View Full Version : twitching !!

06-22-2014, 05:14 PM
Anyone experience involuntary twitching of muscles? For some reason they are under arm by the armpit. Is this part fnanxiety or should in seek medical help quickly. Its been going on for hours.

Ive had anxiety/panic for over 10 years but never twitching ( this long) its driving me mad !

06-22-2014, 05:29 PM
I wouldn't say twitching would be a sign to seek emergency help. I have only just started experiencing twitches in the last six months and never had twitches before like yourself.

It is quite a common symptom but If it is worrying you then discuss it with your doctor the next time you see him/her.

06-22-2014, 07:08 PM
I wouldn't say twitching would be a sign to seek emergency help. I have only just started experiencing twitches in the last six months and never had twitches before like yourself.

It is quite a common symptom but If it is worrying you then discuss it with your doctor the next time you see him/her.

Thanks, anyone else? How long do they usually last? Is this a neurological thing?

06-22-2014, 10:54 PM
My twitches can last for ten seconds or ten minutes, it varies greatly. I'm not a doctor merely a layman but I can explain what a doctor said to me regarding this symptom and others.

If it is anxiety which is causing the twitching which I suspect it is, then it's not neurological. Even though the symptom can be classed as a neurological symptom it does not have a neurological cause but a psychosomatic one. This basically means that the symptom doesn't have an underlying medical cause, but yet we still experience a symptom which is often associated with a medical cause.

If it is still concerning you then speak to your doctor about it :) Hopefully his opinion will be more reassuring than mine

06-23-2014, 01:34 AM
Those 'twitches' are called fasciculations.

For like 99% of people, they are merely a by-product of anxiety or lack of sleep. (stereotypically twitching eyelid)

Something that may cause them to happen is a lack of magnesium in your diet, which itself can make anxiety worse. I would guess that you know of the importance of magnesium if you have suffered with anxiety for so long but just make sure you are getting all your vitamins & minerals. I think caffeine may make these things worse.

You might find this interesting - Can Muscle Twitching Be Caused By Anxiety? (http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/muscle-twitching) It suggests it can be psychological too, so worrying about it just makes it worse! (Psychosomatic response mentioned by Ritch)

With any luck it's stopped by now but hopefully your mind will be at rest if it happens again. :)

*edit* - I used to get them quite regularly when I was doing heavy weight training... so exercise can cause them too for whatever reason!

06-23-2014, 04:09 AM
I'm at the point now unfortunately where any health trigger (mostly health related) or even some small life trigger like food shopping throws me into an adrenaline dump. I can almost predict 5-6 hours after the trigger I'm in full blown mode. The twitching happened yesterday 5am until maybe 10am then the dump at 3 full blown attack until 4-5. Felt sick all night but not twitches yay !!

Don't let it get so far you guys where any little life thing throws you into a dump, its really like living on the edge its terrible

Now its morning the next day, and I've got my 'adrenaline dump hangover' my feet are vibrating so strongly it feels like 6 cell phones strapped to each on vibrate and my pulse is pounding in my feet/lower legs. This fun feeling usually lasts all day then tomorrow will subside until another dump, maybe around noon.

This is my life.