View Full Version : New here. Highly depressed over – dogs...

06-19-2014, 08:31 AM
I have a particular affinity for dogs. Always have, always will. Although, I didn't always have one as a child, I grew up around them – a neighbor, a friend, a relative... somewhere, somehow I have been surrounded by them. I feel a strong bond with all animals in particular, but dogs/cats– I have a great deal of love for. I hate seeing them injured, hurting, or mistreated. My depression is so great, I break and cry for days. I won't eat, I can't sleep, I can't function at work. I have quit jobs because I cannot focus on my task or deal with people. I have made people around me crazy with my cause; incessant talking and worrying and expressing anger and contempt at the situations I hear involving animal abuse. My family tries to avoid the topic all together; when something comes on TV/News, they immediately switch channels or try to deviate from the issue. The problem is that I don't want to ignore it. I don't want to simply stand and ignore what is real. There are many animals suffering neglect and I feel that if I turned a blind eye on their plight, I am no worse than the perpetrators that do it in the first place.

I give and donate to charities and groups, but I do not volunteer. I don't think I could handle seeing the abuse up close and personal. Sure, I know there are other areas where I can focus my attention: adoptions, feeding, walking etc. But I feel those animals are fine. There are plenty of people that care for them. Who I am more concerned about are those that are on the brink of danger– death row dogs, severely abused/neglected... these are my bane, but I can't bring myself to be there physically to help them. So I donate.

No one around me seems to understand the level of investment I have with these animals. Just recently, I snapped my last thread when I heard about the Chinese festival they hold every year where they farm these babies and skin them, sometimes alive, sometimes a slow death by poisoning, sometimes they wrap the little babies in blankets so that their bodies are concealed, except for their heads and they cannot move, then they bludgeon their heads in front of other dogs!!! They murdered and consumed over 10,000 lives this past week. How can anyone DO THIS?!!! What kind of VILE SOCIETY IS THIS CHINA??!! I don't give two-flying shits who the hell you are or what traditions you hold! No animal should be made to suffer like this. I don't condone meat eating at all, but at the same time I don't like telling people what to eat. However...this...this...I cannot fathom. Eating dogs. It's something I can't accept.

It's been a week since I've heard about the incident. My anxiety is at a max. I may be borderline obsessive, but I feel it's a worthwhile problem. I can't ignore this, but it's consuming me. I haven't eaten in days. I don't want to go to work...I've emailed the Humane Society International– they recommend donations which I've done. I've connected with the Soi Dog Foundation asking questions, but I feel tied and useless.

I'm sitting here typing and crying. I need help!

06-19-2014, 09:18 AM
Hi Amieb05

Sounds like you've a lot on your emotional plate at the moment.

I too am an animal lover, and equally find animal cruelty appalling, any cruelty for that matter, whether it's dogs, cats, children, bears, wolves.

What you must try and accept is that you cannot solve the problem alone (no one is capable of this). You are applying an enormous amount of undue pressure on yourself.

You can be part of the solution (as you mention donations to animal charity etc).

However, you mention not wanting to be involved with volunteering with walking/feeding of animals in shelters because they are safe.

If we think about the process involved with death row dogs, these animals are ordinarily killed because of the lack of kennel space with the shelters.

If you volunteer at a shelter helping to look after and re home the "saved" dogs, you are also helping to free up a kennel to allow the intake from death row. (Being part of the solution not the one who can solve the entire problem).

Also, it may be wise to have a chat with your GP about your feelings, see if there are options (counselling/therapeutic) to help stabilise your mood, particularly if it is having a negative impact on your work and personal life.

Best wishes