View Full Version : Having a panic attack.

06-23-2014, 10:17 AM
Hi guys,

My name is Sarah and I am 21, from the UK.

I joined here today because I am having a panic attack right now, whilst on holiday and I am really scared, I need someone to speak to.

I've had anxiety for around 2 and a half years, at first the panic attacks were sporadic but they've manifested themselves into daily anxiety, not always resulting in a full on panic attack but most of the time it does happen. My main fear I have whilst in a panic attack is that I am going to lose control of myself, go crazy, which would mean either hurting myself or someone who I love. I also get very bad depersonalization that causes immense panic and seems to make me think that I am definitely going to lose control of myself, it also causes really strange thoughts ranging from how am I me? to is the world real? is life real? and because it doesn't feel real whilst panicking it then sends me into a blind panic.

My heart beats fast, I start sweating, I can't sit still, I cry, pace around. They normally last around an hour or so but afterwards I feel very anxious still and anything could set them off.

I am really really anxious today and completely out of it, worried I am going crazy or that I'm going to hurt myself or someone else, even though that would be the last thing I'd ever want to do..

I apologise about my introduction and also if this doesn't make any sense or makes me sound crazy, I just feel awful right at this minute.

Thank you to anyone who replies!

06-23-2014, 10:26 AM
You're not going crazy!

I, and most people here have the exact same symptoms as you and more; have a look around this forum, it will help you. It has me.

Furthermore some of the questions you said you ask yourself like "is the world real" and "is life real" aren't too harmful or dangerous thoughts, I mean at a serious level their philosophical. There's no way you can escape reality as such as reality defines anything else you conceptualise which could negate it.

When having a panic attack, breathe, breath slowly and diaphragmatically, it really helps! ( however I am guilty of not doing this in the heat of the moment) If that doesn't help for you, try talking, weirdly it's a unpredictable one for me, sometimes it'll stop a panic attack, and sometimes it'll worsen it.

Hope your feeling better now! And if not it WILL get better

06-23-2014, 10:38 AM
You're not going crazy!

I, and most people here have the exact same symptoms as you and more; have a look around this forum, it will help you. It has me.

Furthermore some of the questions you said you ask yourself like "is the world real" and "is life real" aren't too harmful or dangerous thoughts, I mean at a serious level their philosophical. There's no way you can escape reality as such as reality defines anything else you conceptualise which could negate it.

When having a panic attack, breathe, breath slowly and diaphragmatically, it really helps! ( however I am guilty of not doing this in the heat of the moment) If that doesn't help for you, try talking, weirdly it's a unpredictable one for me, sometimes it'll stop a panic attack, and sometimes it'll worsen it.

Hope your feeling better now! And if not it WILL get better

Thank you so much for replying to me Joe.

I still feel quite anxious, I'm hoping it will calm down soon. I try to distract myself but the anxiety keeps coming back in waves.

The unreal feeling and all these thoughts drive me insane, they scare me so much, they cause instant panic.

This happens everytime but I still can't seem to convince myself this is just anxiety. It's like I see it all mapping out in my head, like this time I am definitely going to go crazy, hurt someone or myself, end up in a mental home and be in this despaired state for the rest of my life.

I think how can anxiety make me feel so crazy and cause such crazy feelings, this has got to be something else :(.

06-23-2014, 10:41 AM
Hi guys,

My name is Sarah and I am 21, from the UK.

I joined here today because I am having a panic attack right now, whilst on holiday and I am really scared, I need someone to speak to.

I've had anxiety for around 2 and a half years, at first the panic attacks were sporadic but they've manifested themselves into daily anxiety, not always resulting in a full on panic attack but most of the time it does happen. My main fear I have whilst in a panic attack is that I am going to lose control of myself, go crazy, which would mean either hurting myself or someone who I love. I also get very bad depersonalization that causes immense panic and seems to make me think that I am definitely going to lose control of myself, it also causes really strange thoughts ranging from how am I me? to is the world real? is life real? and because it doesn't feel real whilst panicking it then sends me into a blind panic.

My heart beats fast, I start sweating, I can't sit still, I cry, pace around. They normally last around an hour or so but afterwards I feel very anxious still and anything could set them off.

I am really really anxious today and completely out of it, worried I am going crazy or that I'm going to hurt myself or someone else, even though that would be the last thing I'd ever want to do..

I apologise about my introduction and also if this doesn't make any sense or makes me sound crazy, I just feel awful right at this minute.

Thank you to anyone who replies!

Hi Sarah!

Sending lots of love your way ! Are you on meds? Have you been checked by Doc?

06-23-2014, 10:48 AM
Hi Sarah!

Sending lots of love your way ! Are you on meds? Have you been checked by Doc?

Thank you Grimm.

Yes I've been checked by a doctor, I am hopefully going to be receiving CBT therapy soon but the waiting list is so long.

I was on medication but they seemed to make everything worse :(.

06-23-2014, 10:56 AM
Thank you Grimm.

Yes I've been checked by a doctor, I am hopefully going to be receiving CBT therapy soon but the waiting list is so long.

I was on medication but they seemed to make everything worse :(.

Well we're with ya love, in spirit !! Feel free to just keep a typing if you need company, we'll be hang in around here all day. (I've got no life)......have you tried changing meds, until you find one that works for you? Anyhow your not alone darlin.

06-23-2014, 11:15 AM
Well we're with ya love, in spirit !! Feel free to just keep a typing if you need company, we'll be hang in around here all day. (I've got no life)......have you tried changing meds, until you find one that works for you? Anyhow your not alone darlin.

Thanks Grimm, I did reply to you but it says it needs to be approved my a moderator.

06-23-2014, 12:02 PM
Hi Sarah and welcome to the forum.

I hope your panic attack has passed now.
CBT was great for me and got me through a very rough patch.

Try and relax and relax and enjoy your holiday. I no that's easier said than done but you no its just the panic and it isn't going to hurt you. Just keep telling yourself that. I pace a lot when panicking so now I sit myself down and try and ride it out. I also like to grab a cold drink of water to sip it helps me refocus again.

I hope it has passed now.


06-23-2014, 12:11 PM
Hi Sarah and welcome to the forum.

I hope your panic attack has passed now.
CBT was great for me and got me through a very rough patch.

Try and relax and relax and enjoy your holiday. I no that's easier said than done but you no its just the panic and it isn't going to hurt you. Just keep telling yourself that. I pace a lot when panicking so now I sit myself down and try and ride it out. I also like to grab a cold drink of water to sip it helps me refocus again.

I hope it has passed now.


Thank you so much!

It's still going on :(.

Going to try and have something to eat as I haven't eaten today.

Can you relate to anything I've written in my original post? Do you get the feelings of unreality?

06-23-2014, 12:26 PM
All the time It's not nice I often feel like I am living in a dream.
I have found meds helpful at pushing through that fog though, but I understand they are not for everyone.
I don't have the same fears as you mine are more centred around my health. For me It can be something like a bill I will be worried about then it spirals into all sorts of weird and scary illnesses. But I no many people on here have similar worries to yourself.

This forum has played a massive part in helping me It is a great place with lots of great people on here. I'm positive you will get the same out of it as I have.

Yeah having something small to eat will help. You will be fine :-)

06-23-2014, 01:05 PM
All the time It's not nice I often feel like I am living in a dream.
I have found meds helpful at pushing through that fog though, but I understand they are not for everyone.
I don't have the same fears as you mine are more centred around my health. For me It can be something like a bill I will be worried about then it spirals into all sorts of weird and scary illnesses. But I no many people on here have similar worries to yourself.

This forum has played a massive part in helping me It is a great place with lots of great people on here. I'm positive you will get the same out of it as I have.

Yeah having something small to eat will help. You will be fine :-)

Thank you so much petrified!

I'm finally calming down, I think lol.

It's so strange that in that moment I could have been 100% sure I was about to go insane but now that I'm calming down it's like God that was kind of silly.

Doesn't help that because I'm on holiday I have been drinking more, plus it's VERY hot which can make me feel kind of weird.

I've decided I wont be going near alcohol until I have my anxiety under control.

Thank you for the support everyone, hopefully I'll be sticking around here :).

06-23-2014, 01:18 PM
That third line I relate to so much!
Thank you so much petrified!

I'm finally calming down, I think lol.

It's so strange that in that moment I could have been 100% sure I was about to go insane but now that I'm calming down it's like God that was kind of silly.

Doesn't help that because I'm on holiday I have been drinking more, plus it's VERY hot which can make me feel kind of weird.

I've decided I wont be going near alcohol until I have my anxiety under control.

Thank you for the support everyone, hopefully I'll be sticking around here :).