View Full Version : New Member here.. does it actually get better?

06-20-2014, 08:00 PM
Hi all, I just recently went to a psychiatric ward for the first time in my entire life.. my anxiety has been awful and out of control over the last few years, and has been in me since a child, just revealing itself in different ways. My anxiety got so bad during a two month trip I was supposed to be on that I had to be sent home 7 weeks early. It has brought me to a deep depression and I am now going to be on the road to recovery by having a therapist, psychiatrist, and intensive support group with lessons and coping methods. I'm looking for some general advice when it comes to overcoming anxiety. I'm anxious and depressed that I am always distressed, and I have been told by numerous people NOT to rely on medication and that it will get better...but I'm in so much pain emotionally that it is hard to believe this. I am now on this medication called Zoloft and I don't know yet if it will help since I just started taking it. I need perspective.

06-20-2014, 09:42 PM
Yes, it will get better and it sounds like you have a good team. I think the Zoloft is going to be very helpful for you. If you were sent home and went to a psychiatric ward you may need the medication, along with tools to help you cope with anxiety. Reading this forum will help as will the therapist and the coping methods you plan to learn.

06-20-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi all, I just recently went to a psychiatric ward for the first time in my entire life.. my anxiety has been awful and out of control over the last few years, and has been in me since a child, just revealing itself in different ways. My anxiety got so bad during a two month trip I was supposed to be on that I had to be sent home 7 weeks early. It has brought me to a deep depression and I am now going to be on the road to recovery by having a therapist, psychiatrist, and intensive support group with lessons and coping methods. I'm looking for some general advice when it comes to overcoming anxiety. I'm anxious and depressed that I am always distressed, and I have been told by numerous people NOT to rely on medication and that it will get better...but I'm in so much pain emotionally that it is hard to believe this. I am now on this medication called Zoloft and I don't know yet if it will help since I just started taking it. I need perspective.
It does get better. You have to find what works for you... it can be a long trial and error process, with setbacks here and there, but you will get better if you keep looking for solutions. :)

I've also had anxiety since I was a kid, and have finally gotten it down to a manageable level this past year. I went off meds and started taking supplements, cut out most sugar and grains, and made a point of getting enough sleep. I still carry Xanax with me just in case I have a heart palpitation, but they are SO rare now, and usually they happen at home, where I can take my magic supplements and make them stop.

There is a lot of info in the stickies of this forum, with advice on other things you can take in addition to/instead of Zoloft. For now, if you want to continue with the Zoloft, I would advise you to make sure you are eating right and getting enough exercise (yoga is amazing for anxiety), and getting enough sleep. Once your body is acclimated to the Zoloft, you can try using some vitamins/supplements and see if they help.

06-20-2014, 10:45 PM
I was in the same state as you are now.. Having terrible anxiety & I was worried that I would never feel better.. I never went to a mental hospital but I wanted to go so many times..

Anyways.. What saved me was books, medication & counseling :)

Good luck! It gets better :)

06-21-2014, 01:15 AM
I was in the same state as you are now.. Having terrible anxiety & I was worried that I would never feel better.. I never went to a mental hospital but I wanted to go so many times..

Anyways.. What saved me was books, medication & counseling :) AND US HERE ON THE FORUMS

Good luck! It gets better :)

Fixed that for you brooke =)

Hey Krs! It gets better I assure you! The biggest step is to accept that you have panic attacks and anxiety. From there you realize that you have had many of them before we just called it something else. Nervousness, fear, surprise etc. I use an example of going for your drivers test, Im sure everyone was nervous, almost panicky. Sweaty hands, fast heart beat, hard to breath etc. But after the test we were right back to normal.

Another member used the greatest example of our condition, the "Greatest Bluff" its all BS in our mind and when we accept it.... it gets easier. Now I wont lie, there are some speed bumps but again.... you are developing tools to strengthen yourself and you have us for support! We understand and we will all be here to help!

you can read my long thread it really does show though the durations, ups and downs and how I copped and got better!
