View Full Version : Carcinophobia, emetophobia, help.

06-23-2014, 03:19 PM
I have reently really got this carcinophobia, phobia of cancer. Of course no one wants cancer, but the thought of it can send me into a panic attack just like that. Its awful, I consta tly check my body, and its getting to the point i dont want near technology incase it is cancer giving like paranoid adults always say. Im terrified, i think it orriginialy had something to do with emetophobia (fear of vom...dont want to say the rest of the word lol) so like chemo petrifies me, 100% The thought of it is making me all hot.
but just the whole this is worsening by the day and no one seems to get how bad it is getting, i gues because i only mentioned it recently but its been going on for a while
Ideas/tips/how can i avoid cancer/what are my chances/comfor? lol
I know im kinda...wierd

06-23-2014, 03:32 PM
I have the exact same thing....The other day in physics class teacher was talking about brain Ca**** and I had a massive panic attack......My friends didn't understand why I reacted like that!

Best way to avoid ca***? In all honesty, exercise helps but ca**** being so broad it might not help in some cases.

I would just say, it's about putting illness of any kind into perspective of your own context. Really, at the present DO YOU exert the symptoms ca**** has, without stress?

06-23-2014, 03:42 PM
Best way to avoid ca***? In all honesty, exercise helps but ca**** being so broad it might not help in some cases. I would just say, it's about putting illness of any kind into perspective of your own context. Really, at the present DO YOU exert the symptoms ca**** has, without stress?

Good advice Joe!

Reducing any risk of any illness means :

Being reasonably active (you don't need to run a marathon, walking regular is just fine)

Diet (a little of what you like does you good, but make sure you have a balance of the good stuff)

Smoking (don't start, quit if you can, reduce the amount if you can't)

Reduce Stress (ironically worrying less about being ill, significantly reduces your risk )

Be Happy and have fun! (We are all working on it) :)

06-23-2014, 04:57 PM
Thanks you guys! Sorry if the 'c' word (this one lol) triggeres you joe, but thank you for your advice!
Guess ilnesses like that arent fully preventable, but its nice to know im not alone becuse i honety thought i was insane
I dont think I have any real symptoms of it, but im going to ask my doc to check me however they can when i see her next week!

06-24-2014, 06:11 AM
Maddy! Just remember.... That there is no point in worrying about something... When i know you can dance in a dinosaur onesie and accidentally fall over ;D (being slightly mean) but yeah, you know what i said on whatsapp! Always remember that:)x

06-24-2014, 01:11 PM
omg soph :D ehehheh, i hope its like what you said, imma talk to crappy carrie about it though

06-24-2014, 02:48 PM
LOL! Awhhh! I bet she is friendly! Im seeing my therapist tomorrow! Omg.. I havent spoke in 3 weeks to her and ive held a lot in, i cant wait to just let it all out! ARGH!! LOL

06-25-2014, 02:44 AM
Woo!! (and no, shes a witch) let it out yaya!! Im going to text you after these damn exams (shouldnt even be on here)