View Full Version : Juicing fruits and vegetables for anxiety and panic disorder

06-18-2014, 07:50 PM
Just wondering about any one having any success with juicing of there symptoms. I have read about amino acid and magnesium can you get enough from fresh food. Just thinking of kill two birds with one stone, getting the vitamins and nutrition at once.

06-18-2014, 10:41 PM
I can't speak for everyone but for me, it's helped tremendously. I watched fat sick and nearly dead and decided to do it. I didn't just juice but i did transition to a plant based diet. It's been a couple months. I've had one panic attack only yay and my anxiety has lowered significantly. It took time but I don't lie awake at night anymore wondering if my heart will stop at any second for any ridiculous reason. My friends and family thought I was crazy (being from Alabama, meat is everything here) but seeing the improvement is undeniable. You can turn the juice into smoothies for a better taste also. Add some ice and almond or coconut milk. I make one with cucumber, kale, celery, 2 green apples, half lemon.

06-19-2014, 06:11 AM
My anxiety is out of control along with panic attacks, how bad was your condition before juicing?

06-19-2014, 10:47 AM
Wirres, that is a great question for Evanchic! I drink smoothies all the time, consume tons of fruits and vegetables, but unfortunately for me, I cannot function without a small amount of medication. I just have a lot of anxiety that I have to keep under control. Still, the fruits and vegetables help! As far as the amino acids or magnesium, I would think you would have to eat tons of fruits and vegetables to get the amount you could get in a tablet. Try what Evanchic says, if that doesn't work, see a therapist.

06-19-2014, 03:14 PM
My anxiety began around august last year. It began with heart skipping beats then I stood up and had a panic attack. Everyday, all day after that, I had attacks. It got to the point I could barely move off the couch. Literally I would have an attack just walking across the room. Naturally I thought I was dying every day. Whenever I left the house I'd ALWAYS end up at the fire station BC I didn't think I could make it to hospital... and they run ekg for free lol i mean heart racing, dizziness, hands drawing up, tingling all over, light headed, nausea, weakness, sweating. so all these medical people kept telling me I was fine. Pardon my language but it would just piss me off cause I knew better. Docs tried generic Celexa, it made my body burn and anxiety worse.

That doc gave up on me and told me to see a psychiatrist. Then it took turn for the worse BC all the physical symptoms and I didn't understand mentally... eventually had suicidal thoughts so i went to another doc. She took an hour just talking to me. Saw a cardiologist. Got the all clear. Still didn't ease my mind. Still had problems. Spoke to a therapist. It helped a little bit.

So i watched fat sick and nearly dead. By that time, I'd convinced myself that i had every disease and condition known to man. I'm serious. Cancer, brain aneurysm, blood clot in legs and arms, heart issues, stroke, diabetes. I thought I had it all or it was coming soon and I was gonna die. Everyday I'm gonna die. Today is the day. Negative Nancy. Anyway so I watched the movie and the guy made sense... why can't our bodies heal from the inside? I quit smoking (warning... makes anxiety worse! But I was convinced the next cigarette would kill me)

That's how bad my anxiety was. I do guided meditation from time to time also when I feel it creeping up on me. Nip it in the bud before it starts.