View Full Version : Traveling with anxiety, and vertigo

06-16-2014, 02:11 PM
Ok, Soon ( 2nd of July) I am going to London for a few days. It's around 5hrs in car, this means as explained before I will when I get out of the car experience ridiculous amounts of vertigo and therefore anxiety.

What should I do about this?

I'm traveling with a large group of friends and they won't want to sit around in the hostel waiting for my vertigo and panic to calm down, we plan to sight see and be outside walking places. This is a big problem with my vertigo. I'm going, there's no option to back out.

06-16-2014, 02:20 PM
Ok, Soon ( 2nd of July) I am going to London for a few days. It's around 5hrs in car, this means as explained before I will when I get out of the car experience ridiculous amounts of vertigo and therefore anxiety.

What should I do about this?

I'm traveling with a large group of friends and they won't want to sit around in the hostel waiting for my vertigo and panic to calm down, we plan to sight see and be outside walking places. This is a big problem with my vertigo. I'm going, there's no option to back out.

London is great! Have you been before? Millions of things to look out and when I go, my anxiety can be easily forgotten because crazy things happen and take my mind off it! Random queens horses off down the street, people statues, mazing sight, and shoppssss <3 Its really great, and you KNOW deep down inside you are safe.
Something that helps me when I feel trapped or like I need to get out/into my own space is look and the sky and just say nothing is trapping you. Nothing at all!
If you get relly anxious try pulling a friend aside and saying hey..remember when *insert memory here* and start to laugh about something!

06-16-2014, 02:46 PM
Thanks! No, I haven't been before! Yeah I think just like when I was on holiday earlier this year, you seem to forget about anxiety, being in such a stimulating environment.

But what about my vertigo? I know that when I get out of the car It's going to feel like a roller coaster, spinning vision and feeling like yourself is spinning........so what should I do to manage that?

06-16-2014, 03:21 PM
Hey Joe,
First of, good luck with your travels, I just wanted to throw in a side note? Are you sure its Vertigo or is the dizziness caused by anxiety. I was given medication for "Vertigo" as I thought I was having these dizzy spells. Turns out to be anxiety related and not Vertigo.

This might be something you need to check on, It might also be a confidence boost as you thoughts of Vertigo are what gives you panic and anxiety attacks. You may actually not have it and its causing you unneeded stress. =)

Sorry again for not really giving you much helpful tips but I think maybe at least addressing what gives you the panic attacks and maybe down playing it so it doesnt affect you as much!

06-16-2014, 03:35 PM
Well, My doctor says It's vertigo ( sometimes I don't believe everything a doctor says) he explained about inner ear problems. But anxiety does aggravate my vertigo. It's not just dizzy spells, it's quite full on spinning and feeling like you are spinning yourself.
My vertigo has really made my anxiety worse, but I did have minimum anxiety before......all the constant worry about health is a trigger for me.
Thanks for the advise!
When you had what you thought of as vertigo, how did you cope with it after traveling?

06-16-2014, 03:41 PM
Initially, I used the medicine Meclazine (From the other post you made) That helped for a while, but I realized it would come on when my anxiety and my breathing was out of sync. Now that I have my anxiety a little more in check the Dizzy spells have been almost non existent. Once in a great while they come back, but I have the meds handy and its a good temporary fix so that works for those really rough days!