View Full Version : How to Cope with a Panic Attack

06-19-2014, 05:55 AM
Knowing how to cope with a panic attack will reduce the severity of a anxiety disorder. Panic attacks can be a terrifying and uncomfortable experience. The sensation of a panic attack has even been compared to that of a heart attack. Many people have called an ambulance thinking that they are having a heart attack when it is actually a panic attack.

What is a panic attack?

Symptoms often come on sudden rush of physical sensations and may include and are not limited to

Shortness of breath
Feelings of impending doom
Heart palpitations
Fast heart rate
Chest pain
Depersonalization or Derealization
Fear of losing control going crazy or dying
Chills or hot flashes

Preventative action

Substances such as coffee, alcohol and some drugs make panic attacks worse. So taking steps towards cutting these substances out of your life is the same as taking steps to reduce how often panic attacks occur and their severity.

Aerobic exercise and yoga have been found to help decrease panic attacks so incorporation of them into people' lifestyle may reduce the incidence of panic attacks.


There are several types of medication available for the management of panic attacks

SSRIs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and SSNRI are selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. SSRIs and SSNRIs have been shown in medical studies to significantly reduce the frequency of panic attacks.

Beta-blockers are sometimes used to help control the physical effects of a panic attack

Benzodiazepines are used for acute relief from panic attacks but they have a strong addiction potential and have to be used carefully.

How to cope during a panic attack

The secret to coping with a panic attack is accepting that you are having one and realise its just a heightened physiological response and a state of mind and it will pass in time. Panic attacks are not likely to kill nor cause someone to go crazy.

A good technique to cope with panic attack is using mindful breathing to refocus on the moment and help find things to settle attention on for distraction

It is a good idea to practice relaxation techniques while not having a panic attack to make relaxation easier during a panic attack. There will be a blog post on relaxation techniques in the next couple of weeks