View Full Version : Can u all help me..... i need some reasons and ur words of encouragement

06-20-2014, 06:03 AM
Hi everyone..

So i have been posting here continuously about my improvement and everything..... But there is this fear that wont leave me . Although, am feeling a lot better than before, bt this fear keeps bugging me..this thought comes to my mind al time..and suddenly turn into heart beating fast...and me feeling anxious again.... I don't wanna be anxious all over again..like i ws in last few months..

So help me understand these....I believe in logics and cant convince my self on these things logically

1) Nothing will happen to my head physically (Coz the first time i had a panic attack i physically felt it with my head..so it was terrible..something tingling etc and it made me sick for months..) I m fearing that..something happening to my head . :(

2) No, i wont have any panic attack that bad now.. :( what i had first is over... coz i am on medicine..its been two months.. (Remeron 15mg)

3) And the reason my heart beat fasts and i become anxious is just my thoughts... :(

How to convince myself all these things...how to tell myself..these things are not real... its just feeling..fear.nothing else... :( i feel terrible feel like crying at the moment.. I was improving when suddenly these thoughts kicked in back


Stay blessed and healthy all of u...

I wish everyone health and happiness....

06-20-2014, 08:27 AM
Hi everyone..

So i have been posting here continuously about my improvement and everything..... But there is this fear that wont leave me . Although, am feeling a lot better than before, bt this fear keeps bugging me..this thought comes to my mind al time..and suddenly turn into heart beating fast...and me feeling anxious again.... I don't wanna be anxious all over again..like i ws in last few months..

So help me understand these....I believe in logics and cant convince my self on these things logically

1) Nothing will happen to my head physically (Coz the first time i had a panic attack i physically felt it with my head..so it was terrible..something tingling etc and it made me sick for months..) I m fearing that..something happening to my head . :(

2) No, i wont have any panic attack that bad now.. :( what i had first is over... coz i am on medicine..its been two months.. (Remeron 15mg)

3) And the reason my heart beat fasts and i become anxious is just my thoughts... :(

How to convince myself all these things...how to tell myself..these things are not real... its just feeling..fear.nothing else... :( i feel terrible feel like crying at the moment.. I was improving when suddenly these thoughts kicked in back


Stay blessed and healthy all of u...

I wish everyone health and happiness....

For you..Love God, period. (Channeled) Begin - I Am always here, in answer to thee:

What has happened to thy connection? Where I Am there is no fear, my beloved child. I have missed you, in your communications, your prayers, your love. I will never leave you, but I have given you choice, and with that you may separate your love, for a time, here there is the Fathers hands there is peace, on your shoulders, My hands will rest. Allow Me back into your thoughts reconnecting you with My energy.

Trust, as a child, in My ability to heal, come to Me without fear, that you shall again trust, that I alone can heal, and so it shall be done, in faith. While in your bodies you must stay connected, In Am helping you to build character. Your anxiety is a separation, take your eyes off Me towards the temporary physical life and you see troubles, trembles, fear. Keep Me with you and you have strength, and a cornerstone of rest and peace.

I love you, I Am I, heed this message.

06-20-2014, 08:43 AM
Well, personally, I agree with you on all three points. I think you're right on target. What's your regimen for controlling your anxiety...do you have a great exercise program, or medication program...Talk to your doctor about your anxiety too.

06-20-2014, 12:20 PM
For you..Love God, period. (Channeled) Begin - I Am always here, in answer to thee:

What has happened to thy connection? Where I Am there is no fear, my beloved child. I have missed you, in your communications, your prayers, your love. I will never leave you, but I have given you choice, and with that you may separate your love, for a time, here there is the Fathers hands there is peace, on your shoulders, My hands will rest. Allow Me back into your thoughts reconnecting you with My energy.

Trust, as a child, in My ability to heal, come to Me without fear, that you shall again trust, that I alone can heal, and so it shall be done, in faith. While in your bodies you must stay connected, In Am helping you to build character. Your anxiety is a separation, take your eyes off Me towards the temporary physical life and you see troubles, trembles, fear. Keep Me with you and you have strength, and a cornerstone of rest and peace.

I love you, I Am I, heed this message.

That is such a beautiful reply really.. I indeed have my faith and it helps me a lot.... But still at times when it seems cant control it, or its rising again, i start feeling scared... but well I hope it will ease and get better...wish me luck

06-20-2014, 12:23 PM
Well, personally, I agree with you on all three points. I think you're right on target. What's your regimen for controlling your anxiety...do you have a great exercise program, or medication program...Talk to your doctor about your anxiety too.

Thanks Anne for ur reply.. well no specific regimen at the moment.. I try to walk a bit daily..., talk to people when am anxious...even on chatroom, if not have anyone to talk to in person.. well trying, have learned a bit to manage my old symptoms, but they changed and this fear came back.......I hope it gets better soon...

06-20-2014, 02:09 PM
Hey "Hun", What I type may not work for you but it has worked for me as I went through something similar. This is the thing, we are so fearful of a panic attack/anxiety that we forget that we have developed tools. These tools have helped us combat the panic attack when the come on, so that it doesnt ever come on so strong like it did that first time.

Now my advice, Dont be afraid of the anxiety, we have actually dealt with it many times, only now we think of it as a bad thing. Example. Do you remember your first date, that nervousness? How about the time you took your drivers test. Do you remember how much anxiety you had? Wasnt it similar to a panic attack you have had before. I know when I deployed to Iraq and we had some scary situations my Panic went into overdrive! THIS IS NORMAL!

So.... instead of telling yourself how I can get rid of it completely, realize that you have the tools now to deal with it and move on with your life. After your drivers test did you get your license? Im sure you did, and I am sure you never worried about it ever again!

My point is we will never rid ourselves of "Panic or Anxiety" but once we accept that realize that we have the "tools" to combat them when they are not really needed, we can live our lives to the fullest!

You have been improving and doing well, keep it up your tool box is filling up! Keep it up!

06-20-2014, 07:34 PM
I did some research on this and exercise can and does help. I walk a lot and go to the gym too. It helps bring my anxiety down. Also, a lot of people swear by meditation. Exactice has great tips too...

06-21-2014, 02:28 AM
Thank u so much for ur replies...

@ Anne... I agree , exercise is helpful. I'll try following a particular regimen for exercise or any such thing. I will be helpful am sure. Meditation, I tried that, but couldn't concentrate fully, so that didn't help a lot, may be it requires more practice.

@Exactice.... Oh mine I so agree with you, i know we have dealt with it many times and what u have told is right. I tried to do the same for going out. Saying myself, whatever will happen, I will deal with it, and I did it, I went and was able to deal with it.

But... the fear right now is the fear of that very first panic attack that left me in bad bad state for about many weeks and am still dealing with the after effects. I was not able to control that, and I physically felt it something happening, my muscles were tensed, and am afraid of all those feelings ...which I couldn't control.. how to tell it wont happen again...how to tell it wont physically harm me.

I hope it gets better with time.. I hope the fear goes away soon.. I hope my inner peace returns at it was there about 2 weeks ago...i was getting back to life... I hope n wish for betterment.,..

06-21-2014, 04:05 AM
Thank u so much for ur replies...

@ Anne... I agree , exercise is helpful. I'll try following a particular regimen for exercise or any such thing. I will be helpful am sure. Meditation, I tried that, but couldn't concentrate fully, so that didn't help a lot, may be it requires more practice.

@Exactice.... Oh mine I so agree with you, i know we have dealt with it many times and what u have told is right. I tried to do the same for going out. Saying myself, whatever will happen, I will deal with it, and I did it, I went and was able to deal with it.

But... the fear right now is the fear of that very first panic attack that left me in bad bad state for about many weeks and am still dealing with the after effects. I was not able to control that, and I physically felt it something happening, my muscles were tensed, and am afraid of all those feelings ...which I couldn't control.. how to tell it wont happen again...how to tell it wont physically harm me.

I hope it gets better with time.. I hope the fear goes away soon.. I hope my inner peace returns at it was there about 2 weeks ago...i was getting back to life... I hope n wish for betterment.,..

I channeled for you directly in the first post above, and again another message comes through and begins : (edit: it feels stern)

You still don't listen. You think He cannot reach you in a forum like this? After you are crying out loud for help? Read it again, and again and pray until thy faith is restored ! Do it !

Pick up thy Bible and read it!

You have lost your faith, in your thoughts "I hope this and that", in your wishing " I wish this and that" in your "wanting such and so" you are left mistrustful and afraid.

You are as a child, whose father has made promises, and yet you go away wishing and hoping, and worrying if your Father shall keep his word. Should he not listen to me I will resort to my human peers for help, I will do everything in my power, .because I have lost my faith in His power, LISTEN !! Open thy ears !

We are not saying you have no power, but in losing your connection, your faith, ye have lost God-Power, human faith backed by spiritual power ! Why go it alone as most do, and feel power-less?

It is written:

"Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you"

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Listen ! With petition, you thank God with faith, for things not yet received ! For He knows what you need before ye asks !! Therefor in thankfulness, you show thy faith. And ye wait, even if your gift has not arrived yet ! Do you understand ?

**As a side note from me, I do not censor my messages, so I cannot control the tone. It is what it is, at that time. After reading this message it is strong and very determined. That's all I have for this topic, the rest is up to you.