View Full Version : I cant go on like this

06-22-2014, 10:49 PM
Im 17 ... Feel like I'm 67 everyday is a struggle I'm currently on summer break and i just stay in my room eat watch Netflix and wonder why I cant anymore .. I feel horrible i eat horrible i tried losing weight and changing who i am in hopes of everything starting to get better anxiety wise and I just cant i have my days when i just cry and breakdown most teens my age are out having fun going places and it kills me to even go out to eat for 20-30 minutes at a restaurant ! I walk and feel like i can't anymore and want to sit down I get all sweaty and anxious over daily things in life i just don't know .. Im sorry for this rant but i don't really have friends much anymore and my family isnt so loving and kind if tough love people we don't really talk about our problems , than you for your time and reading have a wonderful day !

06-23-2014, 05:18 AM
Vanessa.... I have been there. I am still there, sometimes. It does get better though. Are you doing any therapy or taking any medicine? I say this....if you aren't. ...take this time, do your research, and start to make a "recovery" plan for yourself. If you don't want to take meds, see if you can get a therapist. If you cant or don't want to see a therapist, try the meds, or even meditation. I do a combo of all three....but it has taken alot of failed attempts to get me to where I am right now. Main thing is, don't give up.....this is YOUR life. You deserve to enjoy it. Once you believe that, you will do whatever it takes to feel better.

There are always tons of people here who are in similar situations and are willing to give you true advice. ...hope you feel better soon.

06-23-2014, 05:50 AM
Main thing is, don't give up.....this is YOUR life. You deserve to enjoy it. Once you believe that, you will do whatever it takes to feel better.

Wow, powerful words. I felt that. Trouble is it felt wrong. Especially the word "deserve" ...damn

Vanessa bless you, you beautiful soul, things will get better.

06-23-2014, 07:55 AM
I honestly didn't mean 'deserve' in a selfish kind of way....but just that no one should have to not enjoy their life.....we all deserve happiness. ....whatever happiness is for them. When I look at how much time I spent sad, crying, anxious etc.....I wish I could take it all back..........I missed out on spending time with friends and family, etc.

Vanessa, I hope you find something that works for you so that you can enjoy your summer...and just life in general.....


06-23-2014, 08:08 AM
I honestly didn't mean 'deserve' in a selfish kind of way....but just that no one should have to not enjoy their life.....we all deserve happiness. ....whatever happiness is for them. When I look at how much time I spent sad, crying, anxious etc.....I wish I could take it all back..........I missed out on spending time with friends and family, etc.

Vanessa, I hope you find something that works for you so that you can enjoy your summer...and just life in general.....


I meant I felt it in my stomach, like i don't deserve, it triggered me.

06-23-2014, 09:44 AM
I meant I felt it in my stomach, like i don't deserve, it triggered me.

You deserve all the happiness too.......I feel like anxiety just robs us of waking up and enjoying each day....then if you look back on the things that kept you worried and depressed..you realize all that worry was for nothing.

06-23-2014, 01:15 PM
Vanessa.... I have been there. I am still there, sometimes. It does get better though. Are you doing any therapy or taking any medicine? I say this....if you aren't. ...take this time, do your research, and start to make a "recovery" plan for yourself. If you don't want to take meds, see if you can get a therapist. If you cant or don't want to see a therapist, try the meds, or even meditation. I do a combo of all three....but it has taken alot of failed attempts to get me to where I am right now. Main thing is, don't give up.....this is YOUR life. You deserve to enjoy it. Once you believe that, you will do whatever it takes to feel better. There are always tons of people here who are in similar situations and are willing to give you true advice. ...hope you feel better soon. Thank you so much this really motivated me to set a plan for myself and everyday is going to be hard but its better to do something about it than not wish me luck as i wish you as well thank you a lot !

06-23-2014, 04:59 PM
No problem. We are all here to support one another.