View Full Version : Extreme Tiredness and Excercise

05-27-2008, 11:51 AM
Hi All

The major symptom of my anxiety is and always has been extreme tiredness / fatigue. I get many other symptoms such as eye floaters and some dizziness etc which do get to me but the one which I just cant deal with is this unbearable tiredness.

Some days it is better than others but it is ALWAYS there. I just feel as though a cloud is hanging over me or as though I am like a zombie trying to get out of a fog of tiredness. Sorry I know that putting it like that may seem a little strange but it is honestly how I am feeling. It is really horrible.

I have tried everything to get rid of this anxiety such as eating better and trying to go to bed at a reasonable time. I have a 9-5 office job and I have to get up at around 7:15 each morning but I still shouldnt feel this tired. I have also tried vitamin tablets but nothing seems to work. It is as if I never have any motivation. Today at work was awful - I was looking at my screen but the words were all blurring into one and I really couldnt seem to do anything. I couldnt concentrate and I felt totally wiped out.

The only thing I havent really tried is excercise. I know that a lot of people say this works but does it really? Because I am so tired when I get back from work each day I am finding it hard to actually find the motivation to go running fro an hour etc. Also if excercise does work would my problems instantly come back if I was to have to stop the excercise for some reason? So would I have to be excercising for the rest of my life?

Sorry for the long post I am just feeling so angry, sad and terrible.

Please help me if you can.

Thanks so much.


05-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Do you feel sort of jet lagged, as though you hav'nt slept for a couple of days? I've been having bouts of that over the past few weeks and it's horrible. I've had that feeling all day today.

I do excersise and went for my four mile walk today, but it does'nt seem to help much at all. I feel pretty good in myself and don't lack physical energy, but my head feels groggy and out of it.

05-27-2008, 07:21 PM
For me, yes it does. The hardest part though is to get motivated. Also, since one of my biggest issues is IBS even though I often want to go to the gym I cannot.

I find that after I do go to the gym I feel 10 times better. It's like taking all of the energy that would have been used up in a panic attack and putting it towards lifting weights or hitting the heavy bag. Yes, you will be very tired after the first few trips but if you're like me the benefit will far out weigh any negatives.

Good luck