View Full Version : Some frickin doctors just!!!!!!!!!!

06-19-2014, 07:15 PM
Ok, so I am having some anxiety over my fathers recent doctor visit. He was recently diagnosed with a bad heart valve and it needed to be replaced which is not that

bad but since his lungs are bad they wanted him to see his pulmonologist. This pulmonologist is located at a teaching type hospital and always has students with him.

Anyway, they run their test and compare to last time and then proceed to tell my dad that he has pneumonia and his lungs are 20 to 40% less than last visit and he would

not survive the heart valve replacement surgery. And they tell him that they see a spot on his lung and want to do a biopsy. AND then they tell him he has 2 to 3 years to live.

At first i was like what kind of fucking doctor tells a person in their 70's they have 2 or 3 years to live. Hell, you could say that to anybody in there 70's and have a 30%

success rate ( not trying to scare our seniors). What i haven't told you is that the spot is infact not a new spot and was checked out last year when he had pneumonia and it was scar tissue from histoplasmosis that he had when he was young. so why do a biopsy and why is he not looking at the records?

Another thing is that when they told him his lungs were 20 to 40% less than last visit they didn't tell him it was because he still had some pneumonia they made it sound

like he lost more lung capacity. My biggest problem with this is telling them that he had 2 or 3 years to live, wtf is that about. a few month or even six months in

cancers and other illness but he is not even at the point of being on oxygen. My Mom was a basket case. Yes we will be getting a second opinion.

We are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this Sunday sooooooooooooooooooooo I have the anxiety over my father and i also have the social anxiety really bad

from the upcoming anniversary part that's just eating at me. lots of people that i have avoided over the years.

They also wanted my dad to get his heart checked because they said he had 50% blockage but when they did the heart cath, he had absolutely NO blockage. What are the doctors doing these days

guessing what you have and then run test to see if they guessed right?

06-19-2014, 08:12 PM
I always say when you see a doctor, they always tell you they don't know. But when you give them a TV show, all of a sudden they know everything!

06-19-2014, 08:34 PM
I am sorry John welcome to the club of Doctor's haters. They are jerks

06-19-2014, 08:57 PM
John..I am so with you! How horrible for any doctor to tell someone that. THEY DON'T KNOW! I don't see any good that can be accomplished by telling someone "you have x amount of time to live". That doctor, and others like him, infuriate me. It doesn't do a bit of good.

06-19-2014, 09:26 PM
I totally understand! I have had some really crappy doctors and nurses in my time and after being treated like garbage more than once, I have learned that when someone is obviously a jerk and has no bedside manner, that I will ask for someone else or seek a second/third opinion. You are the only advocate for your/your father's health. Remember: doctor's can't bill insurance if they can't diagnose you with something and some of them are really quick to jump to conclusions, just to get you out of there.

06-19-2014, 09:50 PM
When my grandma was diagnosed with cancer the doctors told her she had two years to live.... She lived sixteen years after that.

06-20-2014, 04:40 AM
I was Talking to my sister last night who is a doctor ( psychiatrist ) and she said this same doctor told him he was dying back in 2005!!! I do not remember this but i asked her why in the hell is dad still going to him? She didn't know but she found him another doctor and she also said that she thinks that since he is a "teaching type doctor" he like to look important and big shot in front of his students. When my sister was in med school i guess she had this doctor for awhile ( she was a GP first before she went back to get her degree in psychiatry.)

06-20-2014, 05:33 AM
I know doctors are human Im_suffering. Half my family are doctors ( literally ) what i do not like is guessing with how long a person has to live WITHOUT doing test, without looking at records of past recent exams. without comparing exrays of recent and then giving a diagnosis. Some people take what a doctor says as Gospel.

06-20-2014, 05:39 AM
I agree with you John, I just think it's cold and just plain irresponsible to give someone an amount of time to live.

06-20-2014, 07:42 AM
In my long history of meeting doctors, I had only find one compassionate one....sad.
Considering that I remember more stays in hospitals that family life...
They are trying to show us that they are above the suffering and disease. What it suppose to prove? Hate doctors with passion (sorry John)

06-20-2014, 08:35 AM
Glad you have your sister for support and help on this one.

06-20-2014, 08:43 AM
She does help a lot but i try not to bug her to much. She is very familiar with the family history of anxiety and yes she suffers from it occasionally as well. She is currently reviewing my Dads ex-rays and comparing from different dates.

06-20-2014, 09:56 AM
Well it must be very difficult for her, to review her dad x-rays. It is going to cause even more anxiety for her. Then she wants to make sure her father gets the best treatment. I would do the same...

06-20-2014, 11:34 AM
Yes, i never though of that but i trust her.