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06-16-2014, 05:00 PM
Hey peeps!

Just coming through to say that I'm doing really good and that I'm completly out of this anxiety "bubble". I no longer give time, effort or energy to my anxiety daily. I no longer think of my anxiety when I want to simple things. It no longer stops me from living!

I no longer fear panic attacks and I honestly CAN'T have one anymore. It's almost impossible. The thought is just ridiculous; Being afraid of being afraid. I'm rational again. It's an unexplainable feeling and you WILL have it. I know it seems like it's impossible, but it will change. Always remember you will get better. These feelings are a bluff. I suffered 6 months until I figured it out. You will figure it out aswell.

Never give up people. Even though I had anxiety, depression, panic attacks etc I still accomplished many things. I took my driving license, I graduated and in general, it didn't really stop me from doing what I want. You overcome anxiety when you take control over your life and when your anxiety no longer stops you from doing what ever the f*ck you want!

I will now try to forget this period of my life, but yet always keep with me that anxiety is one hell of a crazy ride. NEVER GIVE UP PEOPLE!

"Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice" - Will smith.

06-17-2014, 02:05 PM
Keep it up Elias!!!! You are on the right track!!!! Hang in there!

06-21-2014, 02:12 AM
Not sure if I am in the right spot to make a comment (I wanted to make a thread but I cant see where it would let me) ...but for the past year I have been consumed with anxiety coming and going. I have had two instances of panic attacks in the past but they were years apart and I found a way to talk myself through them. But for the past year anxiety over my mother's health has gone full blown into anxiety over my own health ....in the past 6 months I have convinced myself that I had dangerously high blood pressure and was on the way to a heart attack ....went to my doctor and everything was ok...he said my blood pressure was a little high but nothing that warrants medication...but my blood test showed a slightly elevated white blood cell count...which my doctor feels is due to the fact that I smoke (a terrible habit I am trying to break ...which adds to my anxiety because I convince myself I have every smoking related disease!) I also have an abscessed tooth that needs to be pulled .....which he feels could also be the cause of the WBC count. But once my anxiety calmed down from thinking I was having a blood pressure/heart attack episode ...a few weeks passed and I developed a stiff neck ....and convinced myself I had meningitis ....I started doing neck excercises and that went way ...but once that fear subsided now ...several weeks later...I have convinced myself that I had some terrible eye problem.....back during the heart attack fears I developed this issue with my eyes where. if I am in conversation with someone for an extended period of time, it is uncomfortable to maintain my gaze on them ....almost like they get magnified maybe, but its not magnification its just uncomfortable...basically I just feel like I have to avert my eyes. Sometime after this I began noticing floaters in sunlight or strong fluorescent light only.....this is what has led to my most recent anxiety thinking I have a terrible disease manifesting in my eyes....I also constantly worry about my parents' health ....any little thing wrong with them is a catastrophe....am I alone in this? I am sorry if I posted in the wrong section but I just need some reassurance that I am not just crazy lol ......me convincing myself that I have had so many terrible issues in the past year makes my logical side think that this must be anxiety