View Full Version : I don't think i have anxiety anymore

06-16-2014, 10:35 AM
So I've been through severe derealisation for about 6 weeks and just recently began to gradually come out of it... Now i fear there's something else wrong with me or maybe not? IDK how to explain it but it's like every hour or so for about 5 minutes I have a massive shock of realisation and I begin to think "Omg wtf this is my life. This doesn't feel anything like a life. Why do I feel like I'm not here!" and then it gradually goes away and I just get on with life like normally..

It feels like i've sunk too deep into this and I'm stuck. Like I've not had a panic attack for about a month... I don't really panic like that... It's just like... I'm mentally numb. I'm only 17 as well. The more I think about it the more I think "I have absolutely no future..."

This could be pretty serious depression right? This isn't necessarily anxiety? ... I know it's not a serious mental problem because I can come out of it now and then... But when my thoughts have control they fucking destroy me! I'm sorry for the language I'm just very passionate about recovery and it feels like I've recovered but the damage is done if that makes any sense?

I'm just looking for some reassurance right now.