View Full Version : Post something good that happened to you today

06-24-2014, 01:31 AM
Hey folks,

I always think it helps to try & focus on the positives however small they are. There is a sticky for success stories (sort of) but how about the little things that go well for us each day?

If you can take even the smallest positive from a day, it really can help to break out a cycle of negative thoughts.


Today is a good today for me because I got relatively few side effects from my first dose of SSRIs (Citalopram) last night. I didn't sleep particularly well but I actually felt reasonably refreshed, if a little nauseous, on waking but I feel rather chipper now. It might be placebo, it might be the medication (apparently they can start working within hours in subtle ways) or more likely a bit of both!

Either way, I think that I made the right choice to start taking medication & am hopeful that it will make a big impact alongside some therapy. :)

06-24-2014, 04:52 AM

Either way, I think that I made the right choice to start taking medication & am hopeful that it will make a big impact alongside some therapy. :)

Wow, cool.

Just wanted to say I'm happy for you ! Um, I don't have anything to add about me, ATM. Its 7 am maybe later. :)