View Full Version : New and lost!!!!

06-20-2014, 06:21 PM
24 years old clean cut good looking an all American guy to people from the outside but on the inside is a nightmare I suffer from anxiety and depression which only maybe two people know of. I went to the dr and was in the room for maybe 5 minutes and was thrown prescriptions and that has worsened the anxiety and depression. As well as made me addicted to medication. I worry constantly I stress constantly about things I have no control over I have obsessive thoughts which then trigger my anxiety and make me think I'm going crazy. I don't know anyone close to me who has been through this and just looking to find people to relate too to re assure me I'm still sane I guess. Everyday is a battle wondering when the next attack will happen mostly at night I guess because I stay busy at work. A lot of other stressors triggering them as we'll my life is COMPLETELY upside down and far from being perfect. Tired of living in fear and worry and letting anxiety and depression control my life

06-20-2014, 06:48 PM
welcome to the forum Treysdaddy22, There is a whole forum of people just like us. The forum has a lot of good info you just need to find the threads that relate to you. Look around and do some reading and maybe type in a keyword or two into the search box. Never hesitate to ask a question. Just remember you will get several different opinions and or answers so don't take them all personal just read and use your best judgement on the ones that fit your needs, if that makes sense.