View Full Version : Hey All ;) update and question

Niicole Lynne
06-20-2014, 02:56 PM
Feel like I haven't posted in forever!
Things have been super good lately. Of course some off days but that's nothing in this neck of the woods haha
I know iv asked about Effexor and sweating before.. But does anyone find it worse when it gets Hott out
That might seem like a weird question since Hott weather = sweating... But I find I am SO hot sometimes and never used to sweat like this hahahah

Anyway! Hope everyone is doing good! Xoxoxo

06-20-2014, 03:05 PM
When it's hot and you haven't got an anxiety disorder you will feel hotter than when it's colder; If you have a anxiety disorder this will be magnified, because of the fight or flight response.

Really good news that your doing well! Keep it up.