View Full Version : Getting an mri soon....so scared :(

06-21-2014, 10:08 AM
I am a20 year old girl and have been diagnosed with GAD.
I have been dealing with constant dizziness rocking sensation since the past 4 months...so finally after months of doctors i have been scheduled an MRI next week. But im soooo scared of getting a brain scan! Im scared if the whole process and even more scared of getting the result has anyone here had braun mri done? How do u stat calm till the next week!? Please pray for me

06-21-2014, 10:34 AM
I have GAD and also had an MRI done. I was scared, just like you....but please believe me, there is nothing to be scared about. Let me tell you about my experience.
My MRI was to look at my brain and brain stem. The docs gave me a shot of something called contrast dye....it is just used so they can see if any vessels are blocked in your brain. It doesn't hurt....it just feels cold.
They made me lay down and told me the test would take about 20 minutes. They told me to lay as still as possible. They put me into the machine so just my head and shoulders were in the machine. They put some eye covers over my eyes. You just hear some loud sounds from the machine but that is just about it. About 10 minutes in, I stopped being scared and started to get tired.....by the time it was over I was just about asleep. My MRI came out fine.
I had the same vertigo, rocking back and forth....and this was just one of the tests that I had done. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

06-21-2014, 10:42 AM
I have GAD and also had an MRI done. I was scared, just like you....but please believe me, there is nothing to be scared about. Let me tell you about my experience.
My MRI was to look at my brain and brain stem. The docs gave me a shot of something called contrast dye....it is just used so they can see if any vessels are blocked in your brain. It doesn't hurt....it just feels cold.
They made me lay down and told me the test would take about 20 minutes. They told me to lay as still as possible. They put me into the machine so just my head and shoulders were in the machine. They put some eye covers over my eyes. You just hear some loud sounds from the machine but that is just about it. About 10 minutes in, I stopped being scared and started to get tired.....by the time it was over I was just about asleep. My MRI came out fine.
I had the same vertigo, rocking back and forth....and this was just one of the tests that I had done. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Thankyou so much! I feel better already...
Tell me was your vertigo contsant? Mine is constant :( this scares me so much...and are u better now? how old are u and is it normal to feel anxious all the time even though everyone says youre young youre not supposed to feel dizzy all the time u must be really sick :( stay blessed

06-21-2014, 11:20 AM
I am 38 but I have had issues with anxiety as long as I can remember. I was officially diagnosed with GAD when I was about 25. I started getting the vertigo when I was driving...especially if I was on the highway, which of course made my anxiety go through the roof. Then the vertigo started happening with more frequency....to the point where it got hard to do anything. I started to wonder if it was my glasses, so I got my eyes checked. Then I went to an ENT who did an auditory check and something called a tilt table test. They couldn't find any major problems. I took a cardiac stress test to find out if anything was wrong with my heart. Nothing wrong. They sent me to an inner ear specialist to check my inner ear....they did all kinds of tests.....nothing wrong. Then I went for the MRI. Nothing wrong! Finally, they said most likely it was just anxiety causing my vertigo. I started to take an SSRI and guess what? No more dizzy spells! I guess it truly was anxiety all along! The good part about getting the tests done is at least I know there really is nothing physically wrong with me....That's how you should look at this upcoming MRI.

06-21-2014, 11:40 AM
Yeah i had audiometry and tympanometry done too. thank God that was normal. I'll keep u posted :) Thanks for making me feel better