View Full Version : Panic!!!

06-21-2014, 12:49 AM
I've truly been doing well for a few months... Until now! It's 1:30am and I just woke up feeling weird... Lightheaded, felt like my heart was beating to slow then I got scared and so then my heart began to race. I felt so weird when I randomly woke up, like I couldn't fall back to sleep and like I wasn't catching my breath and like I was gonna pass out, idk it was scary... And sent me into panic!! :( I checked my pulse on my oximeter and it jumps around between 65 and 80! Is 65 too low??

06-21-2014, 06:17 AM
65 is not to low. Were you possibly having a dream or something? Glad to here that things have been well for you ( up until last night ).

06-21-2014, 06:40 AM
I've truly been doing well for a few months... Until now! It's 1:30am and I just woke up feeling weird... Lightheaded, felt like my heart was beating to slow then I got scared and so then my heart began to race. I felt so weird when I randomly woke up, like I couldn't fall back to sleep and like I wasn't catching my breath and like I was gonna pass out, idk it was scary... And sent me into panic!! :( I checked my pulse on my oximeter and it jumps around between 65 and 80! Is 65 too low??
You may have had low blood sugar... sometimes that will make you sweaty/clammy, as well. That could happen if you're not getting enough protein/fat/calories in general, or if you had something sugary before bed.

Did you have any stimulants in the evening, like caffeine or energy drinks? Any processed/fast food with additives like msg or nitrates? Were you under a lot of stress? I would take a look at your diet/the things you did during the day, and see if anything may have led to a palpitation.

Your pulse is perfectly normal, mine actually jump around the same numbers -- sometimes it goes down to 59, which feels slow, but it's a fairly normal pulse. 80 is also not that fast. Your heart can speed up/slow down a lot when you're panicking, so even though it feels weird, know that it's normal and many of us go through the same thing.

06-21-2014, 06:45 PM
I did have strawberry shortcake at 11pm lol