View Full Version : OCD like health checking

06-25-2014, 11:45 AM
For a while now I have had the habit of checking my hands to see what colour they are ( I know, weird).

I have this idea that pale skin equals illness! So If my hands seem paler than usual, I'll panic, a lot. ( Also if one is a different colour than the other)

It's becoming a obsession, and I would like to know if they are any ways of breaking this habit?
(As I play snooker, I put chalk on my hands to make the cue action less sticky, as the chalk is green, I'll end up being tricked into thinking MY HANDS ARE GREEN! for a few seconds, then I realise why they are green in areas but the panic is still there)

06-25-2014, 12:52 PM
For a while now I have had the habit of checking my hands to see what colour they are ( I know, weird).

I have this idea that pale skin equals illness! So If my hands seem paler than usual, I'll panic, a lot. ( Also if one is a different colour than the other)

It's becoming a obsession, and I would like to know if they are any ways of breaking this habit?
(As I play snooker, I put chalk on my hands to make the cue action less sticky, as the chalk is green, I'll end up being tricked into thinking MY HANDS ARE GREEN! for a few seconds, then I realise why they are green in areas but the panic is still there)

I used to think I had jaundice, I compared my yellow skin to my yellow wallpaper, and it freaked me out, partially because the yellow wallpaper reflected on my skin and made me yellow-er, and partially because someone told me 30 years later I was part injun. :)

If you are green, please post a pic !!

In regards to that:

I rushed to the ER once because I was turning green, I told them it was spreading and it was. They told me to stop finger painting, I had forgotten unfortunately ! My bad :)

I'm sorry, I'm in a lively mood, my pulse is normal !

06-25-2014, 01:04 PM
I'm not green as such haha. Just when I look at my hands after 8 hours of playing pool they are in areas; the first realisation always freaks me out.
That about ER, sounds like something I'd do XD.
What's jaundice?

06-25-2014, 01:14 PM
I have a fear of blood poisoning so I check my temperature, skin colour I count how many times I go to the toilet in a day. Time is the best helper as the more time that passes without anything bad happening you start to relax. Medication and CBT helped me too. I still get the fleeting thoughts but they aren't as constant now.

06-25-2014, 01:55 PM
Jaundice is a liver condition. Your skin and sometimes the whites of your eyes turn yellow. It's your livers way of saying its distressed. It's easily treat a lot of newborn babies have jaundice.

06-25-2014, 02:35 PM
Everyone has a little OCD now and again.

There was a guy called ElLukio on the forum that used to weigh himself every morning the stress and lack of appetite caused him to drop weight (as it does) and freaked out if he lost a couple of lbs.

I've been known to check the size of my pupils if I get a headache :/

The colour of your hands vary depending on temperature (hands and feet are notorious for poor circulation) even in the healthiest of people.

If you get really concerned (there is always spray tan) ;)

06-25-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm in a lively mood, my pulse is normal !

I like you in this mood, it suits you! :)

06-25-2014, 02:44 PM
Thanks for reply. I am tempted to try CBT, reluctant to use medication though. Yeah, I check my temperature as well, but not like medically I will every now and then feel how hot I am....annoying when your in the sun XD
I have a fear of blood poisoning so I check my temperature, skin colour I count how many times I go to the toilet in a day. Time is the best helper as the more time that passes without anything bad happening you start to relax. Medication and CBT helped me too. I still get the fleeting thoughts but they aren't as constant now.

06-25-2014, 02:45 PM
I so wish there was a like button on this forum ;-p

06-25-2014, 02:49 PM
Yeah, I know a few people actually with bad OCD. Now I'm going to check my pupils haha
I think because of often pins and needles I could have poor circulation?
Haha yeah, as I've been on a holiday recently and I got tanned, it's been a few weeks since I got back I'm like am I fading or? wow

Everyone has a little OCD now and again.

There was a guy called ElLukio on the forum that used to weigh himself every morning the stress and lack of appetite caused him to drop weight (as it does) and freaked out if he lost a couple of lbs.

I've been known to check the size of my pupils if I get a headache :/

The colour of your hands vary depending on temperature (hands and feet are notorious for poor circulation) even in the healthiest of people.

If you get really concerned (there is always spray tan) ;)

06-25-2014, 02:51 PM
I like you in this mood, it suits you! :)

It does! A change from the poem like prose ( which is helpful by the way)

06-25-2014, 02:52 PM
Thanks for reply. I am tempted to try CBT, reluctant to use medication though. Yeah, I check my temperature as well, but not like medically I will every now and then feel how hot I am....annoying when your in the sun XD

Go for it!
I must say I'm waiting on an appointment for a refresher course to go back to CBT but it did help me a great deal.
Yeah I just check my forehead or wherever for a temperature and annoy my husband by asking him to check too haha.
I also went through a stage where I wouldn't take paracetemol in case they lowered my imaginary temperature and people wouldn't no I had, had one haha.

I was reluctant to take meds but I'm pleased I did, but I was at a very low point when I did. Have you considered taking something like valerian root?

06-25-2014, 02:59 PM
My brother has controlled his anxiety to a level which he doesn't have panic attacks with just yoga and meditation, wouldn't it be best taking a more natural approach then, as suppose to medication?
Valerian root is a herb? Wouldn't know how to get that XD
Can you do CBT without a psychiatrist, and just the material?
Go for it!
I must say I'm waiting on an appointment for a refresher course to go back to CBT but it did help me a great deal.
Yeah I just check my forehead or wherever for a temperature and annoy my husband by asking him to check too haha.
I also went through a stage where I wouldn't take paracetemol in case they lowered my imaginary temperature and people wouldn't no I had, had one haha.

I was reluctant to take meds but I'm pleased I did, but I was at a very low point when I did. Have you considered taking something like valerian root?

06-25-2014, 03:04 PM
My brother has controlled his anxiety to a level which he doesn't have panic attacks with just yoga

I wish, but I'm lactose intolerant.

06-25-2014, 03:07 PM
I enjoyed having my one on one every week with my therapist but I couldn't of done it in a group.
There is lots of info and videos online on CBT so I could imagine it would be possible.

Valerian root is a herb you can buy the supplements cheaply enough. I first bought them online as I couldn't find them. Now I've seen loads but that's just typical of me haha.

Yeah meditation is supposed to be really good though I'm struggling with it at the moment.

06-25-2014, 03:08 PM
Still high? XD
I wish, but I'm lactose intolerant.

06-25-2014, 03:10 PM
Ok, I'll definitely look into it! How's your day been?
I enjoyed having my one on one every week with my therapist but I couldn't of done it in a group.
There is lots of info and videos online on CBT so I could imagine it would be possible.

Valerian root is a herb you can buy the supplements cheaply enough. I first bought them online as I couldn't find them. Now I've seen loads but that's just typical of me haha.

Yeah meditation is supposed to be really good though I'm struggling with it at the moment.

06-25-2014, 03:11 PM
Crap but I've got through it.

Just taking one day at a time at the minute.
Thanks for asking :-)

06-25-2014, 03:14 PM
Hope it'll get better, which it will I suppose. :)
Crap but I've got through it.

Just taking one day at a time at the minute.
Thanks for asking :-)

06-25-2014, 03:16 PM

There is a brand called "KALMS" here in the UK (not sure if they are global) they are in pill form.

They contain hops and valerian extract (good at taking the edge off the nerves). :)

06-25-2014, 03:22 PM
I've just had a look online; they look really good, not the generic pills normally with anxiety. That is what I need, the edge taking off ;)

There is a brand called "KALMS" here in the UK (not sure if they are global) they are in pill form.

They contain hops and valerian extract (good at taking the edge off the nerves). :)

06-25-2014, 03:25 PM
Rescue remedy too is good. It got me through my driving test years ago haha. You can get drops and tablets