View Full Version : Advice needed to deal with my anxiety

06-17-2014, 04:38 AM

I am 23 yrs old. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and my psychiatrist thinks that I might have Anxiety and/or Bipolar too.

I am have a non-athletic nerd all my life. I have been very troubled by not being able to play any sport. I go through extreme periods of worry if I think people around would ask me out for soccer. I leave out from work early because I fear if I stayed all guys might head to play foosball or Table tennis or even video games. The fear is just unreal. I fear it so much that I don't even try once. I just keep on avoiding every opportunity I get.

This also makes me think I will never amount to anything because of this. I feel really ashamed. I keep on imaging how good I would feel if I did well in and of the games and/or sports but the fear of embarrassment is just unreal.

It may seem like a non-important problem for people, but it has made my life exhausting. I have been avoiding social events and company of people fearing they might judge me. It is actually making me very miserable and I feel it is high time I should do something about it. Can any one advice on how to fix this or if any has had something similar(though seems unlikely to me)

06-17-2014, 05:00 AM
I know exactly how you feel, a lot of how you feel I have felt in the past, with regards to sports I'm just honest and up front now, I just tell people I hate sports and have no interest in watching or playing, it seems to shut them up ;) as far as social events goes I kind of make a joke about being antisocial and get around it that way, If I want go out I do, usually by myself or in a smaller group and do something I actually enjoy, usually more low key, society demands that people enjoy socialising and parties but it shouldn't have to be that way not everyone is like that :)

06-17-2014, 11:59 AM
Get a therapist to start talking these things over with him/her. Next step,face you fears. You can watch the sports and cheer and be enthusiastic, even if you don't play. That's what I used to do. I went to the softball games and supported the team.

06-17-2014, 06:06 PM
restlesspeace...try just once to join them and then just cheer them on. If you need to see a therapist to do so, that would be helpful to you. I can relate..I am terrible at sports! I am afraid of a ball coming my way! Yesterday at the park I couldn't throw the tennis ball back to the players and get it over the fence. So embarrassing...yet I have made my way to join in and have fun even though I couldn't play the sports myself. Hey..go out with the guys and buy everyone a round of beers. That will make everyone comfortable!

06-17-2014, 06:55 PM
Well I think 14 is right he is respected member of this forum, helping and giving sound advice, I admire the man for his intellectual potential and knowledge.

I am guilty as sin , reporting I am suffering, you cause a major anxiety attack in me. I am not easily moved by fools though. Your being here cause more harm that good. It is only my opinion of course.

06-17-2014, 09:15 PM
I am suffering you are wrong, you have no idea about me;))) You just made me laugh,
What a blower
You do not know shit about healing, and will never do..........to heal you need to think outside the box and you have no potential unfortunately, it explains your post though, the dream.....

06-17-2014, 11:18 PM
thanks for your response Anne. I realize I will have man up and try. I just keep on delaying the process. I think, I will get better and be back. I wanted to someone to tell me this. Thanks again.

06-18-2014, 11:30 AM
You are so welcome. I too have suffered from this but it's better to face it than run from it. If you avoid it and run from it, it becomes bigger than it really is. I still feel badly about the time the softball team just needed one more person so they didn't have to forfeit the game. They wanted me to stand in the outfield. But I was too scared! I probably would have run in the opposite direction if the ball had come my way. But still, I managed to go to the games and cheer for the others. I have even been to Super Bowl parties although I didn't really follow the game too well. (lol).