View Full Version : Emetophobia?

06-19-2014, 03:15 PM
After reading a few posts on this forum I think I might have emetophobia?

One of my friends today described to me how he got drunk the other day watching football and then vomited.......I almost immediately had a panic attack......I can't even explain why, but ever since childhood I've been genuinely scared of being ill in any way, especially while in public.

Is this emetophobia?
And how does emetophobia differ from anxiety/health anxiety in management?

06-19-2014, 05:03 PM
Hi joe

I'm not sure if you have emetephobia what you are describing it may well be that you do. It would be something you would have to discuss with a doctor or therapist.

I suffer from gad and health anxiety. I no for me that reading or hearing about something can get me thinking I have it. This week I have convinced myself I have GERD from reading posts on here, meningitis from reading a poster in my doctors. In the past it's been strokes, heart attacks and many more weird and wonderful things.

I wouldn't over analyse this as it could be that reading about it on here has had your brain conjuring up every time you have felt panicky about being sick. But if this is something you are concerned about and think is a strong possibility talk to your doctor about it.


06-20-2014, 02:24 AM
Without being invasive I do hope you explore further your expectations, as we discussed this morning. Your desires and what you expect will tell you where you are going and what you will meet.

The sinus condition is unresolved issues. Maybe to clear the air a bit, I suggested you discuss with your husband and/or father your outlook on life, and your combined desires, expectations. Insights from your parent if honest in relation to his expectations/desires and how he sees your life can be therapeutic to discuss.

This in itself will show you many things about yourself, and it is simple to do.

I strongly urge you.

Hi I'm suffering

I genuinely think my sinus infection is due to the pollen count being so high. It's an allergy.

I discuss everything with my husband so I'm not sure how. I do have a little stress going on over things out of my control. I have an unresolved issue involving my son and I'm worried I have a speeding ticket coming in the mail. I'm not sure how either if those could cause a sinus infection either.

I was examined by my doctor who diagnosed me with the sinus issues and prescribed medication. When I have any sort of medical complaint it sets my anxiety off as I have health anxiety.

06-24-2014, 03:20 AM
After reading a few posts on this forum I think I might have emetophobia?

One of my friends today described to me how he got drunk the other day watching football and then vomited.......I almost immediately had a panic attack......I can't even explain why, but ever since childhood I've been genuinely scared of being ill in any way, especially while in public.

Is this emetophobia?
And how does emetophobia differ from anxiety/health anxiety in management?

Hey, i dont mind talking on like the chat if you like? Ive had emetophobia since the age of 7... But sonce october 2013 its messed up my life big time! But this is on one condition LOL! Dont use the word... Like i just cant deal with that and ive got to start foghting that but not just yet! I was on the emetophobia forum before i came this one and we all used v* hahah! But they werent a lot of help in different areas - reason why i moved to this one!

06-24-2014, 08:57 AM
I'll talk to you on chat! I've had a fear of IT since as far as I can remember as well. I won't use the word, some words trigger me so I understand.

So is emetophobia the fear of V******ing and seeing Vo****? ( I hate the sound as well!)
Hey, i dont mind talking on like the chat if you like? Ive had emetophobia since the age of 7... But sonce october 2013 its messed up my life big time! But this is on one condition LOL! Dont use the word... Like i just cant deal with that and ive got to start foghting that but not just yet! I was on the emetophobia forum before i came this one and we all used v* hahah! But they werent a lot of help in different areas - reason why i moved to this one!

06-24-2014, 09:15 AM
I'll talk to you on chat! I've had a fear of IT since as far as I can remember as well. I won't use the word, some words trigger me so I understand.

So is emetophobia the fear of V******ing and seeing Vo****? ( I hate the sound as well!)

Yeah.. Emetophobia is a fear of v*ing.. It can be of it happening to yourself or it happening to someone else.. Like.. Its caused ocd because i dont want to catch anything that might cause me to v* and yeah anything to do with it scares me! Haha!

06-24-2014, 10:24 AM
I have had emetophobia since I was 6 but then really got to the point i dont leave my home when i was 12 (almost 14 now)
Its basicaly defined by a irrational thought system around v*ing.
Say for instance, you are in public and you see someone looking ill you immediately presume you will catch their v* illness (even if they just have a cold)

I would rather die than v* so i wouldnt say you have emetophobia, i would say you have a fear of it, not really a phobia. is there a difference? Like the step below it haha
I would say take are of it now and prevent it getting worse
It can be a fear of u v*ing or seeing it in others

06-28-2014, 08:42 AM
I am 14 almost 15, and I have had Emetophobia since I was 4. So about 10 years. I am not sure if it is Emetophobia exactly. It depends but Emetophobia has different forms.

1. Terrified of V* yourself
2. Terrified of other people V*ing
3. Terrified of V* and just a general thing
4. Terrified of all of the above.

I am just all of the above.

06-28-2014, 08:43 AM
Hey, i dont mind talking on like the chat if you like? Ive had emetophobia since the age of 7... But sonce october 2013 its messed up my life big time! But this is on one condition LOL! Dont use the word... Like i just cant deal with that and ive got to start foghting that but not just yet! I was on the emetophobia forum before i came this one and we all used v* hahah! But they werent a lot of help in different areas - reason why i moved to this one!

I still use the other forum, that is why I don't get on this one much. I guess I am used to other, but I like this one too :D

06-28-2014, 09:02 AM
I still use the other forum, that is why I don't get on this one much. I guess I am used to other, but I like this one too :D

I just think this is better for my personally because i have other phobias and worries that i couldnt express on the other forum because they would all get moody saying its only for emet talk haha. Oh well! :) oh and i agree wit your other comment on here im all three on the list Lol! :D

06-28-2014, 09:12 AM
I just think this is better for my personally because i have other phobias and worries that i couldnt express on the other forum because they would all get moody saying its only for emet talk haha. Oh well! :) oh and i agree wit your other comment on here im all three on the list Lol! :D

There has been more stress on that forum as well. I try to stay out of that haha! I also enjoy that 1... 2... 3... game on there. We are at the 2300's now! :D
How are the gerbils!? :O

I used to use the * for others, but now I use it for me and others. I can't look at the word anymore, I wrote that once on a Health Paper a few months ago! I forgot to change it. It was copying definitions though :/

06-28-2014, 09:51 AM
There has been more stress on that forum as well. I try to stay out of that haha! I also enjoy that 1... 2... 3... game on there. We are at the 2300's now! :D
How are the gerbils!? :O

I used to use the * for others, but now I use it for me and others. I can't look at the word anymore, I wrote that once on a Health Paper a few months ago! I forgot to change it. It was copying definitions though :/

Seriously 2300? LOL! Wow! And yeah ive heard about that emetophile that was on there, maddy showed me some of the things he said... Horrible, gross man! And with the *... I even use that when writing stuff for my therapist.. I just put v* and she jus knew what i meant by it!

06-28-2014, 10:47 AM
Seriously 2300? LOL! Wow! And yeah ive heard about that emetophile that was on there, maddy showed me some of the things he said... Horrible, gross man! And with the *... I even use that when writing stuff for my therapist.. I just put v* and she jus knew what i meant by it!

I wonder how far we will get. Doug is still doing the prime factorization while I do the dots... it makes me feel lazy HA!

Yeah, she told me about him as well. It was awful! He was starting to make people leave because they were worried, but I don't know if any did? Hannah told a moderator so he got blocked!

I should start using this forum more often. I remember it, then forget about it.

06-28-2014, 12:04 PM
I wonder how far we will get. Doug is still doing the prime factorization while I do the dots... it makes me feel lazy HA!

Yeah, she told me about him as well. It was awful! He was starting to make people leave because they were worried, but I don't know if any did? Hannah told a moderator so he got blocked!

I should start using this forum more often. I remember it, then forget about it.

Hahah! Awhh i do miss the forum there were some nice people on there... Though there are some really lovely people on here! They are so supportive and it doesnt matter what the problem is they support you... You should try this one more often! :)

06-28-2014, 02:36 PM
Hahah! Awhh i do miss the forum there were some nice people on there... Though there are some really lovely people on here! They are so supportive and it doesnt matter what the problem is they support you... You should try this one more often! :)

I probably will. It does seem nice on here. I think it is because I have used IES so long that I just get on there when I am bored. HA! Just out of habit.
I will try to use this more though. :D