View Full Version : Tingling

Olive Yew
06-24-2014, 06:26 AM
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack. :\

So i've been having off and on tingling in my hands and feet. Has nothing to do with hyperventilation. Being a hypochondriac, my first thoughts are "MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS!" But I remember that tingling in hands and feet is part of anxiety.... Does anyone else have this???? Im not talking like... Mid panic attack either. I'm just going about my day and then boom, hands start tingling and itching. Feet will too but not as much as hands do. Left hand is the worst. I'll have maybe 30 min between tingling episodes. What do y'all think???

06-24-2014, 08:31 AM
I have this too.....I worry it's CTS.....But that's just my hypochondria talking ( I try to tell myself).

Medically prolonged stress can cause bad circulation, so with the link that you have/or used to have anxiety it could be that. :)

Olive Yew
06-24-2014, 09:40 AM
Hmmm okay then...

06-24-2014, 10:12 AM
I'm tingling as we speak :) I can give myself pins and needles just by thinking about it.

06-24-2014, 10:41 AM
yeah tingling is a part of A

Olive Yew
06-24-2014, 11:34 AM
This really is making me feel better. Thanks guys

06-24-2014, 01:36 PM
Yes, I have had this happen. Often, I don't even need to be in the throes of anxiety or panic to have symptoms. It is frustrating, but I am trying to control how much I think about the physical symptoms, because the more I think about them, the longer they last and the more intensely I feel them.

06-25-2014, 01:05 AM
Yes. Nothing but Anxiety. When I had anxiety a year ago the tingling was the most I remember.

06-25-2014, 05:36 PM
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack. :\

So i've been having off and on tingling in my hands and feet. Has nothing to do with hyperventilation. Being a hypochondriac, my first thoughts are "MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS!" But I remember that tingling in hands and feet is part of anxiety.... Does anyone else have this???? Im not talking like... Mid panic attack either. I'm just going about my day and then boom, hands start tingling and itching. Feet will too but not as much as hands do. Left hand is the worst. I'll have maybe 30 min between tingling episodes. What do y'all think???

Well glad to see you. Sorry you had to come back though

Hands and feet always tingled and felt numb. All the time

And it was my anxiety and nothing more

I actually kinda miss it.

I just don't have much to focus on in my spare time these days

Olive Yew
06-25-2014, 06:11 PM
Well glad to see you. Sorry you had to come back though Hands and feet always tingled and felt numb. All the time And it was my anxiety and nothing more I actually kinda miss it. I just don't have much to focus on in my spare time these days

Its all good. My family and I suspect that it's an inflamed nerve in my neck because now my whole left side is tingling and my leg hurts and the muscle keeps spazzing