View Full Version : Dealing with anxiety... i can't

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 07:46 AM
Hi people,

First time i spoken on a forum so bare with me, terribly hard to say stuff...

I guess i'm suffered with anxiety and depression for a few years.

Loneliness, for me, is a side effect of the barriers I've put up over the years to protect myself from the world, and the world from me.

Anxiety is a by product of that....

I know when anxiety comes as i get clicky fingers, i feel wiggly fingers and feet.

Just wondering how you ppl cope?


06-25-2014, 07:56 AM
Hey! Welcome to the forum! I dont really know what to say because im not coping well myself... But have you ever been on medication for it? That might help? I can relate to loneliness because of avoiding things... Im awful for avoiding stuff! But im sure you will find a lot of people on here going through the same thing and they might be able to help you more than i have! Haha!

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 08:08 AM
I take citalapram and propanalol....haven't spoken as such to anyone... why its hard to write this...

V low doses 10mg of each... probably why it doesnt help as such...

Protect people from me??? i just get worried and get a bit huggy... need a cuddle lol

Just wondering how people cope....???

never typed any of this so a bit disjointed...


Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 08:14 AM
Hey! Welcome to the forum! I dont really know what to say because im not coping well myself... But have you ever been on medication for it? That might help? I can relate to loneliness because of avoiding things... Im awful for avoiding stuff! But im sure you will find a lot of people on here going through the same thing and they might be able to help you more than i have! Haha!

Just talking helps... how do you get through it...i know it won't hurt me, just ride the wave of having to go somewhere, but no real purpose, have the feeling of got to run, get out but nowhere to go....

Does that sound right?

06-25-2014, 08:20 AM
I take citalapram and propanalol....haven't spoken as such to anyone... why its hard to write this...

V low doses 10mg of each... probably why it doesnt help as such...

Protect people from me??? i just get worried and get a bit huggy... need a cuddle lol

Just wondering how people cope....???

never typed any of this so a bit disjointed...


Ohh.. Ive never been on those... And awh... Honestly, just think that one day you will get over it! Because everyone on here will with hope!:) Just wait until you find someone on here who is similar to you! Good luck!

06-25-2014, 08:22 AM
Just talking helps... how do you get through it...i know it won't hurt me, just ride the wave of having to go somewhere, but no real purpose, have the feeling of got to run, get out but nowhere to go....

Does that sound right?

I do completely understand! I suppose a lot of it is a waiting game and part of it is you helping yourself even though most of the time it may seem impossible! But you will get through it like everyone will!

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 08:30 AM
i think flight or fight thing.... my thing is flight.

I know the mechanics behind anxiety , just the coping of it?

You in a realationship? Anxiety was a trouble in mine?

06-25-2014, 11:03 AM
Im too young to have experienced a serious relationship.. Its destroyed friendships though as i am not in school anymore and i am home tutored haha! But im sure it has effected peoples relationships!

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 11:20 AM
Im too young to have experienced a serious relationship.. Its destroyed friendships though as i am not in school anymore and i am home tutored haha! But im sure it has effected peoples relationships!

Yes me too...lost friend but then i guess not real friends if they are like that!

06-25-2014, 11:40 AM
Yes me too...lost friend but then i guess not real friends if they are like that!

Yeah exactly! I have a lot of 'fake' friends hahah. ;D

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 11:44 AM
well, if ppl are like that then not real friends tbh.... and of course sometimes people dont get on... i think there is a stigma to anxiety... shame reallly...

you seem pretty switched on,tried a pm wouldnt let me lol, how old are you?

06-25-2014, 12:15 PM
Yeah... Honestly i told one person i thought i could trust... They were so "mature" and went and told everyone in my year group and would do things on purpose to trigger me.. Wasnt the funniest joke going:p Umm, ill try pming you, my chat doesnt work as its on my mobile and im only 15 :P Young person! Woo!

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 12:22 PM
really? clearly not a nice person....cant reply have to have 10 posts lol

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 12:23 PM
have to try and post another 3 times lol

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 12:24 PM
have to try and post another 3 times
without duplication...

Marc Pingoo Abbiss
06-25-2014, 12:25 PM
once more will be ok

06-25-2014, 12:40 PM
Lol! Do some of the games to get your post count up!