View Full Version : Depth perception

06-20-2014, 03:11 PM
Okay, as a hypochondriac this has worried me today.

Is it normal for an anxious person to while having a panic attack and not as much after, to have a bad sense of depth? It's like something that is right in front of me is just as close as the floor, or the floor seems so far down. It's much worse in a panic attack.

My main worry is could this be a sign that a panic attack is out of hand and could be dangerous? For instance way too high blood pressure etc?

I know I ask these questions all the time.....

06-20-2014, 05:06 PM
Sounds like you are describing derealisation, like an altered awareness/perception common in panic attacks.

Sometimes trying to focus on particular objects around you can help to bring it back under control.

Hope it lifts soon :)

06-20-2014, 10:02 PM
Sounds like you are describing derealisation, like an altered awareness/perception common in panic attacks.

Sometimes trying to focus on particular objects around you can help to bring it back under control.

Hope it lifts soon :)
I agree with this. And focusing on physical things really does help!

They say panic attacks trigger the "fight or flight" response, where you become hypersensitive to your surroundings. Your brain is panicking, and that causes it to do weird things. There are a lots of weird sensations that come with panic attacks, unfortunately.

Do you only get that sensation after panic attacks? Because I used to have really bad depth perception and vertigo, but it was because of a really crappy diet... lol

06-21-2014, 12:50 AM
Sounds like you are describing derealisation, like an altered awareness/perception common in panic attacks.

Sometimes trying to focus on particular objects around you can help to bring it back under control.

Hope it lifts soon :)


I had some short-term rebound anxiety from quitting cigarettes suddenly & I had depersonalisation with changes to my depth perception.

Strangely, I found that if I looked into a mirror at the surroundings behind, everything would be clear & in focus. That helped to calm me down.

06-21-2014, 02:23 AM
Thanks! I'll try looking at objects!
Sounds like you are describing derealisation, like an altered awareness/perception common in panic attacks.

Sometimes trying to focus on particular objects around you can help to bring it back under control.

Hope it lifts soon :)

06-21-2014, 02:24 AM
I guess I have them not after panic attacks as well or before, just as panic attacks for me are quite often, after a panic attack is all day.....I have vertigo as well . So a bad diet causes vertigo?
I agree with this. And focusing on physical things really does help!

They say panic attacks trigger the "fight or flight" response, where you become hypersensitive to your surroundings. Your brain is panicking, and that causes it to do weird things. There are a lots of weird sensations that come with panic attacks, unfortunately.

Do you only get that sensation after panic attacks? Because I used to have really bad depth perception and vertigo, but it was because of a really crappy diet... lol

06-21-2014, 06:14 AM
I guess I have them not after panic attacks as well or before, just as panic attacks for me are quite often, after a panic attack is all day.....I have vertigo as well . So a bad diet causes vertigo?
If it's all day, I guess it would be part of the anxiety.

Well, I was a vegetarian not getting enough protein/fat and deficient in some nutrients... I had constant vertigo and heart palpitations. Improving your diet is always good, in any case. :)