View Full Version : Anyone there??

06-19-2014, 04:02 AM
Hi I need to go back to basics I've been in a grip of a panic attack now for about 18 hours non stop. I'm terrified I'm dying and can't get out of this. My husband is starting to get annoyed at me now because he has tried everything but I really can't snap out of this and I'm annoyed and scared.
What can I do?

06-19-2014, 04:37 AM
Hi I need to go back to basics I've been in a grip of a panic attack now for about 18 hours non stop. I'm terrified I'm dying and can't get out of this. My husband is starting to get annoyed at me now because he has tried everything but I really can't snap out of this and I'm annoyed and scared.
What can I do?

Eventually, and quite naturally, therapeutically, you will doze off and sleep, there you will recoup.

When you wake, and are clearer, look at your post here. Scared, terrified, panic, I'm dying, annoyed, and your nic is petrified. Now, that's a whole lot of self-fear, they are your words.

It is your outlook, period. Should you change your nic, as a small example, from petrified, to, courageous, you will immediately feel better than you do, each time you look at it. One by one, play a game, replacing words you use. You are not losing to yourself, you are playful and letting go a bit, just to see how a different perspective feels. Of course you will feel panic while you call yourself courageous, because it shall take time. Continue to play.

Now, let's laugh, look at me, "I'm suffering" is no better than "petrified" !! Psychologically speaking, without judging the current nic or the state the mind was in when we created it, we should begin at once to expect better, and take a look at the old self, "petrified" may no longer fit. So in that context, we needn't doom ourselves to an eternity of hell, things can change, should we start to expect them to, do you see?

That is all, and the answer to your question.

Keep in mind, others will come in here with all manner of responses from drugs to sleep, from empathy to pity and everything in between. Do not drown in the noise, but remember this alone:

In your life, for now, and forever more, in every aspect, and every way, it is the main rule, no exceptions, you always get what you expect. Now, what do you expect, petrified? Turn away from the forum, and look that question squarely in the face.

Who am I? People ask, what is my credibility to give advice? I am your peer, your refection, and the love in your hearts.

06-19-2014, 04:51 AM
Hi Hanna,
Whats been going on? I see that things are not the greatest for you at the moment but i am confident that you will pull yourself out of it, we always do. It is a fight that is for sure
but we must not let it beat us down. Just try and relax and please do get some sleep and when you awake start over with what you know works. If you feel terrified that you are dying ask yourself why. I get those feelings as well. I wish i had more time but i have to get ready for work so i will check back later, i'll be thinking about ya. Peace to you Hanna.

06-19-2014, 04:59 AM
Hi I need to go back to basics I've been in a grip of a panic attack now for about 18 hours non stop. I'm terrified I'm dying and can't get out of this. My husband is starting to get annoyed at me now because he has tried everything but I really can't snap out of this and I'm annoyed and scared. What can I do?

Hi Hannah

Go back to the basic CBT download you did, imagine yourself in a courtroom

Write down all the evidence in support of your claim (why you think you are dying)

And the evidence against the claim (why you are not).

Which of the two claims stand up?

Hope you are ok :)

06-19-2014, 05:16 AM
Hi thanks for your advice

It's mid day here I have tried the sleep thing but because I have a sinus infection I'm feeling worse which of course is confirming my fears of death coming. I was constantly waking in a panic last night and I can't get out of it.

I made my profile on here nearly a year ago when my panic and anxiety was all new to me and I truly was petrified of everything. To the best of my knowledge you can't change your name on here. I almost always sign my posts Hannah as most of the time I'm not petrified.

06-19-2014, 05:18 AM
Hi Hanna,
Whats been going on? I see that things are not the greatest for you at the moment but i am confident that you will pull yourself out of it, we always do. It is a fight that is for sure
but we must not let it beat us down. Just try and relax and please do get some sleep and when you awake start over with what you know works. If you feel terrified that you are dying ask yourself why. I get those feelings as well. I wish i had more time but i have to get ready for work so i will check back later, i'll be thinking about ya. Peace to you Hanna.

Thanks John
I did try sleep but it was full of panic and waking.
Thanks John I've got out of the house now hoping its going to help. My hubby's taking me up to my dads for a cuppa now hoping its going to help I hate feeling this scared.


06-19-2014, 05:21 AM
Hi thanks for your advice

It's mid day here I have tried the sleep thing but because I have a sinus infection I'm feeling worse which of course is confirming my fears of death coming. I was constantly waking in a panic last night and I can't get out of it.

I made my profile on here nearly a year ago when my panic and anxiety was all new to me and I truly was petrified of everything. To the best of my knowledge you can't change your name on here. I almost always sign my posts Hannah as most of the time I'm not petrified.

Yes indeed, we know. Love and light for the sinus to clear. Again, expect that it will ! Sleep will come.

You get what you expect Hannah, discuss your joint expectations while you are with your husband now (and your father, to a lesser extent), it a good time to settle some things. Clearing the air, will help clear the sinus, do you understand?

Fond wishes, for a stress-less day

06-19-2014, 05:21 AM
Hi Hannah

Go back to the basic CBT download you did, imagine yourself in a courtroom

Write down all the evidence in support of your claim (why you think you are dying)

And the evidence against the claim (why you are not).

Which of the two claims stand up?

Hope you are ok :)

Thanks fourteen

I was at my doctors Monday and she suggested going back for another course of cbt like a refresher course.

Thanks for reminding me I no it's all crazy and I have been here before. Hopefully I can shift this fog today.


06-19-2014, 05:24 AM
Thanks fourteen I was at my doctors Monday and she suggested going back for another course of cbt like a refresher course. Thanks for reminding me I no it's all crazy and I have been here before. Hopefully I can shift this fog today. Hannah

Sounds like a good plan ;)

06-19-2014, 05:28 AM
Ps. I've sent you the link by PM :)

06-19-2014, 05:48 AM
Hi Hannah

Go back to the basic CBT download you did, imagine yourself in a courtroom

Write down all the evidence in support of your claim (why you think you are dying)

And the evidence against the claim (why you are not).

Which of the two claims stand up?

Hope you are ok :)

And a fine good afternoon to my probable self, should my life have taken a more conventional course. I am so glad you introduced this into our discussion of expectations.

One needs to remove the obstacles to CBT, pre-cbt training would be most effective for your patients (qualify), . One would not drive first, before his vision is corrected, or he would expect a crash, no matter what he says, you see. That is why most have some sort of relapse. In the medical field, removing organs is fashionable, but without a transplant of beliefs, the patient would run out of body parts! No wonder depression runs deep-er amongst most doctors, rather than their patients.

When CBT has worked (works, works best), it is because the mind was ready. ..for the possibility of success, and the expectations more in line with that. The ego therefor to a certain degree has acquiesced. And so the conditions favorable, period

The information I am getting on that is enormous, and too much for a forum post, so I will end it here.

But then, who am I, I'm just plain crazy !