View Full Version : Am worried i have cancer...

06-24-2014, 04:23 PM
Hi all
Am having a as evening.i am in pain and worried I have cancer and cannot rest and trying not to get anxious but the pain is driving my anxiety.

Has anyone got any tips to try and switch off?

Many thanks

06-24-2014, 04:39 PM
Hi where abouts is your pain?

06-24-2014, 04:46 PM
Lower abdominal and have lumps there

06-24-2014, 05:33 PM
Ok I have cancer and I do not worry cause if I worry it will eventually become malignat so stop it please, we have tons of people here with cancers and all kinds of disease........

06-24-2014, 11:51 PM
Ok I have cancer and I do not worry cause if I worry it will eventually become malignat so stop it please, we have tons of people here with cancers and all kinds of disease........

Are you serious about this post ? Can you be any more insensitive ? Here is a tidbit of truth ...If you have cancer as you said you do...it's Malignant. That is what real cancer is ! And worrying about it or not won't change the cell structure of whether the mass is benign or malignant. Good grief....think before you post and be more sensitive to a person who fears they may have it.

06-25-2014, 07:26 AM
I am serious and I have so far benign skin cancer, and I am deadly serious, so many people are suffering here on forum with serious diseases. Some, lets say many of them left because they could not take posts like that. I do understand that people have health anxiety but if he gave some info about it, maybe we could chase the fear away.
You come here occasionally and probably have no idea what people go through. Yes worrying about having something will set our brain the way we get it. There is many ways of calming oneself and we have threads , a lot of threads how to do it. It is beneficial for people read a bit before they posted , half of fear is gone after ten minutes of reading the forum..
Hockey Rules cancer is when you have some growth cause your cells got crazy, and yes there is tons of cancer which are not malignant but they could be one day. So you stop living? You waste your time waiting for it to turn malignat? setting your brain? eh posting is sensless

Sorry for my outburst but sometimes It is difficult to take the nonsense

06-25-2014, 09:11 AM
Well, you don't want people to feel that they cant talk about what's troubling them..and causing them anxiety....that's part of the purpose of having an anxiety forum....and I think that while it can seem bothersome for you....these are true, legitimate fears that bother someone enough to post about it here. I think the best thing you could do, D, is just share your experience, which should help the original poster to see that they aren't alone in this situation and perhaps to see that their situation perhaps isn't as serious as they might of thought.I personally cant share any stories regarding cancer other than my father had it...had surgery....and is now cancer free and completely healthy.....but if the original poster feels it may be cancer. ...it may be worth a check with a doc to figure out exactly what the issue is.

06-25-2014, 10:47 AM
Trinidiva...well said! I agree with you. I try very hard not to ever say anything negative to anyone who posts on this forum because you never know what someone else is going through. They certainly don't come here to be given a hard time. They come for support.

06-25-2014, 10:56 AM
Well, it looks like even though a facebook group has been started, (I guess) the forum is still going strong. There must be enough problems out there to support two places for people to share anxiety issues. lol. (I think as long as all of us have anxiety, we will still need a place to vent and share!)

06-26-2014, 10:10 PM
I am serious and I have so far benign skin cancer, and I am deadly serious, so many people are suffering here on forum with serious diseases. Some, lets say many of them left because they could not take posts like that. I do understand that people have health anxiety but if he gave some info about it, maybe we could chase the fear away. You come here occasionally and probably have no idea what people go through. Yes worrying about having something will set our brain the way we get it. There is many ways of calming oneself and we have threads , a lot of threads how to do it. It is beneficial for people read a bit before they posted , half of fear is gone after ten minutes of reading the forum.. Hockey Rules cancer is when you have some growth cause your cells got crazy, and yes there is tons of cancer which are not malignant but they could be one day. So you stop living? You waste your time waiting for it to turn malignat? setting your brain? eh posting is sensless Sorry for my outburst but sometimes It is difficult to take the nonsense

Benign is NOT cancer. Maybe you need to do some research before posting ! Your attitude comes across at times as flippant and if you don't like something that is being said ....you always want it to cease. Well guess what....facts are facts. Something may Yes be dormantly in a non cancerous state....but your thoughts won't change the cell structure ever ! Your post was "nonsense" and very insensitive to the original poster. If this crap continues this whole forum with be just a few you, Ponder and a few others and the rest will just read and never post. Look at this forum over the last several months......the chatter of new people dies after a few posts for most here because they really can't be themselves because somebody's nose gets wrinkled. If that's what you all want.....have at it. It is just how I and a few others I communicate in private feel and think. Ah.....what's the point....I am outta here for a bit again.

06-26-2014, 10:34 PM
Hockey I do not know about you but you are talking nonsense now. Waste of space
You are that boy, in sandbox who takes his toys and leaves cause no one want to play for the moment
I already apologize to the original poster. You left forum some time ago after clashing in religion post. :))

06-26-2014, 10:39 PM
Hockey I do not know about you but you are talking nonsense now. Waste of space You are that boy, in sandbox who takes his toys and leaves cause no one want to play for the moment I already apologize to the original poster. You left forum some time ago after clashing in religion post. :))

Still here.... Toys are intact.....point me to the apology and I will move on....

Thank you

06-26-2014, 10:42 PM
That last sentence was not an apology.....from your earlier post.. By calling it nonsense ....you negated the sorry part. You called me out as needing to get the facts....and as usual when given them...you can't accept it.. That isn't my problem either.

06-27-2014, 08:13 AM
You know what? I am old enough to tell you to kiss my **s

06-27-2014, 11:19 AM
Guys....this isn't at all productive...and I think we have lost the reason why we responded here in the first place...which was to give our advice to help the original poster.........

Lets not fight amongst ourselves. Its perfectly fine to disagree but maintaining respect for one another is definitely an important thing.

06-27-2014, 11:40 AM
Trini I know that the original poster probably will not even come here again, which they do. Post one whiny post and disappear. That's the beauty of it, that the beauty of having access all the time to internet and goggling everything. Medweb is causing a lot of health anxiety in kids and continue into adulthood. I did not want to say what kind of cancer I have but I have actinic keratosis due to sun damage, and I have to be extra careful about exposure to sun..
The above kid is telling me that I do not know what cancer mean. I do due the cancer running in my side of family. My oldest brother is fighting with it for ten years. Every six months chemo. He is so sick with all this... I worry about him. My father died from cancer; skin then it moved to lungs. My mom had the same as I do, just much bigger, mine is kind of tiny. I think someone here needs to know what cancer is not me.

For the simple minds it is just your cell getting crazy ......... and start to multiply ......

Cancer is a serious subject and it should not be discussed in that way.......

06-27-2014, 12:22 PM
Trini I know that the original poster probably will not even come here again, which they do. Post one whiny post and disappear. That's the beauty of it, that the beauty of having access all the time to internet and goggling everything. Medweb is causing a lot of health anxiety in kids and continue into adulthood. I did not want to say what kind of cancer I have but I have actinic keratosis due to sun damage, and I have to be extra careful about exposure to sun..
The above kid is telling me that I do not know what cancer mean. I do due the cancer running in my side of family. My oldest brother is fighting with it for ten years. Every six months chemo. He is so sick with all this... I worry about him. My father died from cancer; skin then it moved to lungs. My mom had the same as I do, just much bigger, mine is kind of tiny. I think someone here needs to know what cancer is not me.

For the simple minds it is just your cell getting crazy ......... and start to multiply ......

Cancer is a serious subject and it should not be discussed in that way.......

You are right. Cancer is serious. That is kind of Hockey's point I think. What you said is you have BENIGN skin cancer. You can't have cancer and it be benign. It's either benign, or cancer. However, it can increase the risk of getting cancer later, especially with your family history. I'm sorry your family has had such a rough time health wise. But, we are here to help people work through their anxiety. If you see a post on here that you don't agree with, or makes you angry then just don't respond to it.

I have health anxiety and it is never my intention to offend anyone with serious diseases. I cannot help that I sometimes get anxious over the fact that I might be one of them. That is why we are here. To try and get better. But we can't do that without a supportive environment. Our anxiety isn't any less real than yours.


06-27-2014, 01:00 PM
That's mine point we all suffer with health anxiety some more some less, this why we try to send people to doctors to resolve the issue. We can not give any medical advice and the guys should check the stickies especially this thread
click me please (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?26839-HEALTH-ANXIETY-EXPOSED-Living-With-Risk)
I have impression that the original post was a joke........ typical for trouble makers...

06-28-2014, 07:11 PM
You are right. Cancer is serious. That is kind of Hockey's point I think. What you said is you have BENIGN skin cancer. You can't have cancer and it be benign. It's either benign, or cancer. However, it can increase the risk of getting cancer later, especially with your family history. I'm sorry your family has had such a rough time health wise. But, we are here to help people work through their anxiety. If you see a post on here that you don't agree with, or makes you angry then just don't respond to it. I have health anxiety and it is never my intention to offend anyone with serious diseases. I cannot help that I sometimes get anxious over the fact that I might be one of them. That is why we are here. To try and get better. But we can't do that without a supportive environment. Our anxiety isn't any less real than yours. -M

Well said. Especially that last sentence. It's the one thing that some others here can't digest.