View Full Version : Anxiety: a disease?

06-20-2014, 12:05 AM
So I saw on the news this morning about anthrax disease being accidentally released in America. It got me wondering what a disease really is. And can mental illness be described as a disease.

The definition of disease :
a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

See some claim mental illnesses occur due to a pre disposition to it (hereditary) which would mean it is a disease and some claim mental illness is a result of a bad time in your childhood. Which wouldn't nessaisarily mean it's a disease then.

I belive it is a disease as is any other.

06-20-2014, 07:52 AM
Hereditary (my mother was a survivor of concentration camp in Dachau) she was suffering with PTSD, and I had a traumatic events in my childhood, I would think both of them caused the disease. I was struggling my whole life but here when I came to Canada without any English with two small children, it caused my permanent insomnia. So Hereditary, traumatic childhood, and mayor events in life :)

06-20-2014, 08:39 AM
I can tell you this...I know this is rare, but I did have a great childhood. Very fortunate, I know, to have two loving parents and always felt loved and cared for. Despite this, I have a great deal of anxiety. And so do siblings and cousins. We don't have cancer anywhere in our family, but boy, we sure do have a lot of anxiety. (good news, bad news type of thing).

06-20-2014, 08:41 AM
Mental illnesses are effectively the result of an imbalance of brain chemicals. This can have many causes ranging from hereditary to traumatic experiences, infections & drug use. Environmental factors too of course.

I'm not quite sure if it is correct to call all mental health problems a disease but there are many different causes for sure.

Even though we have come a long way in the understanding & acceptance of mental health problems, bear in mind that that we have little real idea of how the brain works so it is only really conjecture as to what exactly causes these problems even now. i.e. It has always been thought that Serotonin was the main culprit in depression but it is now recognized that Dopamine plays a significant role too. You might notice that when talking about the cause of mental illnesses, people talk of hypotheses. That's all it amounts to... a best guess.

06-20-2014, 08:52 AM
I will agree on a couple of points here. Anxiety is either inherited or learned from others ( peers or parents ) i see it every day, my mother, me, my little sister and now my daughter but a traumatic event can start it so i guess it starts some place.

We are not even close to realizing the power of the brain............ not close at all.

06-20-2014, 09:51 AM
Guys you are my therapy :))

06-20-2014, 10:17 AM
I will agree on a couple of points here. Anxiety is either inherited or learned from others ( peers or parents ) i see it every day, my mother, me, my little sister and now my daughter but a traumatic event can start it so i guess it starts some place.

We are not even close to realizing the power of the brain............ not close at all.

A footnote for the scientifically inclined of the bunch: Disease is a thought, period.

Let us not forget the brain does not think. Thought is ethereal. And telepathic, which is the reason Ann cannot pinpoint anxiety with such a loving family. In terms of science, a primary brain function is time. Time is measured, rather your perception of it, at which the speed of the neuronal impulses leap the synaptic gap. This allows you to create your reality, in thought (ethereal) then experience it after a short duration. The duration is a slowing of the neuronal gap, the leap between the endings, the speed. So in a sense, and this is very difficult material to put to words, in that sense, you play with probabilities that you wish to experience, some of which is made physical.

Whereas the electron spin handles the speed at which matter materializes, the synapse determines the speed at which thought is perceived as an experience, in your world. By analogy, a car accident and your friendly co-conspirator in the other car are brought together ahead of time (in human terms), for personal reasons and purpose worked out, you see, way ahead of the physical event. This is a natural function of the nervous system (brain).. Knowing these things, the universe to you at least can be seen in a less willy nilly, chaotic fashion, as some may think.

Yes the brain holds more, but the prime function then is to assist in creation, and to keep reality relatively stable. If your house were to suddenly disappear you'd be quite perplexed. However science recognizes the nature of atomic structures, and your house therefor is not solid at all, period. The perception of its solidity and your body as it interacts with it is a time management function of the neuronal systems in conjunction with the speed function of electrons, all of which is micromanaged by you as naturally as say a breath.

That is all. Very difficult material to channel