View Full Version : anxiety make anyone feel emotionally numb?

06-19-2014, 12:30 PM
So my anxiety hasn't been too terrible these passed weeks, but I'd say about a week ago, I've just been completely numbed to my partner. Usually I'm very emotionally involved, always trying to talk, improve our relationship, not always in the best ways granted, but still feeling something. Now I just feel.... emotionally drained? I've been trying to get my son to sleep in his own bed, so I've been sleeping with him for a while now, it has made me feel very disconnected from my partner. And when he's working during the day I'm usually texting him, anticipating him coming home, bummed if he's going to be late. But now, I don't want to say I don't care, but it's like.... I don't. I feel as though all this time of anxiety causing major issues with my relationship, I'm just done. I'm tired of dealing with these roller coaster emotions, I'm tired of not feeling I can devote myself to this relationship when I have so much of my own shit to deal with. I'm tired of not being understood, I'm tired of feeling like I'm being punished for something I cannot control. I'm just tired and want so badly to escape this life of constant disappointment. I feel like I've reached my limit...

06-19-2014, 12:59 PM
I feel 'numbed' as well at times, it's normal for people who go through prolonged stress, the brain will preserve certain emotions and focus on the flight and fight response.

I'm no expert in relationships haha so I can't say to much about that. All I can say is tell him how you feel and why, maybe because of anxiety?

I can relate as, with me being at college I need to focus and CARE about my subjects and work, and at times it's just blank info, no emotion towards it only well anxiety.

Try to manage your anxiety and/or depression better ( easier said than done) and in turn your emotions will improve!

06-19-2014, 01:18 PM
I have felt numb occasionally before also, but this has been like a week of straight numbness, it's starting to freak me out. I usually talk about what's going on, but this time I'm afraid to tell him, because of my lack of sensitivity at this point. I feel I could say something that could be more damaging...

06-19-2014, 01:23 PM
If you have severe anxiety numbness can be chronic, it's nothing more than anxiety or depression.

I've got no idea with relationships....lol I can't give you much advise on that sorry.

But I suppose as numbness is linked to anxiety, if you relax, have a break, have fun, you might feel better. I'm being a little hypocritical though here, I'm so anxious right now.....

06-19-2014, 01:27 PM
I guess that makes sense... I've just never experienced this before, not really a good place to be at. I just hate how anxiety literally affects/takes over every aspect of my life. No fair. :( I'm anxious right now because an exterminator is coming to my house any time now. I hate how they always have a big window of time of when they will come. Kind of a peeve of mine. Ugh. :/

06-19-2014, 03:06 PM
Yes. And I feel guilty that I don't feel the full extent of the joy around me, especially kids.

06-19-2014, 06:29 PM
Yes. And I feel guilty that I don't feel the full extent of the joy around me, especially kids.

Yes... I know what you mean. It makes me feel like I'm not a good mom.. :(

06-19-2014, 09:07 PM
It is frustrating! Sometimes I'm envious of other people because they can do so much more than me. But I can't compare myself because I have to spend so much time/energy focusing on navigating through life WITH anxiety. It takes a toll on us. But don't feel guilty! As long as you give your kids love and attention, that's what matters.

06-20-2014, 03:39 PM
Anxiety has made me feel emotionally numb in the last month quite a bit. It has had a huge effect on how I've felt towards my boyfriend. I've felt like you disconnected and almost a little bit withdrawn at times. When it happens I find myself texting and calling less and making less of an effort to communicate.
I'm no relationship expert so I sadly don't have any advice for you on how to deal with these feelings. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. If nothing else I hope my response helps you know that you are not alone in feeling the way that you do.
I wish you the best.