxiety with the methods you do on a day to day basis in a exam, you'll have no problems! :)

haha, flattered, but no im not the smartest ... thing..ever haha :P
they arent mocks no but they are..actually im not sure what they are
revising is hard but i skype my friend and we revise in these kreepy voices which helps a lot surpirisingly LOL but still its hard!