View Full Version : Aches

06-25-2014, 02:41 PM
What is there for them? I know the mental side of things - don't fight or fear it, let them be. But what about the medication side of things? Benzos work for 2 hours at best and only serve to dull and never eradicate a pain. Pain killers don't do anything. Alcohol numbs it completely but I can't rely on that.

So what else is there for an ache other than waiting it out or getting some temporary relief from a hot bath? Dr's do the 1-10 pain scale. Mine are every minute of every day and vary from 3-7. At the moment i've got severe shoulder pain.Tends to happen a few times a day and it's at times like these when things hurt their most that I wonder what the hell I can do for myself?


06-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Hi ed

Are you aches and pains tension related?

The only thing I can really suggest is perhaps meditation or try and get referred to a pain management clinic. You might have to push for it with your gp, but they will give you ideas on how to deal with it.


06-25-2014, 05:17 PM
Hey, Ed

Read this book

The Healing Back by Dr. John Sarno

Seriously, your questions will be answered by page 25

I had the same type pains for years in my lower back and no one could find out why

It's where you carry your stress

I read it and understood his comments because I tried everything prior

You sound like you are in the same boat and could easily identify with it

06-25-2014, 05:18 PM
Oh, one more thing

Since reading that book, I have not ever had an episode of back pain

True story

06-25-2014, 09:06 PM
The best thing you can do is go to a doctor and get him to send you to physical therapy. I have had AMAZING results from PT.
I have had help with both back pain and knee pain by learning the key exercises I needed and doing them.

06-25-2014, 09:48 PM
Ragamuffin you have ongoing problem with pain as long as I remember (being on this forum) Have you ever talk to someone about it? Tried maybe holistic approach. Where the traditional medicine can not help, the acupuncturists can make all the difference. I was suffering from migraine my whole life. After the series of acupuncture it disappeared. At the same time I started to eat a lot of veggies and fruit, it could be combination of this two , I had never got migraine again. So far so good.
Pain clinic;, they teach you how to live with pain and maybe even the meditation, which is very helpful with chronic pain. Pain killers are not the answer ..........
I would give a chance and read the book Nixon recommend (I am going to order it:) )

06-26-2014, 07:38 AM
Sounds similar to a book i've ordered by a Dr Schubiner called unlearn your pain. A person i spoke to on anxietyzone sounded identical to me with constant pain but feeling pretty mentally ok throughout most of the day. But i'll buy a copy of the book you recommended too.

My pains tend to focus in 4 specific areas - arm, shoulder, chest and back. Shoulder and arm pain tend to be most dominant and truth be told on most days they're agony. Yeah Dahila, ever since i've been here unfortunately it's been pains every hour of every day. One of the GP's said he specialised in pain management but his approach has always been to avoid anxiety meds which he considers poisons and agreed, that pain killers wouldn't solve anything. No over the counter pain killer has solved my pains. Even prescription Codeine didnt make a dent in them.

As for holistic approach or physical therapy. I'm speaking to my GP today about the constant pain i'm in. I'll request to be put on a waiting list for physical therapy and ask what else she can recommend I try. I know this battle is far from over, it's just at times when the pains are so severe (at random points each day) I just feel like there's not much fight left in me.

Thanks for the responses though everyone.


06-26-2014, 11:41 AM
GP wasn't so helpful. Pitying looks and overly sympathetic tone of voice. Checked my pulse (64 aww yeah), blood pressure and oxygen levels as I said I often felt like I struggled to breath. Who knew you coulc check oxygen levels via a finger pulse monitor. So that's all fine. She said there weren't any non addictive muscle relaxants...boo.

GP's there do do acupuncture though. So I got a session tomorrow and perhaps it'll be a regular thing depending. She felt my shoulders and back etc and said there was a huge amount of tension in them (yeah no shit sherlock)

Ahh well we'll see how it goes. Last acupuncture session I had when I threw my back out was agony. She seems to think it doesn't hurt....hmmm


06-26-2014, 07:40 PM
If any above the suggestions work do them as oppose to the one I recommend here.

I started getting severe head pain, then that disappeared and I now get it in my legs, arms shoulders, neck.... anywhere really. I was prescribed pregabalin for pain, but it can also cause pain and unfortunately it caused me more pain. The same happened with Gabapentin. I was originally on Lexapro for my anxiety but I decided to come off of that and try Amitriptyline. It helps a great deal with the pain, the one side effect I get with it is hypnagogic hallucinations. Which is basically a hallucination when entering or leaving a sleeping state. So for example When I wake up I can see a piece of string, it spirals into a spider and walks along the wall. I blink alot and it disappears. This originally bothered me but it doesn't bother me no more, it's a small price to pay for the pain going away. I'm on 75mg at the minute and thinking of going a little higher, I take it at night and it helps me sleep.

If anyone was wondering I don't usually experience hallucinations and I'm not psychotic. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just know certain people view them in a certain light.

I know of one person on here who takes pregabalin, I'm not sure if it is for pain but they have said it has done wonders for them anxiety wise. It is licensed for Generalised anxiety disorder, pain and epilepsy. Just because I had a bad experience, it doesn't mean you will. So either pregabalin, Gabapentin (licensed for pain/epilepsy) or amitriptyline are possible alternatives but you will obviously have to speak to your doctor about it. They can also be combined but again you need to speak to the doctor. I like you tried alot of pain medication like codeine/tramadol etc but to no avail

But Like I said before if the other solutions above that don't contain medication help, then do them instead of the meds :)

06-26-2014, 08:04 PM
Hmm..my friend recently tried something called "dry needling" and found it very helpful for the pain in her jaw. It's more scientific and accurate than accupuncture (which she said is more like guesswork)

06-26-2014, 08:05 PM
I am on gabapentin and I swear it is working wonders on me. I am on 900 mg a day and it helps me not only with pains but with anxiety too. So many people tried it and it did not give them relieve, I am very happy on it, but maybe cause I never took anything for pains except occasional tylenol 3 ......

06-27-2014, 10:30 AM
I kinda wanna try the drug free route. The GP wasn't of much help. Didn't think acupuncture would help in the long run. Recommended muscle tension/relaxation exercises, tai chi, yoga etc. All stuff i'll need to invest in. Which is true enough, the only one who can help me is myself.

Could be the fact i'm not off Remeron or the fact that the aches and pains aren't so severe. But depression and a feeling of overwhelming emptyness has hit me really hard once again.


06-27-2014, 11:46 AM
raggamuffin have you tried meditation? If I asked it already forgive me please, my age :))

06-27-2014, 12:21 PM
Tried it. I need to keep at it though as I found it difficult. meditation CD's are coming with the book i ordered.


06-27-2014, 01:02 PM
Raggamuffin the guided meditation is the easiest I use jOn Kabat Zinn, and it helps me a lot....my insomnia is much easier now

06-27-2014, 08:54 PM
Tried it. I need to keep at it though as I found it difficult. meditation CD's are coming with the book i ordered.


Keep at it. It is like weight training..... the more you put into it the more you will get out of it. I own a book which is forwarded by jon kabat zin who is credited with bringing mindfulness to the western world. I also have books written by Thich Nhat Hanh a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, who has been practicing mindfulness for over half a century. Those would be the two I would recommend.

06-28-2014, 09:07 AM
Which one should i have Ritch? he wrote few books

06-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Hi Dahila,

My personal favorite is "The Miracle of Mindfulness" as it demonstrates how we can bring mindfulness into our daily lives without setting aside the time to meditate. I have taken a picture of the back of the book which gives a small description of the contents. I have also included a amazon link which includes reviews of the book. I hope it helps :)



06-28-2014, 08:50 PM
Thank you so much, I got the one I gave you title on FB and I started, I wanted to start to read, but it is another day.....I completely forgot about this guy, thank you so much Ritch...:)