View Full Version : Creation as a child, then vs now, and the errors in thought

06-24-2014, 05:08 AM
For anyone interested in changing your life, we will show you how a child does it, (how you did it)and the quite natural creation process as it was intended. Please compare with your current way of thinking and you will have your answers as to why your life is the way it is today.

For those of you in therapy, you may bring this post to your sessions.

Let us begin in our story today, it is almost Christmas in your house, and you are very young:

"I've been waiting so long, it seems like forever, but it will be soon now ! That window 6 months ago, with that little red bike, I love it ! I remember I wanted it so badly when I saw it. The cool handlebars, curved down, the red trim of the tires, and 6 speed ! Mommy took me in the store and I rode it, wow ! Every day since then on my way home from friends or school I stopped to see it in the window, it was mine, I knew it. Mom said I could have it for Christmas and that's only a few days away now!

Every night too before bed I would imagine myself with my new red bike. Oh! Where I could go, what I could do, I would get a paper route now and make my own money. I see myself riding around early in the morning saying hi to the people and throwing the papers on the stoop. I can go the that picture theater now and ice cream shop that was too far. I dream about chocolate ice cream !

I shall have my bike soon, oh all the wonderful things I will do and see, my friend Timmy and I will ride to this park and play catch I swear ever day, I love that park. I've been dreaming of the day Timmy and me could ride there on our own. Oh where is my beautiful red bike, soon, very soon, mommy promised, I've got to keep calm, in the meantime, I will keep dreaming about the future and all the things I will do with my bike, and I don't even have it yet, but I will. Its gonna be so great! I keep checking dads hiding spot for the presents, but its not there yet, hmm he must have found me out and hid it somewhere else! Well no matter it will soon be mine.!!"


Here is your metaphysical lesson on expectations, and outlook, and the very natural smooth attraction/creation process. This is true creation without negative beliefs, self doubt, self critique.

This innate process is achieved (getting what you want, instead of what you dont), after all false belief/stumbling blocks are removed, after one has released repressed emotions and false truths gathered like sludge over the years. In this emotional atmosphere there can be no health anxiety, no fear, no trembling. And it is how you once were, period. This will set you free, no exceptions.

Now, it is a metaphor, for our young lad could have easily developed anxiety (any health condition/addiction/habit) should he have had a different outlook (negative beliefs) and low expectations that anything should go his way.

Now, I do hope you understand. For this is true constructive creation at work, any age, period. End of post and lesson

06-24-2014, 08:25 AM
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with your post. That wasn't me or what my childhood was like.
I never rode a bike until I was 7 as I was scared I would fall off.
I was obsessed that I would have an early death. I never learned how to swim I was scared of the water.
If I was going on holiday I would be scared of crashes and accidents I would also be scared I wouldn't make friends.

What I learnt from my childhood was to expect the worse if anything better happened it was a bonus.

06-24-2014, 08:51 AM
I see what you mean, I'm suffering, but not all childhood's are like that; your could have been, I don't know.

I was in such a environment from a early age that I knew what anxiety meant by 8 and I knew what a panic attack was and looked like. My mum has crippling anxiety, and many times that would stop her from doing a lot of things and therefore me. Anxiety was a big thing even at that age for me.

And with a possible genetic predisposition, being in a environment like that doesn't help. ( I am not saying my mum and the environment is to blame though - I know anxiety is not your choice)

I remember being 10 and over the whole summer fixating over how my friend developed the C word at my age and what were the symptoms.......

06-24-2014, 08:54 AM
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with your post. That wasn't me or what my childhood was like.
I never rode a bike until I was 7 as I was scared I would fall off.
I was obsessed that I would have an early death. I never learned how to swim I was scared of the water.
If I was going on holiday I would be scared of crashes and accidents I would also be scared I wouldn't make friends.

What I learnt from my childhood was to expect the worse if anything better happened it was a bonus.

And to Joe, I have read your post as well.

That was a parable, and will be invaluable to some. All of the fears mentioned are not inherent in your DNA. And for those who simply cannot remember any constructive beliefs I present to you the story of how it is done. Thus something can be gained if you allow it.

Let me rephrase, the fears are not genetic, however should you believe in reincarnation, they are part of the incoming personality. So yes, I'm saying the fetus has characteristics (personality) that will need to be worked out as it grows into them. And of course the environment is chosen for setting the stage (props). Thus the reason for what you described Joe.

The personhood is simply not contained in the cells, if it was, when you die, you would cease to exist. Your learning comes from successive sojourns building upon the personality. By your thoughts today, you will flesh out at some future point, just as what you are now is a product of your thinking then. There is no other way of it!

I am not a kook ! Maybe a bit kooky however. (For the skeptics and I do know who you are)